The hate on beats, why?

May 29, 2014 at 11:20 AM Post #1,051 of 1,217
  To wrap it up AND bring it back on topic...
Man, people like what they like. Bashing is a form of insecurity. I have no need to bash what anyone likes because I've tried a bunch of stuff and am happy with what I have. If that was the case for more people then they wouldn't have to bash other stuff. It's really that simple. 
I honestly think that Beats could come out with the greatest headphone on the market and the Beats bashers would never, ever admit it. 

Q: "The Hate on Beats, Why?"
A: Because insecure people.
May 29, 2014 at 11:20 AM Post #1,052 of 1,217
But pretty much any argument you can make about Beats is an argument you can make about anything else. The idea of "you could have done better for the money" is always true. There are so many headphones out there that there's always the real chance that you could have done better.
See there's this weird attitude that Beats are these horrific headphones that can't actually appeal to anyone except people buying them solely for appearances. Not true. Again, look at CB and others. Those are people who aren't buying them just to be one of the cool kids, nor are they limited to purchasing stuff at Best Buy. So why does he like his Beats? Ask yourself that.
Beats aren't the best, but they aren't the worst, either. I've heard plenty of "good" headphones that I'd pick the Beats over (and that includes stuff like the Grado RS2 and the HiFiMan HE400, sorry folks). But that's how personal taste works. Surprise. 

True but, this is coming from the hip-hop world where there is a famous song called "I get money" that has a line in it that goes "I took quarter water sold it in bottles for two bucks, coca-cola came and bought it for billions what the ****?" Oh well YOLO buy, what you want but just know that a part of what you are paying for is going towards branding.   On the other hand I've never seen a Sennheiser advertisement anywhere.
May 29, 2014 at 11:22 AM Post #1,053 of 1,217
  True but, this is coming from the hip-hop world where there is a famous song called "I get money" that has a line in it that goes "I took quarter water sold it in bottles for two bucks, coca-cola came and bought it for billions what the ****?" Oh well YOLO buy, what you want but just know that a part of what you are paying for is going towards branding.   On the other hand I've never seen a Sennheiser advertisement anywhere.

Well, we're all living in the same world, are we not? Sometimes I wish it weren't the case, but that's the harsh reality for you.
May 29, 2014 at 11:24 AM Post #1,054 of 1,217
To those that were comparing Apple to Beats, Apple actually makes excellent laptops if you look at the build quality, it's not a piece of plastic. Also Apple are pioneers which costs more than simply copy-paste like others do ( You can see how PC's laptops are starting to look like Macbook Pro's over the years. Also Ultrabooks is just copy-paste work from the Macbook Air. ) Apple also set the standard for high performance & high battery life laptops which PC makers are still trying to achieve till this day, despite the Retina Macbook Pro's being extremely light and thin.  
Also PC makers and Android makers don't even fully support their own devices since alot of it is developed by 3rd parties (Apple writes their own Operation systems, own motherboard with BIOS/EFI, own drivers, design their own processors which Samsung produces except the computers line of course, and so on ... ).
Comparing Beats (crappy plastic headphones) to Apple (one of the best high-end laptops and high-end smartphones on the market) is ridiculous. 
Soundwise, the $300 Beats was greatly improved from the older version. But it still has poor build quality and it still requires batteries. I don't hate Beats, but not a chance I pay $300 for it. 
May 29, 2014 at 11:28 AM Post #1,055 of 1,217
  Apple actually makes excellent laptops if you look at the build quality, it's not a piece of plastic. Also Apple are pioneers which costs more than simply copy-paste like others do ( You can see how PC's laptops are starting to look like Macbook Pro's over the years. Also Ultrabooks is just copy-paste work from the Macbook Air. ) Apple also set the standard for high performance & high battery life laptops which PC makers are still trying to achieve till this day, despite the Retina Macbook Pro's being extremely light and thin.  
Also PC makers and Android makers don't even fully support their own devices since alot of it is developed by 3rd parties (Apple writes their own Operation systems, own motherboard with BIOS/EFI, own drivers, design their own processors which Samsung produces except the computers line of course, and so on ... ).
Comparing Beats (crappy plastic headphones) to Apple (one of the best high-end laptops and high-end smartphones on the market) is ridiculous. 

