The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

Apr 8, 2014 at 11:22 PM Post #991 of 23,036
Guys, this is Joe's first headphone design. Stax and Sennheiser have been doing it for decades.  If you're worried that you might look like Frankenstein's Monster when listening, you're in the wrong hobby. 

Apr 9, 2014 at 3:29 AM Post #992 of 23,036
Man I can't believe people bitch about a logo.

It's a newer font we purchased a license to. We modified the capital 'A' by giving it an underlying tail. You decide what the tail represents.

Hahaha, defensive much? People are gonna bitch about aesthetics no matter what. If the sound quality and comfort in a good pair of headphones is worth it's asking price (and often even when it's not) people will still buy it so really it doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of things. 
Apr 9, 2014 at 8:22 AM Post #993 of 23,036
And then there's another crazy amp from China as well

This is a DIY amp made by a friend. Not something made for mass production.
Apr 9, 2014 at 10:33 AM Post #994 of 23,036
Man I can't believe people bitch about a logo.

It's a newer font we purchased a license to. We modified the capital 'A' by giving it an underlying tail. You decide what the tail represents.

I'd hate to hear how much you purchased that for, hopefully that isn't a serious factor in the questionable cost of the headphones.

I studied a lot of design in my undergrad, while I'm sure its not aesthetically distasteful for many, the font is something I find a little grating particularly for a product that aspires to be creme de la creme. When comparing luxury level flagships, I would rather feel pampered like I'm in wearing a smoking jacket in a smokey classy high end whiskey bar than I'm on the set of pimp my motorcycle.

As the other poster stated, it just brings this kind of imagery to mind:

I get that you're just starting out, and that's awesome, I love idea of new blood in the scene. I have one of the first 500 Schiit Asgards. Jason and his wife assembled and soldered it in their garage when Schiit was just getting off the ground. But where you're entering with your first actual headphone (as opposed to a cable) with this price, it's considered a premium and luxury product and theres a feel and look that some have come to expect. I'm sure I don't need to name specific headphones.

But hey for what it's worth, I get upset over things like comic sans, and the abuse of the papyrus font, so take it for what it is, just a couple of people's opinions- and you know what they say about opinions. :atsmile:

Hahaha, defensive much? People are gonna bitch about aesthetics no matter what. If the sound quality and comfort in a good pair of headphones is worth it's asking price (and often even when it's not) people will still buy it so really it doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of things. 

Again, plenty of examples could be named where this has been the case. I've heard the K1000's are quite the experience.
Apr 10, 2014 at 2:51 AM Post #996 of 23,036
No worries, fonts are quite inexpensive. The bad-ass look is what we were after.

I think you may have misunderstood Butler a little.

For clarification, this does not equal the "bad-ass look".

This does. 
Apr 10, 2014 at 3:13 AM Post #998 of 23,036
Apr 10, 2014 at 3:23 AM Post #999 of 23,036
Same thing I was going for. Besides, Connery was a better Bond. 

I actually had my finger on the Connery Pic holding the LP53(I own one) but figured the audience here might be more Craig friendly.
Apr 10, 2014 at 3:27 AM Post #1,000 of 23,036
I actually had my finger on the Connery Pic holding the LP53(I own one) but figured the audience here might be more Craig friendly.

Either way, I think the moral of the story is that Bond wouldn't want to be caught wearing an Abyss. 

Apr 10, 2014 at 3:43 AM Post #1,001 of 23,036
I agree, makes it feel more like a trailer park and less like a leather and mahogany filled country club. The latter being what many flagships seem to strive for.

It's like they borrowed the font from skull candy.

Lol. For some of us, "a leather and mahogany filled country club" evokes this:

Whereas the Abyss evokes these:

I much prefer the latter two! I love the look of the Abyss. They look metal and they are mostly made of metal. But the price is not metal. I understand having to recoup 5 years of R&D. Apply that experience to making another version 5x cheaper, then I'll be impressed, and actually be able to buy a pair!
Apr 10, 2014 at 11:06 AM Post #1,004 of 23,036
  I'm not sure but I think that would make you Frank N Furter.

But not even Tim Curry would wear these ugly cans!
I had this daydream of winning the lotto, getting a shop to machine all the excess metal off the Abyss frames and adapting them to an Audeze headband...
...and making some attractive grilles...
I actually kind of like the logo - it appeals to my inner teenager.
Apr 11, 2014 at 5:24 AM Post #1,005 of 23,036
I had this daydream of winning the lotto, getting a shop to machine all the excess metal off the Abyss frames and adapting them to an Audeze headband...

While I think the headband on Audeze headphones doesn't look bad, ( unlike IMO the Abyss and SR-009's with their original headband do ) that wasn't the reason I changed the one on my LCD-XC's for the one I have now, the reason was because my LCD's with their original headband were way too uncomfortable ( too much clamping ) .
While my LCD's are still quite heavy, I now find them to be very comfortable.

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