Apr 22, 2011 at 10:34 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 48


New Head-Fier
Aug 28, 2007
Just thought I'd try to gather some x10i fans. Detractors are welcome too...just make sure you have some nice alternatives to offer up!

I haven't spent a million bucks on IEMs. No customs. No triple armatures. But I have made what I feel is a logical progression, from earbud noob to junior audiophile, via way of Sony Ex70s in 2003, to Senn CX300s a couple of years later, to Apple In-Ear (dual arms) to Denon C700s, to my current x10is.

As one web review so vividly put it, the x10is are like a spinal tap into your music.

Especially in the mic/button phone friendly category, I strongly feel there is no better combination of sound quality and comfort. I'd go so far as to say the x10s are the most comfortable buds on the planet.

I won't delve into the micro specifics of fit or sound, as the bountiful reviews out there do a great job of that, but if you are unfamiliar with the x10is, they're a fantastic combination of analytical and punchy. The bass is almost bottomless, but not cartoonish. Mids are a bit recessed, but this is likely due to the tiny driver size, and given the comfort level, it's a totally justified trade off.

I would be thrilled to find a better sounding, equally/more comfortable IEM with a mic and button controls, but from what I can tell, it doesn't exist.

My only complaints about the x10i are the seemingly flimsy cables and the too-long mic/button housing which sits at the center of the Y on the cable. I would prefer a left side mounted housing, placing the mic closer to my mouth for phone use. As it stands, I have to manually hold the mic to my mouth to be heard clearly.
Apr 22, 2011 at 10:48 AM Post #2 of 48
These are going silly cheap atm on amazon.co.uk.  Just wondering how low it will go.  RRP of £230, currently £160.00  Couple of weeks ago it was around the £170 odd mark.
Apr 24, 2011 at 12:32 AM Post #3 of 48
I have to agree, the X10 is the most comfortable universal I've tried. I don't know if customs are better, still working on getting some, but the X10 is very, very comfy. I haven't found anything that is more comfy than this.
I also love the sound, I'm fortunate that I like the smooth and warm, bassy sig of the X10i. I prefer this to triple BAs actually, though I do like having a more detailed set as well. But the X10 is already about as ideal as it gets for me.
Apr 24, 2011 at 12:55 AM Post #4 of 48
Another fan here of the SQ to size ratio, and the comfort. Now that they've had a significant price drop they're much better value, but I agree that they don't feel like they can handle vigorous usage with their build and seemingly frail cable. Nothing has happened to mine but that's because I've been really careful not to cause any cable strain. Brilliant in combination with an iPhone 3S/4 too.
Apr 24, 2011 at 5:39 AM Post #5 of 48
Another X10i fan checking in :) I've progressed from the Klipsch S4i and I'm loving it! The s4's are fun, but a bit to warm/muddy for my liking, the x10 remedies all of this and adds some extra clarity as well.

Next step for me is to get some custom earmolds :p
Apr 24, 2011 at 2:18 PM Post #6 of 48
I have a pair on order but they're back ordered.  I have no idea if I'll like them.  They should be bassier than anything I own now.  I have a X5 and love it, but it isn't that comfortable.  The barrel of the earphone is too big to sit comfortably in my ear.  The X10 shouldn't have that problem.  I seriously doubt they'll be as comfortable as the Westone 1 or UM1 that they replaced. 
Apr 25, 2011 at 8:17 PM Post #7 of 48
new x10i fan checking in, just ordered one on Amazon, they r on the way to me, i so excited, cant wait to enjoy them. i heard my friends x10i once before, that sound i will never forget, This is amazing, the tiny drivers make unbelievable sound with lots of details almost as much as the music details which i can hear from my rs1i. Klipsch did a great job!
Apr 30, 2011 at 2:16 AM Post #8 of 48
[size=10.0pt]Detractor here...[/size]

[size=10.0pt] [/size]

[size=10.0pt]Some caveats before I start[/size]

[size=10.0pt]1) I hate IEMs[/size]

[size=10.0pt]2) I'm most used to the sound signature of the bm5a, 325i, hd-25-II[/size]

