You will get a better price buying used. $1500 to $1600 is going rate just make sure it has been tested and sold by someone with good feedback. If you do Ebay you do have protection which I should have used instead of repair process as I could have gotten full refund and seller has to pay return shipping too. Most sellers will just pay repair cost. IF doesn't sound right ask for $300 plus shipping cost to 64 A and return cost just in case for refund amount. You get 90 day warranty with repair. Repair time closer to 1 week vs 3.
Great to have variety in collection. Ares S cable with Trio with Spinfit w1 tips = Audio heaven to my ears. Ordered Ares S II cable and will have in a week.
I got a used U12T off a deal at e-earphone for $900. It arrived earlier today and I'm listening to it
Very interesting sound signature, so far it reminds me a bit of my old Ara, might as well fit what I need (a warmer, more natural timbre Ara). Technical performance definitely lives up to its hype. Will leave more impressions later on.
I got a used U12T off a deal at e-earphone for $900. It arrived earlier today and I'm listening to it
Very interesting sound signature, so far it reminds me a bit of my old Ara, might as well fit what I need (a warmer, more natural timbre Ara). Technical performance definitely lives up to its hype. Will leave more impressions later on.
U12T is one my favorites. Trio being the other. Don't be afraid to tip roll and even cable roll once you found perfect tip. Discovered even with LID cable can change sound at least to my ears with Trio. 900 is good price. Send email to Jared at and he can tell you the QC date and dealer it was shipped to. If late 2022/early 2023 you have the updated sockets which are more durable.
I got a used U12T off a deal at e-earphone for $900. It arrived earlier today and I'm listening to it
Very interesting sound signature, so far it reminds me a bit of my old Ara, might as well fit what I need (a warmer, more natural timbre Ara). Technical performance definitely lives up to its hype. Will leave more impressions later on.
I got a used U12T off a deal at e-earphone for $900. It arrived earlier today and I'm listening to it
Very interesting sound signature, so far it reminds me a bit of my old Ara, might as well fit what I need (a warmer, more natural timbre Ara). Technical performance definitely lives up to its hype. Will leave more impressions later on.
Z1R is renowned to have have one of the best bass ever (together with Trio and IE900).. U12t bass is great but falls short of top greatness but has way better technicalities.0
That makes a massive difference to me is wear-ability... Z1R is chunky, falls off way too easily, it is heavy, etc..
Z1R is renowned to have have one of the best bass ever (together with Trio and IE900).. U12t bass is great but falls short of top greatness but has way better technicalities.0
That makes a massive difference to me is wear-ability... Z1R is chunky, falls off way too easily, it is heavy, etc..
Way better techicalities, totally agree. For me, the Z1R bass on many tracks is just way too overpowering and dominant of the overall sound, bleeds into the mids, just sloppy. I'm very happy with the sound and amt of bass with the U12t, for most track I think it's perfect, and when I want even more I go with my excellent MIROAK set that give the huge bass sound but much better controlled than the Z1R.
Way better techicalities, totally agree. For me, the Z1R bass on many tracks is just way too overpowering and dominant of the overall sound, bleeds into the mids, just sloppy. I'm very happy with the sound and amt of bass with the U12t, for most track I think it's perfect, and when I want even more I go with my excellent MIROAK set that give the huge bass sound but much better controlled than the Z1R.
100% agreed with you. Currently planning to compare U12t with Crimson..
For those who like controlled but mega-bass sounding IEMs, Titan is also one to consider..
I got a used U12T off a deal at e-earphone for $900. It arrived earlier today and I'm listening to it
Very interesting sound signature, so far it reminds me a bit of my old Ara, might as well fit what I need (a warmer, more natural timbre Ara). Technical performance definitely lives up to its hype. Will leave more impressions later on.
I wasn't inferring they are similar. The guy who got the U12T recently also has a Z1R (according to his signature). I just got a Z1R, so just looking for perception comparison, not a squiggly line comparison on how similar they might (or might not) sound.
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