The "dirty little secrets about your work" thread
Jun 16, 2007 at 7:16 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 137


Headphoneus Supremus
Jan 18, 2007
After reading Kool Bubba Ice's thread, detailing how poorly some of Best Buy's products are taken care of in the warehouse before reaching customers, I was inspired to make this thread, designed to inform (or warn) people (potential customers) about shoddy goings-on at your workplace. Ill start.

Cortina Foods: When packaging pre-shredded cheese, all the "reject" cheese (all the odds and ends from the day's production runs, including cheese that didnt look good enough to be packaged in blocks, cheese that smelled weird, cheese that had mold cut off it) was shredded and put into non-descript bags, such as "fiesta mix", "party mix", or "pizza blend". Don't ever buy these if you see them in the store.

Dairyland: This may disgust you, but Dairyland chocolate milk is quite a chemical concoction. Old yogourt, sour milk, and other various "bad" dairy products go into Dairyland chocolate milk, and are then put into a huge vat and chemically "corrected". If you think its just regular milk with chocolate flavouring added, you are sadly mistaken...its more like chocolate "masking".

PVL Nutrients: When making protein shake mix, once in a while you end up with a finished product that raises an eyebrow from quality control. Either it will smell funny, or have an odd texture, or taste a little off. These products are re-blended and diluted while blending their "Gainer" and "Mass Builder" products. Avoid them.

OK, your turn to tell us what goes on at your workplace that we should probably know long as your boss doesnt lurk on Head-fi and fire your ass
Jun 16, 2007 at 8:01 PM Post #2 of 137
Oh god, I'd rather not read about how some of the food I eat is produced. Luckily, I haven't bought anything from your shortlist above, but I'd be willing to bet that there are some mighty disgusting things out there that probably shouldn't be sold, so thanks for the heads up.
Jun 16, 2007 at 8:14 PM Post #3 of 137

Originally Posted by M0T0XGUY /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh god, I'd rather not read about how some of the food I eat is produced. Luckily, I haven't bought anything from your shortlist above, but I'd be willing to bet that there are some mighty disgusting things out there that probably shouldn't be sold, so thanks for the heads up.

Used to be a mail clerk for State fund.. You wouldn't believe how much mail was opened that shouldn't have been..Not on purpose.. We just had a revolving door of new people & poorly trained. In my 9 months there 20 people either left or were fired. It got so bad we nicked our supervisor the terminator. Imagine being a adjuster waiting on a important piece of mail, later to find out someone opened it & stashed it somewhere. When I was learning I made a few mistakes too.. But I always thought if it was my mail..So I would double check before opening the mail with their machine..
Jun 16, 2007 at 8:16 PM Post #4 of 137

Originally Posted by mrdeadfolx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
After reading Kool Bubba Ice's thread, detailing how poorly some of Best Buy's products are taken care of in the warehouse before reaching customers, I was inspired to make this thread, designed to inform (or warn) people (potential customers) about shoddy goings-on at your workplace. Ill start.

Cortina Foods: When packaging pre-shredded cheese, all the "reject" cheese (all the odds and ends from the day's production runs, including cheese that didnt look good enough to be packaged in blocks, cheese that smelled weird, cheese that had mold cut off it) was shredded and put into non-descript bags, such as "fiesta mix", "party mix", or "pizza blend". Don't ever buy these if you see them in the store.

Dairyland: This may disgust you, but Dairyland chocolate milk is quite a chemical concoction. Old yogourt, sour milk, and other various "bad" dairy products go into Dairyland chocolate milk, and are then put into a huge vat and chemically "corrected". If you think its just regular milk with chocolate flavouring added, you are sadly mistaken...its more like chocolate "masking".

PVL Nutrients: When making protein shake mix, once in a while you end up with a finished product that raises an eyebrow from quality control. Either it will smell funny, or have an odd texture, or taste a little off. These products are re-blended and diluted while blending their "Gainer" and "Mass Builder" products. Avoid them.

OK, your turn to tell us what goes on at your workplace that we should probably know long as your boss doesnt lurk on Head-fi and fire your ass

The worst is KFC.. I can no longer in good, conscious eat there..Sory but 'punting' chickens is cruel..& jumping on them till their inards explode is sick..
Jun 16, 2007 at 8:18 PM Post #6 of 137

Originally Posted by trains are bad /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I would strongly suggest tipping your pizza delivery driver fairly. I think that's all that needs to be said.

