Apr 22, 2024 at 9:45 AM Post #181 of 191
Not sure what you mean. The interface needs to be used with the Armageddon amp as well (+ compensation barrels), so there isn't really a "how Armageddon compares", as the interface always is needed.

Atm I have 1 TI-1b interface (of the SR-1b) and one new interface of the Magna. I don't think Alex will send another interface with the Immanis
I suppose you hope there will be 2 new interfaces, so it's easier A/B-ing both headphones on the Armageddon? I don't think that will work, unless you use one of the attenuated outputs
oh, now I know! I misunderstood Doug's answer!

This I asked earlier...
.... Don't know but will it drive Ribbons directly/as well?
Yes, they were paired together at SG CJ, it also drove Storm very well from what I've been told.
I then assumed Armageddon would drive both - regular AND Ribbon HP.

But what's the difference between those 4 (2 sets of 6,3/4PIN) outputs?
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Apr 22, 2024 at 9:59 AM Post #182 of 191
oh, know I know! I misunderstood Doug's answer!

This I asked earlier...


I then assumed Armageddon would drive both - regular AND Ribbon HP.

But what's the difference between those 4 (2 sets of 6,3/4PIN) outputs?
That was my mistake. I originally thought the direct out was for Ribbon and not just a 0dB out as it actually is.
Aug 28, 2024 at 4:33 PM Post #186 of 191
I'd add these 2 to your list:
Fidelice DAC/Preamp/Headphone amp
Merging Anubis (or the VERY similar Neumann MT48)
Oct 7, 2024 at 12:44 AM Post #187 of 191
Greetings everyone..I hate to come off as a complete newbie but:
1:Could some of you guru's give me an overview of what performance parameters are deemed to be "End Game" & "TOTL" in respects to this list?I would appreciate it..
2:Is there a similar list somewhere for headphones?
3:While I have never had the pleasure of actually demo'ing one,I second the recommendation of the SimAudio Moon 430HA based on the performance of the headphone circuit of my 240i integrated amplifier..While my headphones are considered entry level,they are absolutely the finest I've ever owned, & over my 50+ years as an audio reproduction enthusiast,I have used the headphone circuits provided in many many integrated amplifiers I have owned..Never in my life have I had such wonderfully articulated,emotionally connected & beautifully saturated color of tone as this amplifier provides...
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Nov 27, 2024 at 5:35 PM Post #188 of 191
I'd like to add M2 Tech Marley Mkii, transparency of Bryston BHA-1 with holographic stage of tube amps
Nov 28, 2024 at 12:18 AM Post #189 of 191
Based on an admittedly limited half hour audition at CanJam, I'd be inclined to add the new Audma Maestro HPA1 to the list.
Dec 13, 2024 at 12:30 PM Post #191 of 191
With the aim of driving Susvara OG, recently acquired Schiit Tyr monoblocks (200 W 8 ohm) , which I connect via speaker taps to a Zynsonix adapter box (not strictly necessary but provides in addition the headphones in parallel a 10 ohm load closer to what they are expecting). I have provided a review on SBAF here, so won’t rabbit on here on Head-FI, you can read that if interested. TL;DR - glorious. Thomas Tan reviewed on YT recently, which given the fact that he is selling his own speaker amp (TS A75) in competition with the Tyrs speaks loudly, see below FYI

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