The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

Apr 23, 2014 at 8:07 AM Post #10,053 of 29,083
Anybody compared Sonett 2 to EC Super 7 with HD800?
I tried to search the forum, but it seems that every discussion quickly turned into BA, Zana Deux and Stratus comparison.
Apr 23, 2014 at 8:16 AM Post #10,054 of 29,083
Anybody compared Sonett 2 to EC Super 7 with HD800?
I tried to search the forum, but it seems that every discussion quickly turned into BA, Zana Deux and Stratus comparison.

in a perfect world, i would be able to give you my point of vue next monday after a promising two days meeting here in France but unfortunately, we live in the real world : My Sonnet 2 is not ready and a friend's EC S7 needs to go to be repaired. 
.  I'll have to wait a few more month before having the two amp together on the same table.

Apr 23, 2014 at 8:58 AM Post #10,056 of 29,083
Nice! More people with the sonett 2, tdk it is. How long you have to wait for the completion of sonett 2?
Apr 23, 2014 at 10:01 AM Post #10,058 of 29,083
Nice! More people with the sonett 2, tdk it is. How long you have to wait for the completion of sonett 2?

I've ordered mine and paid the Deposit 6 weeks ago. I think you can reasonnably expect to get your Sonnett at your home 2 month after ordering.
Apr 23, 2014 at 10:22 AM Post #10,060 of 29,083
  Are there any serious competitors for the HD800 recently?  I've been out of the 'game' for awhile and I'm curious if there's anything better out.  Same goes for my amplifier:EC Balancing Act.

Nope, not really. Unless you are looking for a different flavor (stax, orthos).
For dynamics you could give the new AKG K812 a shot. It retains alot of the things that make HD800 enjoyable (soundstage, speed, bass impact, good detail extraction) while having a much richer, fuller midrange, albeit more colored. This makes the K812 a very attractive alternative for those who prefer vocals or small ensemble jazz/strings. Another important thing to note is that the K812 is much easier to "get right" in terms of amp and source while the 800 is much more demanding (both sound great on the BA with 300b's).

The downside is the K812 loses spectacularly in terms of transparency and raw details, and the amount of sub-bass might be a bit much for people who are used to the HD800. It also does not scale as high as the 800.
EC also has a new amp out, the 4*2a3. I'd find a chance to audition one as it is said to be a significant step up in some areas compared to the BA (w/ the 800s). The BA also has new transformers, and rumor is the the 4*2a3 will be getting new ones as well.
Apr 23, 2014 at 10:41 AM Post #10,061 of 29,083
I bet that it extends in height too, am i right?

To be honest I was just thrown off by the way the sound peeled off into a new dimension in depth. I can't say I got to analyze much of anything else. I was just that shocked and awed. But next time I get an opportunity to hear it I'll definitely take a more holistic approach to it.
Apr 23, 2014 at 10:48 AM Post #10,062 of 29,083
I hate to be "that guy" but I need to just toss a question out there:
My end-goal is to step from the HD650 to the HD800. I'm really interested in getting either the Schiit Asgard 2 or Lyr. (A) I like the company and have had good experiences with them, (B) they're a great bang for the buck and (C) I need a preamp built-in. Between the A2 and Lyr, which would be best suited to drive the HD800? I'll be sourcing with the ÜberFrost.
Thanks for the help!
Apr 23, 2014 at 1:17 PM Post #10,063 of 29,083
I hate to be "that guy" but I need to just toss a question out there:

My end-goal is to step from the HD650 to the HD800. I'm really interested in getting either the Schiit Asgard 2 or Lyr. (A) I like the company and have had good experiences with them, (B) they're a great bang for the buck and (C) I need a preamp built-in. Between the A2 and Lyr, which would be best suited to drive the HD800? I'll be sourcing with the ÜberFrost.

Thanks for the help!

Why not consider the Valhalla? It is an OTL, all tube which is a good match for higher impedance phones.
Apr 23, 2014 at 1:32 PM Post #10,065 of 29,083
With the right tubes, the Lyr can be nice with the HD800. I used the Amperex Orange Globes with I had the Lyr/Uberfrost. From what I've read, the A2 may be on the bright side for the HD800.
Originally Posted by jchandler3 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Between the A2 and Lyr, which would be best suited to drive the HD800? I'll be sourcing with the ÜberFrost.


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