You can compare them because, they will soon be under the same roof so there are obviously some crossovers.   Apple products are mid-range computers that have extremely good build quality.   They can charge a premium because, they have a premium look to them.   I think there are some real similarities there.   
May 29, 2014 at 11:28 AM Post #1,056 of 1,217
  Apple actually makes excellent laptops if you look at the build quality, it's not a piece of plastic. Also Apple are pioneers which costs more than simply copy-paste like others do ( You can see how PC's laptops are starting to look like Macbook Pro's over the years. Also Ultrabooks is just copy-paste work from the Macbook Air. ) Apple also set the standard for high performance & high battery life laptops which PC makers are still trying to achieve till this day, despite the Retina Macbook Pro's being extremely light and thin.  
Also PC makers and Android makers don't even fully support their own devices since alot of it is developed by 3rd parties (Apple writes their own Operation systems, own motherboard with BIOS/EFI, own drivers, design their own processors which Samsung produces except the computers line of course, and so on ... ).
Comparing Beats (crappy plastic headphones) to Apple (one of the best high-end laptops and high-end smartphones on the market) is ridiculous. 

In Beats' defense, they have the Pros, Mixrs and Executives - all of which can be considered to have a high quality build. And have you seen/felt the Studio 2.0s? They're on par, if not better than most other manufacturers in terms of build quality. It's the sound that still has a bit to go.
May 29, 2014 at 11:32 AM Post #1,057 of 1,217
  You can compare them because, they will soon be under the same roof so there are obviously some crossovers.   Apple products are mid-range computers that have extremely good build quality.   They can charge a premium because, they have a premium look to them.   I think there are some real similarities there.   

In the end, the difference lies in the people behind the two companies. Apple vs. Beats. Which two people's name comes to mind upon seeing these two brands?
May 29, 2014 at 11:34 AM Post #1,058 of 1,217
  You can compare them because, they will soon be under the same roof so there are obviously some crossovers.   Apple products are mid-range computers that have extremely good build quality.   They can charge a premium because, they have a premium look to them.   I think there are some real similarities there.   

It's a high-end laptop for professional users. It is not a high-end gaming machine. Apple laptops outside of gaming will win in terms of portability (battery life, thinness, weight) relative to gaming laptops. 
edit: Also the Retina Macbook Pro stays far more quiet which should also be factored in as a high-end professional laptop. 
May 29, 2014 at 11:34 AM Post #1,060 of 1,217
Wow. I was unsubscribing from this, and... See this. You aren't any better than me at this point. You are saying mac is the best and saying other computers are inferior. Are you insecure about your mac and trying to justify your purchase?