I always tip well & am very nice to my waiter/waitress
Jun 16, 2007 at 8:21 PM Post #7 of 137
If the state of NJ owes you $2500 or more in state income tax refund, they won't send you the money for 6 months. If you call, and ask where your refund is you'll be told your return is being reviewed. After 6 months you'll receive your check because at 6 months they have to start paying interest.
Jun 16, 2007 at 8:33 PM Post #8 of 137

Originally Posted by fatcat28037 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If the state of NJ owes you $2500 or more in state income tax refund, they won't send you the money for 6 months. If you call, and ask where your refund is you'll be told your return is being reviewed. After 6 months you'll receive your check because at 6 months they have to start paying interest.

BB considers 32 hrs to be full time to skim on the benefits, unless you are a manager, then you get 40 plus hrs a week. Wallmart 27hrs FT.
Jun 16, 2007 at 9:05 PM Post #9 of 137

Originally Posted by M0T0XGUY /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh god, I'd rather not read about how some of the food I eat is produced. Luckily, I haven't bought anything from your shortlist above, but I'd be willing to bet that there are some mighty disgusting things out there that probably shouldn't be sold, so thanks for the heads up.

This does not just pertain to the foods industry, that just happens to be the majority of the work Ive done. I'm talking about all shoddy practices that consumers should be made aware of.
Jun 16, 2007 at 9:05 PM Post #10 of 137
I used to work at a banquet center, which was really, really nice on the outside, but oh god if you came to the back while we were working you'd have a heart attack. I'm not even going to talk about it, but the next time you guys are at a banquet or some nice place, just eat the food and enjoy the decorations. Don't think too much about how the place is thrown together.
Jun 16, 2007 at 9:15 PM Post #11 of 137

Originally Posted by Mrvile /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I used to work at a banquet center, which was really, really nice on the outside, but oh god if you came to the back while we were working you'd have a heart attack. I'm not even going to talk about it, but the next time you guys are at a banquet or some nice place, just eat the food and enjoy the decorations. Don't think too much about how the place is thrown together.

We need details!
Jun 16, 2007 at 9:35 PM Post #12 of 137
watch the movie 'Waiting' if you frequently eat out ... it has some pretty helpful tips.
Jun 16, 2007 at 9:51 PM Post #13 of 137
Heh, well I go into the back of justabout every restaraunt in town and all I can say is if you worry about this stuff, stop eating out. Some of the really high end places are still ok but it gets grody even at some of the better steakhouses and such that I go into. That said there are only a few places that I refuse to eat at, Chili's being the main offender. Sad considering everything they make there is straight from the freezer to boil-in-bag, deep fryer, or microwave. I don't know how they still manage to make their kitchen so disgusting. Carabbas is pretty bad also, at least at the couple locations I've delivered to. Just seeing the freaking huge vat of mushrooms being cooked and the guy sticking in this massive wooden paddle to stir them around made me sick. There's just no way to properly clean stuff that big.

Secrets of the liquor industry? I could tell you but I'd have to kill all of you. That is if they told me any of the secrets.
Jun 16, 2007 at 9:58 PM Post #14 of 137
Skincare prodcuts labeled "For Men" and the like are the exact same as their "feminine" counterparts, only with a different scent, bottle, and sometimes color.
Jun 16, 2007 at 10:35 PM Post #15 of 137
I don't have that many bad stories to tell actually. If you're worried about someone spitting on your food in a restaurant, don' be. It really doesn't happen much from what I've seen. Actually only once, and that was due to a prior grudge the employee had. You should probably stay away from restaurants that never seem to have much business. There is generally a reason why, lets just say the things that some of the employees do in their downtime is pretty bad, as well as the sanitation from afterward. Plus, the health rating is not always a good indicator. One particular restaurant (the same one from the previous examples) had a 99.5, but was also pretty nasty with some fairly bad practices by its employees health-wise.

By the way, Dunkin Donuts trucks all of its donuts in frozen and then uses a small oven to "bake" them. It's place and bake, not really fresh, that's why when they run out of a particular type, that's it for the day. Because they can't make any until they get more that night. The ice bins they use for cold drinks are rarely cleaned on the inside as well, I never saw it done actually, some of the ice could be in there for days if its in the center where it won't melt before it's actually used.

That's about all I got, the locally owned, non-franchise restaurants are pretty good about not having any secrets you don't want to know, and BJs at least was very straightforward, nothing to hide there.

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