The Most Comfortable Phones
Jul 1, 2003 at 2:11 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 29


New Head-Fier
Jul 1, 2003

My question:
What are the most comfortable headphones with decent sound for < US$100 ?

I'm not a big fan of earbuds, and I tried the EX71's, and did not like the in-the-ear / canalphone thing at all, so those are out. I've auditioned some circumaurals, and that type seems the most comfortable to me, but I'd like any suggestions, since there's a lot out there I haven't tried.

Obviously, I don't want something that sounds like crap, but I would try something with less than a Head-Fi consensus of great sound. Long-duration comfort is top priority.


Jul 1, 2003 at 2:24 PM Post #2 of 29
Would these headphones need to be portable or not? Open/closed? Efficient or not? More details would certainly make it easier to give recommendations.
Jul 1, 2003 at 2:29 PM Post #3 of 29
ATH-A500's, they cost 99USD at audiocubes, extremely good, extremely affordable..., might want to turn down the bass in the eq though

I'd have to say that wearing the D66's for a long period of time makes your head tender where the bands were, I was on a flight from De to USA yesturday and didn't take them off during the flight, and my head hurt like a mofo if you pressed where they were, so I had to wait a while to put them on again and listen to them on the bus ride home (from Dulles to Norfolk)

(oh yeah, I'm back from the De)...

Jul 1, 2003 at 2:30 PM Post #4 of 29
Yesterday I wore Eggos for about 4 hours straight. I can do the same with the Koss SportaPro.

It was weird, though, with the Eggo's. My ears were cool and comfy. But when I took them off, I could feel how warm they actually were (in comparison). I immediately put them back on, and didn't feel the heat. I took them off again, and my ears started cooling down again.

It was weird.

Anyway, those are the two most comfortable headphones I have owned.
Jul 1, 2003 at 3:44 PM Post #5 of 29
For closed cans I really like my beyer 831s.

I wear them 6+ hours a day at work. I can't wear any other headphones that long without taking them off every now and then and rubbing my ears or just being fatigued.

Good stuff.
Jul 1, 2003 at 3:51 PM Post #6 of 29
k501s. no fatigue, super comfort.
Jul 1, 2003 at 4:00 PM Post #8 of 29

Originally posted by Rizumu
Grado SR60's! super comfort, great sound for the money.

Even the bowlified(oh yeah) SR-60s?
Jul 1, 2003 at 4:06 PM Post #9 of 29

Originally posted by MagusG
Even the bowlified(oh yeah) SR-60s?

No idea, mine are vwapified (oh yeah!!!)
Jul 1, 2003 at 8:18 PM Post #12 of 29
if you're staying stationary, and dont mind how you look, a pair of Philips HP890 are SUPER comfortable. while new they are above $100, used, they arent.

they sound pretty good, great soundstage, great electronica and rock phones, and the purple velour...mmmmmm
Jul 1, 2003 at 8:29 PM Post #14 of 29
Like TMC says, it would help if you were able to answer his queries. Might help narrow down the choices... What you intend to use it with and where you intend to use it (portable or home).

I had the same dillemma as you. I wanted comfort, transportable, and I wanted cheap for a headphone that would end up being quite abused. Eventually I've made my own phone by taking a Technics RP-FT30, ripping out the drivers from a used (yet amazingly pristine... lucked out there) Sennheiser HD497, and then assembling a dual density foam structure to port the sound and bass. The open design HD497 has good drivers and a detachable cable but poor ergonomics in my opinion, while the closed design RP-FT30 has excellent comfort and very good robustness but has possibly the most terrible drivers ever.

Both have 40mm drivers... which was something of an experiment which MUST happen. I'm very pleased with the results: Soundwise it's not a million miles from the Grato SR80, only with minor closed phone resonances I've been so far unable to get rid of. More foam, and possibly an anti-resonance paint on the phone casing itself might do the trick. Total cost was less than the typical new price of the HD497 in the UK. For that I got a circumaural closed phone which is very efficient and very comfortable.
Jul 1, 2003 at 8:30 PM Post #15 of 29
Sennheiser HD570s are comfortable in ther own way... very lightweight and comfortable even though I don't like the feel of the headband. (Actually I prefer the HD600s, after a while, and after some bending, they don't "bite" my head anymore =)) VERY comfy...

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