Let me add some more confusion to this:
I am a computer scientist, working in medical science. I code some, but mostly I do statistical programming for the guys who decide on the Nobel Prize. I went through my whole University education with only Linux, and competed against myself in making the lowest memory hogging distribution I could. I landed somewhere around 100 MB RAM usage for the system, a window manager, music, web browsing and writing a document (I believe I was writing on my thesis about things related to computer science). I started out programming with a C64, and went on to a X86 platform with a 286 from VICTOR. However, I was using Windows on my stationary computer at the time, which suited me just fine. As a phone I was always using Androids for smartphones. I was, what you'd call, a Fandroid/Android Fanboy. I had this naive belief that everything FOSS related (especially GNU Linux) was superior, and Macs, iPhones and iPads (especially iPods, I used a Cowon and a Sansa).
Fast forward a few years:
I have completely switched camps on smartphones. I'm not saying Android phones are bad, but IMO iPhones are better. I know, you're thinking "B-b-b-but benchmarking, octacores and ... megahertsens". You're thinking wrong. Actually, most CPU's in smartphones are vastly over the top for the usage they're meant for (this is also the case for computers as I came to discover in my optimizing and creating Linux distros - a modern world computer would suffice with 512 MB RAM, a P4 CPU and a graphic cards roughly the same power as a HD4000, somewhere there and gaming, video editing and photoshopping would be the only things you couldn't do with it). I mean that by a mile. Here's the thing: Android as a system caters to so many differing architectures and hardwares that it's virtually impossible to make it fluid and stay that way for a multitude of phones while keeping it workable on others. You can't compile a kernel for a specific CPU with specific hardware, because it won't work on any other model. They HAVE to make it work for EVERY Android phone out there. Manufacturers themselves are doing a piss poor job of recompiling and optimizing Android OS for their phones (Touchwiz? C'mon).
iOS on the other hand, have roughly 7-8 different configurations to cater to, making it indeed VERY possibly to make use of every ounce of hardware put into the phone/tablet. That is why iOS is faster, more fluid, more reliable and a better optimized experience -- Apple has control of every part of the phone. It's the same with their computers. They have control of everything, optimizes it so good that it runs flawless on inferior hardware. They really follow the Arch Linux principle KISS.
So, numbers don't matter.
Think of it as a car engine: you can put the fastest Lamborghini engine in a truck, but it still won't be making those 200 MPH it does in a body made by Lamborghini. Sure, you can brag about your horsepower, but in the real world, you won't be driving circles around Porsches.
May 29, 2014 at 11:41 AM Post #1,061 of 1,217
It's a high-end laptop for professional users. It is not a high-end gaming machine. Apple laptops outside of gaming will win in terms of portability (battery life, thinness, weight) relative to gaming laptops. 

I never said anything about it being a high end gaming rig.   Sure if you chose all the upgrades it's a high end laptop.  But, entry level it's just a $700 laptop with a nice aluminum case.   Hate to break it to you but, most mac users aren't proffessionals.   Just like most beats users aren't djs.    But, we're not here to argue about macs and pcs.  
May 29, 2014 at 11:52 AM Post #1,062 of 1,217

Battery life is approximately halved if you use Bootcamp. Apple hardware is highly optimized for Apple software, and Apple software effectively utilizes Apple hardware.
  Let me add some more confusion to this:
I am a computer scientist, working in medical science. I code some, but mostly I do statistical programming for the guys who decide on the Nobel Prize. I went through my whole University education with only Linux, and competed against myself in making the lowest memory hogging distribution I could. I landed somewhere around 100 MB RAM usage for the system, a window manager, music, web browsing and writing a document (I believe I was writing on my thesis about things related to computer science). I started out programming with a C64, and went on to a X86 platform with a 286 from VICTOR. However, I was using Windows on my stationary computer at the time, which suited me just fine. As a phone I was always using Androids for smartphones. I was, what you'd call, a Fandroid/Android Fanboy. I had this naive belief that everything FOSS related (especially GNU Linux) was superior, and Macs, iPhones and iPads (especially iPods, I used a Cowon and a Sansa).
Fast forward a few years:
I have completely switched camps on smartphones. I'm not saying Android phones are bad, but IMO iPhones are better. I know, you're thinking "B-b-b-but benchmarking, octacores and ... megahertsens". You're thinking wrong. Actually, most CPU's in smartphones are vastly over the top for the usage they're meant for (this is also the case for computers as I came to discover in my optimizing and creating Linux distros - a modern world computer would suffice with 512 MB RAM, a P4 CPU and a graphic cards roughly the same power as a HD4000, somewhere there and gaming, video editing and photoshopping would be the only things you couldn't do with it). I mean that by a mile. Here's the thing: Android as a system caters to so many differing architectures and hardwares that it's virtually impossible to make it fluid and stay that way for a multitude of phones while keeping it workable on others. You can't compile a kernel for a specific CPU with specific hardware, because it won't work on any other model. They HAVE to make it work for EVERY Android phone out there. Manufacturers themselves are doing a piss poor job of recompiling and optimizing Android OS for their phones (Touchwiz? C'mon).
iOS on the other hand, have roughly 7-8 different configurations to cater to, making it indeed VERY possibly to make use of every ounce of hardware put into the phone/tablet. That is why iOS is faster, more fluid, more reliable and a better optimized experience -- Apple has control of every part of the phone. It's the same with their computers. They have control of everything, optimizes it so good that it runs flawless on inferior hardware. They really follow the Arch Linux principle KISS.
So, numbers don't matter.
Think of it as a car engine: you can put the fastest Lamborghini engine in a truck, but it still won't be making those 200 MPH it does in a body made by Lamborghini. Sure, you can brag about your horsepower, but in the real world, you won't be driving circles around Porsches.