[size=10.0pt]3) listened to the x10i and x4i straight out of an iPhone 4, and i take that into account.[/size]

[size=10.0pt] [/size]

[size=10.0pt]I tried out the x10i just this week, as well as the x4i[/size]

[size=10.0pt] [/size]

[size=10.0pt]The x4i was horrible, the bass was boomy and uncontrolled and the high notes were being clipped very badly, coming out as some kind of screech. It was "unlistenable" in my book[/size]

[size=10.0pt] [/size]

[size=10.0pt]The x10i was much better than the x4i, the midrange was good, with a brighter presentation as compared to the hd-25-II. The midrange is also rather detailed and rich, however the bass was weak and not "punchy" like the grados. It suffers from the same flaw with the high notes as the x4i, to a lesser degree. Being used to the bm5a, the x10i was simply missing details in the higher frequencies (when i say high, I’m still talking about vocals, not instruments). This made me very uncomfortable as i would expect this to be handled better, especially with a soundstage this forward.[/size]

[size=10.0pt] [/size]

[size=10.0pt]Overall, i would say the x10i is decent, but I would expect much better for the cost. But hey, if you get it cheap, why not?[/size]

Apr 30, 2011 at 12:45 PM Post #9 of 48

Mine arrives Wednesday
[size=10pt]Detractor here...[/size]
[size=10pt] [/size]
[size=10pt]Some caveats before I start[/size]
[size=10pt]1) I hate IEMs[/size]
[size=10pt]2) I'm most used to the sound signature of the bm5a, 325i, hd-25-II[/size]
[size=10pt]3) listened to the x10i and x4i straight out of an iPhone 4, and i take that into account.[/size]
[size=10pt] [/size]
[size=10pt]I tried out the x10i just this week, as well as the x4i[/size]
[size=10pt] [/size]
[size=10pt]The x4i was horrible, the bass was boomy and uncontrolled and the high notes were being clipped very badly, coming out as some kind of screech. It was "unlistenable" in my book[/size]
[size=10pt] [/size]
[size=10pt]The x10i was much better than the x4i, the midrange was good, with a brighter presentation as compared to the hd-25-II. The midrange is also rather detailed and rich, however the bass was weak and not "punchy" like the grados. It suffers from the same flaw with the high notes as the x4i, to a lesser degree. Being used to the bm5a, the x10i was simply missing details in the higher frequencies (when i say high, I’m still talking about vocals, not instruments). This made me very uncomfortable as i would expect this to be handled better, especially with a soundstage this forward.[/size]
[size=10pt] [/size]
[size=10pt]Overall, i would say the x10i is decent, but I would expect much better for the cost. But hey, if you get it cheap, why not?[/size]

Weak bass probably means you didn't get a good seal.  I have an X5 which is supposed to have less bass than the X10i and it doesn't have weak bass.
May 17, 2011 at 11:57 AM Post #10 of 48
I just got these yesterday, after an endless few months of agonizing tip/comfort anxiety with the IE8.  I couldn't take it anymore, so I went to Bay Bloor Radio here in Toronto, and they offered me the x10i's.  As soon as I tried them on, they felt so much better to me than the IE8's did, and the bass exceeded all of my expectations. 

I spent most of last night, and this morning giving these babies a whirl through my collection, which includes a wide range of styles and genres.  I really like what they do with mono recordings (Beatles, 60's Motown).  The sound is pure and crisp, but with a really nice warm, encompassing bottom end. 

I also tried out the S535's when I was there yesterday, and really was not all that taken by them. 

