Aug 14, 2024 at 11:03 AM Post #23,956 of 25,085
For whatever its worth... the AZLA SednaEarfit MAX standard tips have a little mesh inside that completely blocks wax and debris, at least they do for me. I was having similar issues with the u12t until I started using them.
That's not a bad shout, thanks. Have you completely removed the mesh then?
Aug 14, 2024 at 11:19 AM Post #23,957 of 25,085
I only know the zeus xr, in my opinion the u12t is more reference sound sparkle but still smooth, so for me it would be a upgrade. But apart from that the ee zeus xr is still a very capable IEM

But that was for me the same as exchanging the fir m4, for a m5, they said small difference but for me it was huge.
when you say 'know' did you own a zeus xr and have direct knowledge between these 2 iems ? any more thoughts ?
Aug 14, 2024 at 11:42 AM Post #23,959 of 25,085
my u12t just arrived im currently rolling the module so far the m15 the best for, any cable and eartips recommendation?IMG_4301.jpeg

is this a wm1a ? how is the synergy with u12t ?
Aug 14, 2024 at 1:33 PM Post #23,960 of 25,085
I'd been thinking of getting a vac for a while; I've already had to send my u12t's back for a service after the cleaning brush knocked the mesh loose. I'm in the UK but bought them from a retailer in Germany and as they're still under warranty I sent them back there. It ended up a 10 week round trip going to 64Audio in the US via the retailer in Germany. It's only been 6 months since then but I used a UV light as suggested, and they're pretty dirty! So, I've bought a VAC Pro and all its done is knocked the mesh out _again_. I'm really annoyed, I was extremely gentle but the mesh is just too fragile. Now I'm £300 out of pocket for VAC I won't dare use again and the IEM's will have to go back out for a service. :cry:
I bought a Jodi vac here in the uk for £130. Seems like bad luck, as didn’t have an issue with the mesh when I used it. I didn’t apply any pressure though.
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Aug 14, 2024 at 2:53 PM Post #23,961 of 25,085
I bought a Jodi vac here in the uk for £130. Seems like bad look as didn’t have an issue with the mesh when I used it. I didn’t apply any pressure though.

Same not damaged any of my uni's or customs with the IEM Vac. If someone has suffered an accident that is a helpful cautionary tale for others. I would not go pressing the Vac against a hearing aid or IEM as it is not an ice scraper. And probably keep away from delicate foam or paper filters. No concerns with the Vac on the metal mesh filter on the 64 custom.
Aug 14, 2024 at 3:04 PM Post #23,962 of 25,085
when you say 'know' did you own a zeus xr and have direct knowledge between these 2 iems ? any more thoughts ?
I listen to them auditioning (but for me auditioning means a few hours listening between many). So did a very accurate comparison.

To me they u12t is more towards monitor, very accurate with a tint of smoothness, but because of that smoothness a little more forgiving and versatile with more genres.
the zeus had a little bit more air, but to me less accurate, what I was looking for then.

it is hard to really say one is better than the other, because they are both quite different in sound signature. So depending on someone's taste that can come out quite different.

does that help?
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Aug 14, 2024 at 8:38 PM Post #23,964 of 25,085
Anyone know if the spinfit W1 is good for the U12T?
Personally, not really.

The thing with u12t is that its TIA tweeter produces a peak in upper treble. If i wear this IEM in any way but deep fit, that peak would be pushed down in to the harsh/pain region. Spinfit tips tend to lengthen the nozzles, thus making the fit more shallow

My preferred tips for U12t are divinus velvet and Eletech baroque. Essentially anything short and wide
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Aug 14, 2024 at 8:39 PM Post #23,965 of 25,085
I have to send in my Ut12s in for Deep Cleaning/Repair since one screen got pushed down from using cleaning brush. Appears they are glued in. 64Audio should find a better way to attach them so they stay put. Using a brush gently should not cause them to go down. I was thinking about getting a Vac but reading what has happened to others here I won't. They sound the same even with screen on Right pushed in vs left. @64Audio do you have plans on addressing this issue so they stay in better? If so I will wait until a revision/fix has been made to send mine in. A better solution would be to have the very tip with mesh screen able to unscrew off so it can be cleaned well without risk of harm to internals. The shell is Aluminum so should be possible to do.
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Aug 15, 2024 at 11:24 AM Post #23,966 of 25,085
Personally, not really.

The thing with u12t is that its TIA tweeter produces a peak in upper treble. If i wear this IEM in any way but deep fit, that peak would be pushed down in to the harsh/pain region. Spinfit tips tend to lengthen the nozzles, thus making the fit more shallow

My preferred tips for U12t are divinus velvet and Eletech baroque. Essentially anything short and wide
Thanks for your insight. I have seen the divinus velvet being mentioned a few times now. I am going to try those out.

Do people use stock cable for 64 audio or they switch? Is there a difference?
Aug 15, 2024 at 11:28 AM Post #23,967 of 25,085
I’m currently using Azla Sednaearfit lights on my u12t. They’re my current favourite tips for it.

I’m also using an EA Cadmus S 4W, although I’m not sure there’s any noticeable or perceived difference in sound. I just prefer the aesthetics of the cable over the stock one.
Aug 15, 2024 at 12:02 PM Post #23,968 of 25,085
My gear :

Aug 15, 2024 at 6:23 PM Post #23,970 of 25,085
Thanks for your insight. I have seen the divinus velvet being mentioned a few times now. I am going to try those out.

Do people use stock cable for 64 audio or they switch? Is there a difference?
The stock cable is fine to me. Note that I have the new version without the metal wire in the earhook.

I like to use U12t to compare cable because it is very resistant to change. If a cable can make any difference there, the effect might be larger with other IEMs. Still, cable pairing is pretty unpredictable. Just grab whatever pretty, IMHO. I’m thinking about getting Eletech Raphael for my U12t someday.

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