The Apex Teton Review and Impressions Thread
Feb 15, 2014 at 1:41 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 242


500+ Head-Fier
Apr 10, 2006

A few months ago, I saw the Head-Fi announcement by TTVJ introducing the new Apex Teton, an OTL headphone amp designed and built by Pete Millett and sold by Todd Green. Although at the time I was the happy owner of both an ECP Audio L-2 and an Eddie Current Super 7 and not in the market for a new headphone amp, the Teton product announcement grabbed my interest. The amp uses the same tube complement as the Singlepower Extreme, an amp that gave me a lot of listening pleasure years ago. My Singlepower Extreme failed after a few years, thanks to notoriously bad Singlepower build quality, but I never quite forgot how musical an amp it was before it failed. The Apex Teton uses the same input tube (6SN7) and output tube (6080) as the Singlepower Extreme, but adds tube rectification.
I put my name on Todd's loaner list -- thinking the hurdle rate for me to shell out $5K for a headphone amp was pretty high -- and received the amp for two weeks in early December. Live and in person, the Teton has exceptional parts and built quality. Everything from the sheer heft of the amp, to the metal tube sockets, to a volume control with zero channel imbalance at even the lowest volumes -- it really exudes quality. It also looks better in person than in pictures. I normally wouldn't care how much an amp weighs, but in this case, one apparent benefit is that the amp only gets warm to the touch -- not hot like most other OTL tube amps -- after hours of use.
Before describing how the amp sounds, here is a little background about my previous experience with headphone amps. Since getting involved in this hobby about 8 years ago, I have owned nine headphone amps, five tube amps and four solid state amps. Of those amps, only three struck me on first listen as definite "keepers" -- the Singlepower Extreme, the Eddie Current Super 7, and the ECP L-2. Others, including the Luxman P-1u, the Woo 22, and the DNA Sonett, just didn't cut in it my book. Not that they were bad, but they were not exceptional. So that is the reveal of what I have owned before.
My assumption before receiving the Teton was that other amps might sound different than the Super 7 or the L-2, but they probably wouldn't sound all that much better. I was wrong. The Teton on first listen trumps every other amp I have owned or heard, and not by a small margin. Without getting into pablum about "veils being lifted", etc. -- the Teton is an absolutely beautiful sounding amp, offering a front row perspective, incredible detail and tone, amazing spatial cues, the most expansive soundstage of any amp I have heard, impressive speed that results in great rhythmic drive, and it accomplishes all this without sounding bright or fatiguing. I still have a great deal of respect for the Super 7 and the L-2, but the Teton is a lot better sounding than both -- more musical, natural, enveloping, and detailed.
The claim I sometimes hear about OTL amps like the Teton is that they allow the listener to hear the tubes rather than the transformers. For example, with the Woo 22, a transformer-coupled balanced amp, I did not find that tube rolling made a night and day difference in how the amp sounded. Swapping tubes in the Woo 22 resulted in fairly subtle changes. The Eddie Current Super 7 is certainly more amenable to tube rolling than the 22, but it does not sound like a completely different amp as a result of tube rolling. Different sounding? Yes. Like a completely different amp? No. In contrast, tube rolling has a profound impact on the sound of the Apex Teton, as if it is a chameleon capable of fully "channelling" the tubes you roll into it. And each of its three tubes -- the input tube, the output tube, and the rectifier -- has a substantial effect on the character of the amp. As an example, with a Mullard U52, a Chatham 5998, and a Tung Sol BGRP 6F8G, the amp is lightening fast, clean and incisive -- sort of like a Pass Labs preamp or amp. This is a good tube complement to use with the LCD-2/3/X. In contrast, roll in a Mullard 5AR4, a Bendix 6080, and a Chelmer CV181, and you end up with a warm sounding amp with a lot of midrange bloom -- sort of like the Conrad Johnson or McIntosh house sound.
You can mix and match tubes and easily end up anywhere you want along this continuum. That makes the amp tremendously fun and satisfying to use. Right now, my favorite tube complement is a Mullard U52 (which is a faster sounding rectifier than the Mullard 5AR4), an IT 6528 I purchased from Todd (which is a little more detailed than the Bendix 6080), and an RCA 6F8G (which has a little more bass than the Chelmer CV181). With this set up, the primary headphone I used with the Teton was the HD800s, which don't sound bright/lean/fatiguing in the slightest with the Teton. Set up this way, the amp offers an incredibly enveloping immersion in the music. Its center of gravity is the mid-range, which depending on the tubes used, can have either a somewhat rounded sound or monitor-like detail. With my current favorite tubes, the amp offers plenty of detail, spatial cues, and tone, with a hint of midrange bloom.
Running through a few of my personal reference recordings that I am very familiar with....Listening to "To Build A Home" by the Cinematic Orchestra, Patrick Wilson's piano sounds exquisite -- the tone and spacial cues clearly indicate he is playing an old upright piano, unlike in earlier tracks on the CD -- with natural decay of single notes and chords. On Drake's "Take Care", Rihanna literally sounds like she is whispering in you ear -- you can hear literally hear her mouth opening, singing "here's what I'll do, I'll take care of you" (if only). On Dire Straits "Brothers in Arms", Mark Knopfler's voice and guitar sounds heartbreaking. Listening to Nick Drake's "Pink Moon", I have never heard a headphone rig create such a realistic tone, of hearing sound reflected and amplified off the wood of an acoustic guitar.
Bass performance is stellar as well. Through the Teton, on well-recorded music, the HD800s deliver as much visceral bass as the LCD-2s on any other amp I have owned. On Grizzly Bear's "Two Weeks", when the kick drum is struck, you hear the resonance of the kick pedal hitting the skin of the drum. In other words, not only lots of bass quantity but also outstanding bass resolution.
My favorite stereo amp in my speaker system has been the VAC Phi 200. For those in the know, VAC has a stellar reputation for designing "beautiful" sounding amps that also happen to deliver bass that rivals Pass Labs or Mark Levinson and that last forever. The Apex Teton reminds me a lot of the VAC Phi 200, in terms of sound quality and presentation.
As a side note, I did try the Teton as a preamp as well. In that role, it is no slouch. My current preamps are a $7,500 Zesto Leto and a $2,300 Mystere ca21. As a preamp, with a Tung Sol BGRP 6SN7, I thought the Teton was on par with the Leto sonically -- the Leto has slightly deeper bass, the Teton has better midrange. It surpassed the Mystere ca21 in pretty much all respects. I suspect if Todd and Pete removed the headphone jack on the front, the Teton would be finding its way into quite a few stereo systems as a dedicated preamp.
A couple of final observations. First, I have upped my listening time quite a bit since I received the Teton. The Teton with my HD800s right now sounds better than my much more expensive speaker rig. It is so good, it motivated me to go out and buy better speakers.  Second, the Teton seems to be curing my occassional insomnia. I often listen to my headphone rig while reading at night before bed. Most of the time, the music being piped through my headphones is supposed to serve as "background", to create an ambience that will allow me to read, get tired, and (eventually) nod off. The Teton sounds so good, most nights I find that it is hard to treat the music as "background", with my primary focus on reading. The Teton forces me to put down whatever I am reading, close my eyes, and listen with rapt attention to the music. My mind stops racing and I end up asleep.  I have heard the Sigur Ros album "Agaetis byrjun" so many times now, that for me it became mellow music for napping. Through the Teton, the album now sounds so expansive and hypnotic, I am listening to it again with the same enjoyment I got years ago the first two dozen times I heard it.
As my time with the Apex loaner came to an end, I gladly picked up the phone to buy the amp. The amp was built and delivered within a month.  Yes, the Teton is expensive at $5,000. If you are on the fence about spending that kind of money on an amp, I would recommend giving Todd a call to get on the loaner list. The Teton could well be your "end of the line" amp that will take you off the merry-go-round. If you cannot fathom ever paying $5,000 for a headphone amp -- or if it would be economically unwise to do so -- keep your name off the loaner list or cut up your credit cards before your two week trial of the Teton begins.
Feb 17, 2014 at 10:13 AM Post #2 of 242
Thanks for the great review! The Teton is still out traveling on the loaner program and I would expect to see some more reviews soon.
Feb 17, 2014 at 11:44 PM Post #4 of 242
Sorry, I do not own TH900s, so cannot say how the Teton sounds driving them. Hopefully, somebody who has had the loaner will chime in.