I wasted so much money on Sennheiser tips!
Anyways, I'm a happy x10i owner for now.
May 17, 2011 at 2:05 PM Post #11 of 48
Think these could be my last iem for a while.  Having tried westone 2 (good sound, not enough isolation, fit probs) sennheiser 7 (good sound poor isolation) monster turbine (too much bass!) Shure se215 (fit problems again (seems I'm better off with straighter nozzle iems than about ear ones), godawful cables) I'm about ready for a hopefully fit and forget solution.  My only concern and the main reason I've not pulled the trigger yet are those cables, and the remote could get annoying. 
May 18, 2011 at 7:15 PM Post #12 of 48
Agree that the X10i is a superb IEM.  Fortunately, I can get a great fit/isolation for the Westone range and I think that the W4 has the edge for me.  When you're dozing on a plane, you could stab yourself in the ear with the Klipsch.  However, if you want iPhone/iPod controls and mic, I think the Klipsch is hard to beat.  The X10i is warmer/bassier than the W4 and has a very listenable sound signature.
Personally, I have tried 2 customs and, for the money, I didn't find them worth it.  Fit was good and sound was good (ACS T1 especially) but I didn't find the difference between this and the W4 to be worth it.  However, as I say, I find that the W4 gives me a super comfortable fit and seal so you may have a different experience.
May 19, 2011 at 1:51 AM Post #13 of 48

I just got these yesterday, after an endless few months of agonizing tip/comfort anxiety with the IE8.  I couldn't take it anymore, so I went to Bay Bloor Radio here in Toronto, and they offered me the x10i's.  As soon as I tried them on, they felt so much better to me than the IE8's did, and the bass exceeded all of my expectations. 

I spent most of last night, and this morning giving these babies a whirl through my collection, which includes a wide range of styles and genres.  I really like what they do with mono recordings (Beatles, 60's Motown).  The sound is pure and crisp, but with a really nice warm, encompassing bottom end. 

I also tried out the S535's when I was there yesterday, and really was not all that taken by them. 

I wasted so much money on Sennheiser tips!
Anyways, I'm a happy x10i owner for now.

Uhh no offence no your less than perfect experience with the ie8s but you had a bad experience with the tips? i find the squishy foam one pretty fitting for me and pretty good isolation from my noisy class. So can you tell me more about the differences between the ie8s and x10? im looking for an alternative to my ie8 as im kinda new to this headphone hobby thing as an upgrade from ipod earphones that sound simply horrible now. Any recommendations anyone? i listen to pop, rock, alternative, eletronic and occasional classical. This might be in the wrong area asking but im new to head fi so please bear with me :p I might be buying the x10s from amazon as im a student while trying to cut down on cost. Thanks in advance guys.
May 21, 2011 at 10:06 AM Post #15 of 48

"Uhh no offence no your less than perfect experience with the ie8s but you had a bad experience with the tips? i find the squishy foam one pretty fitting for me and pretty good isolation from my noisy class. So can you tell me more about the differences between the ie8s and x10? im looking for an alternative to my ie8 as im kinda new to this headphone hobby thing as an upgrade from ipod earphones that sound simply horrible now. Any recommendations anyone? i listen to pop, rock, alternative, eletronic and occasional classical. This might be in the wrong area asking but im new to head fi so please bear with me :p I might be buying the x10s from amazon as im a student while trying to cut down on cost. Thanks in advance guys."


In order, smokeyflames. I have had the Bang & Olfusen A8's, the Senn CX300, CX500, the PFE's from Phonak, the triple.fi's from UE, the IE8's, and now the Klipsch x10i. 

I purchased the IE8's after I lost my triple.fi's. Not because of any recommendation, just because sometimes when I lose something, rather than get the same product, I like to experiment.

I had lots of trouble finding the perfect fit with them after a while.  I tried everything...foamies in combination with silicon tips, upside down tips, triple flange tips, sony hybrid tips, etc.  After a while, the constant changing of tips and the taking them in and out of my ear gave me quite the sore inside my right ear.  Putting the phones in and taking them was extremely painful.

Also, during my run I had to replace them 3 times: Once, when the right side started to go on me.  I got a replacement pair from my retailer, that I promptly took back again, because the casing for the driver itself was cracked.  My 3rd pair, I had for about 2 months, when again...the right said started to go.  It was then that I had had enough! 

The salesman offered to let me try the x10i's, and right away...I was impressed by their clarity.  Fears that I would miss the pounding bass were quickly allayed during an in-store listening period with these.  Right away, I could tell they were nice and airy in the top, but with a round, succulent bottom end (it's always one of those isn't it?) that got my attention.  The ease of putting these small IEM's in, and the long-term comfort factor, have definitely made these babies go to the top of my list.

Hope that helped?

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