The New HD 560S: Linear Acoustics at a Breakthrough Value

Sep 24, 2020 at 11:49 AM Post #16 of 2,624
Why not dual side entries for the cable?
Sep 24, 2020 at 12:01 PM Post #19 of 2,624
Ahhh yesss!! I've been trying to figure out what open can to go for, torn between the HD6xx, or saving a little more and going for a used Sundara or SRH 1840.

But if what DMS says about these is true, I think I may have found the can I'm looking for right here. And just in time for my birthday in November!
Sep 24, 2020 at 12:02 PM Post #20 of 2,624
Why not dual side entries for the cable?
Still the convenient form factor of the HD 559 and HD 599, though it may be worth noting that the single entry is a TRRS jack.

@pinkfloyd4ever Happy Birthday... in November 😉
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Sennheiser Stay updated on Sennheiser at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Sep 24, 2020 at 12:36 PM Post #21 of 2,624
So exciting at a budget!!! I really want these to compliment my 58x. Love to review these.
Sep 24, 2020 at 12:41 PM Post #22 of 2,624
I'm a bit vague in my understanding of where this sits in terms of sound quality. I have it somewhere between the HD58X Jubilee and the HD660s. Am I to believe it exceeds the HD600 in clarity and bass extension? It then becomes a question of preference vs the warm sound profile of the HD650/6XX?

Also, does this signal the end of any of the HD5x9 offerings? Specifically the HD599?
Sep 24, 2020 at 12:44 PM Post #23 of 2,624
I just placed my order. Looking forward to hearing it. Based on the reviews it will be a nice addition, something to add variety to the line-up and, why not, time to hear what a little extra sound stage means with the awesome Sennheiser 600-type neutral sound. Understanding that it won't (nothing will?) replace or come too close to the awesome HD-600. :)

As a very short aside on the price, and please don't cast stones, I own many, many Sennheiser sets, so I am definitely not being negative just to be difficult: a bit disappointed to see that the U.S. market gets it for $217 and in the EU we get it for €199. This difference doesn't cover the import costs really. In the EU we keep subsidizing the U.S. market (see Qobuz and many other EU companies). If Sennheiser were a U.S. company, this would be $199 in the U.S. (with massive sales frequently) and €250 in the EU with zero sales ever.
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Sep 24, 2020 at 12:57 PM Post #24 of 2,624
Seeing as this has a 4 pole connector... can it be made balanced?
sonic dance.gif
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Sep 24, 2020 at 12:59 PM Post #25 of 2,624
Wow Looks really good and promising
Sep 24, 2020 at 1:02 PM Post #26 of 2,624
I'm a bit vague in my understanding of where this sits in terms of sound quality. I have it somewhere between the HD58X Jubilee and the HD660s. Am I to believe it exceeds the HD600 in clarity and bass extension? It then becomes a question of preference vs the warm sound profile of the HD650/6XX?

Also, does this signal the end of any of the HD5x9 offerings? Specifically the HD599?

Sep 24, 2020 at 1:09 PM Post #28 of 2,624
Still the convenient form factor of the HD 559 and HD 599, though it may be worth noting that the single entry is a TRRS jack.

@pinkfloyd4ever Happy Birthday... in November 😉

Yes, I get it, but you may hear audible difference when the user decides to upgrade to much higher quality cable given thestock wire is only OFC going from the left to the right ear piece. I had this happen to me with the a Silver dragon on the HD598.
Sep 24, 2020 at 1:11 PM Post #29 of 2,624
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Sep 24, 2020 at 1:20 PM Post #30 of 2,624
@Sennheiser @Evshrug

it says $217 plus applicable tax free shipping on product page, but at check out it says $199.99 free shipping, and 14 for my tax.

just wondering is there a hidden discount for pre-orders or something?

also, it says 60 day money back guarantee, but only 30 day refund policy. just curious which it is. never dealt with digital river calling before, are refunds easy with them if i end up not liking this? if i like it more than my hd58x im gonna sell my hd58x for around 90-100 and keep this :D

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