Again, it's one size fits all. Apple is like that one car that can get you across the country on one tank without having to deal with loud ambient engine noises or a hazard light that just randomly lights up. Android would be those cars that can either scale a 60 degree incline, carry 3 tonnes of cargo or get you across the country in a third of the time. All of which will not perform with the efficiency or ease that the Apple provides.
May 29, 2014 at 11:54 AM Post #1,063 of 1,217

lol :D

Hardly, SomeDudeGuy speaks his mind regardless of whether his remarks conflict with others opinion, and that includes me - there's a whole lot of excellent points been made on this thread by a lot of members, SDG being one of them for sure :)

Again, I refer any member who has not watched the below video for a unbiased audiophile journalists perspective and evaluation on beats cans (specifically in this case the new 2013 Studio's) which I believe to be a fair representation of beats cans as a whole, IMO :p


...and this guy personally owns the Abyss AB-1266 cans with Cavalli gold SS amp, so he must be right - right? :rolleyes: - but seriously -
this guy talks unbiased sense (IMO)

OF NOTE: read scrolling text at bottom of video from approx 2 mins 53 secs in!
May 29, 2014 at 12:00 PM Post #1,064 of 1,217
  I never said anything about it being a high end gaming rig.   Sure if you chose all the upgrades it's a high end laptop.  But, entry level it's just a $700 laptop with a nice aluminum case.   Hate to break it to you but, most mac users aren't proffessionals.   Just like most beats users aren't djs.    But, we're not here to argue about macs and pcs.  

The only part that is not high end about the Retina Macbook Pro is the 750m GPU despite everything being high end, so I assumed you were targeting that. (The Retina Macbook Pro is also the first laptop that features PCI-e SSD's with read and write speeds over 1gb/s. That's more than twice as fast as PC makers if they even ship SSD's with their laptops).
If you're talking about the entry level, those are the Macbook Air's and not the Retina Macbook Pro. I agree, those are not high-end machines. However the Macbook Air is so good, that PC makers had to introduce a new product category, the Ultrabooks which was clearly copy-paste work from the Macbook Air. At those price ranges, you won't find high-end laptops anyway. What product category has Beats introduced which competitors are copying and is innovating?
May 29, 2014 at 12:03 PM Post #1,065 of 1,217
The only part that is not high end about the Retina Macbook Pro is the 750m GPU despite everything being high end, so I assumed you were targeting that. (The Retina Macbook Pro is also the first laptop that features PCI-e SSD's with read and write speeds over 1gb/s. That's more than twice as fast as PC makers if they even ship SSD's with their laptops).
If you're talking about the entry level, those are the Macbook Air's and not the Retina Macbook Pro. I agree, those are not high-end machines. However the Macbook Air is so good, that PC makers had to introduce a new product category, the Ultrabooks which was clearly copy-paste work from the Macbook Air. At those price ranges, you won't find high-end laptops anyway. What product category has Beats introduced which competitors are copying?

Luda has his own headphones now right?  I would call that copying.  Macbook air is a really nice product but, I would argue an ipad is a much better value.   But, I don't need a high end computer away from home.   And I really wouldn't call the ultrabook a new category.  It was a logical progression.   Laptops either had to do it or die out 

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