I'm still quite surprised you love the Explorer. Thought it would be too chill, too smooth, for you. Glad you dig! It's a special set.
I think the LEC codes only were for sale through Nov. 5. I went to linsoul.com yesterday to investigate buying one or both, and they were not for sale.
I sell gear or use my gig money. My 11.11 purchase of the $200-ish P5+2 may be the only purchase from the "general fund" I make this year as a small treat to me.
Sure as hell does. It all adds up.
Then why keep the other 30?
Sell them to buy better IEMs that are worth the dough with other people's money! That's one of my favorite ways to buy -- "other people's money."
My vow is more of a correction. I like to think I'm one of the most FOMO-proof mofos here. I vowed three years ago to keep only three over-ear cans at once, a vow that remains unbroken to this day. In fact, I only have two now!
Vacations here consist of visiting our daughter and son-in-law in Seattle and son in Durango, Colorado, at least annually. We also have a small house on a lake in the Adirondack Mountains of New York, so we can "vacation" there on weekends in the summer.
This graphic gave me a hearty belly laugh. So effing true and shows what gullible sheep consumers can be. Funny!
You bet. I run all my IEMs off desktop gear about 97 percent of the time. The Piccolo is about the only one I run from a phone dongle, and it sounds better on desktop.
Call the EMTs -- holy f*ck, I had a stroke reading that. I probably don't spend $1,000 on any discretionary stuff in a
year. Whisky and weed are not discretionary -- they are essential for life. But I don't even spend that much on those, either.
Yes, yes, yes. I have maxed my 401K since I was a newspaper reporter in the late 80s making $17K per year. I take advantage of every tax shelter I can find. We buy only used cars, pay them off early. Paid off mortgages early. Never carry a credit card balance
ever. Sounds spartan, but I'm on track to enter semi-retirement at age 61.5 with a nice nest egg buttressed by
zero family money. The furthest thing from a member of the Lucky Sperm Club here. I come from a stable, upper-middle class family, but both of my parents were raised during the Great Depression in America in working class families, so they drilled the importance of savings to me and my three siblings and made it VERY clear there would be no handouts to us as adults.
I love race cars and race motorcycles. But my eye also is drawn by attractive performance street cars, too. Mainly sports cars.