A general rule of thumb is that OTL amps are better at driving high impedance headphones and potentially cause rolled off bass with low impedance headphones. So that creates a possible issue with the TH900s. But this rule is not written in stone in my experience. For example, the Teton sounds fantastic driving the LCD-2s, which are low impedance like the TH900s. Hop Ham, in his review, loved how the Teton sounded driving the new LCD-X. The Teton also sounds sublime driving my old JVC DX1000s, which are also low impedance. Bass with the LCD-2s and DX1000s is not rolled off or distorted in the slightest.
Feb 18, 2014 at 8:36 AM Post #5 of 242
First off, great review!  I'm in the market for a new amp and this grabbed my attention back then as well.  It's nice to hear it stacks up.
Alright...  I have ask about the elephant in the room.  Everyone rants about how much of a difference balanced makes for the HD800.  How do you feel about the choice to omit this option from an amp of this caliber?
Feb 18, 2014 at 8:51 AM Post #6 of 242
Great review thanks.
Its a pity we Europeans don't get chance of a loaner programme. I am sure Todd would sell many more if this were possible.
I bought my Apex Peak/Volcano totally blind and have never regretted it. The amount of detail these Apex amps reveal from good recordings is astonishing.
Being a long time electrostatic user i'm surprised how close these amplifiers enable top dynamics (HD800, Sony R10, Fostex, Audeze) to get close to the performance of stats.
Feb 18, 2014 at 12:54 PM Post #7 of 242
Has anyone tried the Teton with the TH900?

I tried the TH900 briefly with the Teton so don't have much to say but it sounded good. The bass was well controlled and it had that big TH900 soundstage, despite being a closed phone. I'd say the Teton and ECBA were about equal (all things considered) with the TH900 but I have heard it sound not great with certain amps like the Liquid Glass...just not a good pairing in my experience. For some context - I do really like the Soloist TH900 combo. 
Feb 18, 2014 at 8:30 PM Post #8 of 242
  Great review thanks.
Its a pity we Europeans don't get chance of a loaner programme. I am sure Todd would sell many more if this were possible.
I bought my Apex Peak/Volcano totally blind and have never regretted it. The amount of detail these Apex amps reveal from good recordings is astonishing.
Being a long time electrostatic user i'm surprised how close these amplifiers enable top dynamics (HD800, Sony R10, Fostex, Audeze) to get close to the performance of stats.

DITTO!!  About four years (or more) back I brought in the Apex Peak/Volcano, it's been my referral piece all the while. Will let you eek out the last bit of information like no other.
Feb 18, 2014 at 9:42 PM Post #10 of 242
So I guess another good question is...How much of an improvement is this over the Peak/Volcano?
Sadly, this is out of my price range right now, but I had been considering the Peak/Volcano for awhile now for HD800 usage. Is it like 80% or so of the Teton (law of diminishing returns).
Feb 18, 2014 at 11:42 PM Post #11 of 242
So I guess another good question is...How much of an improvement is this over the Peak/Volcano?

Sadly, this is out of my price range right now, but I had been considering the Peak/Volcano for awhile now for HD800 usage. Is it like 80% or so of the Teton (law of diminishing returns).

I suspect a call or e-mail to Todd would get you an authoritative and honest answer....but according to Pete Millett (the designer), the Teton has a little more even order distortion than the other Apex amps. The result, according to Pete, is that the Teton sounds a little more like a 300B or 2A3 SET amp. The other Apex amps he describes as more linear and transparent. (See the original Teton product announcement thread on Head-Fi for his exact wording...I am only paraphrasing.).
Feb 19, 2014 at 4:38 AM Post #12 of 242
Not in the market for another tube amp but thanks for the review, I enjoyed reading it.  The only tube amp I own is a DV-337 which was purchased used at about 1/7th the price of the Teton so I'm sure it's not comparable but anyway, it's a dual mono OTL design and I certainly agree with you that tube rotation changes the sound in a very significant way.  My favourites at the moment are the TungSol 5998 power tubes and RCA 5693.  
Enjoy your acquisition!
Feb 19, 2014 at 11:55 PM Post #13 of 242
First off, great review!  I'm in the market for a new amp and this grabbed my attention back then as well.  It's nice to hear it stacks up.

Alright...  I have ask about the elephant in the room.  Everyone rants about how much of a difference balanced makes for the HD800.  How do you feel about the choice to omit this option from an amp of this caliber?

I guess the simple answer is: if an amp sounds better than anything else I have heard, why would I care if it is balanced or single-ended? So, no, I couldn't care less that the amp isn't balanced.
Feb 20, 2014 at 5:07 AM Post #14 of 242
Thats what I thought too when I got my Headroom BUDA, made a great difference to the HD800's. Where did all that bass come from!
However; now having run them on my Apex Peak/ Volcano, they are even more impressive even though they are single ended, 
Realistically balanced should provide more power and dynamics but in the end I think it comes down to the amplifier design and its synergy with the headphones I feel. I would guess this will be more important with some headphones more than others like the AKG K1000 which I would think should benefit greatly from balanced drive. 
I guess the simple answer is: if an amp sounds better than anything else I have heard, why would I care if it is balanced or single-ended? So, no, I couldn't care less that the amp isn't balanced.

Feb 20, 2014 at 8:02 AM Post #15 of 242

Great review!
I have never heard the VAC Phi 200, but Vac’s older pre and mono amplifier was remarkably good sounding end easily draw the Thiel CS-7 to the best performance I ever heard them. They were very, very expensive unfortunately. If the Teton sound sig is like that it must be a stellar amp.


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