Temptation Too Strong...
Aug 17, 2007 at 2:27 PM Post #16 of 21

Originally Posted by Kitt9000 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Its funny, I got in on the same batch of E500s but I am out of town and won't be able to listen to them for a while. I'm also currently using the UE 5 Pros and am a bit worried about the E500s having a smaller soundstage and the rolled off highs I keep hearing about. I do like the UE Super Fi pro's but sometimes, especially at high volumes the highs can be a little-bit harsh. But the EQ takes care of that and I find the SFPros to be great and balanced overall (I like the slightly bassy sound) for my taste.

What is your opinion on these qualities of the E500s as compared to the Super Fis? Thanks in advance and I am happy to hear you're enjoying your earphones.


To me, they sound quite different from one another. I feel the E500's have more of a "refined" sound quality. Upon first going from 5Pro's to the E500's, you'l probably be a bit disappointed due to the fact the 5Pro's have a very "live" and "energetic" sound quality to them. The E500's seem like they're missing something. But upon longer listening with the Shures, I find I don't miss the excitement and energy of the UE's IEMs at all. I feel the E500's offer a more elegant and refined sound quality, whereas the 5Pro's offer energy and excitement. I think they have more of a "fun" factor to them.

Soundstage-wise, I think they're about the same. At this time I can't say if ones better or not in this respect. As for the harshness that you mention with the Pro's, I don't feel the Shures are that way at all. I think the Shures are more resolving, at least in the lower frequencies. On one track I listened to I noticed the bass string rattle off the fretboard easily on the E500's, but on the 5Pro's, I almost had to listen closely to hear it.

They present the sound in a different way, but both are very enjoyable in their own right. I don't think you'll be disappointed with the E500's.
Aug 17, 2007 at 2:39 PM Post #17 of 21
i own the se530 also and they are superb,ive also only been tempted away by customs but i just tell myself not to bother when i enjoy these that much already,i would suggest you try and purchase the new black foams if you only have e500 model because they make a superb isolation and bass difference,plus ofcourse added comfort,roll on shure se640's im sure they are in the pipeline somewhere i dont think the 500's are as rolled off at the high as people make out,maybe they are a little but for me this adds to the pleasure of the sound because harsh highs would spoil the superb mids and bass,thats not to say the highs are poor i find the highs more than do there job when you crank it up a bit with cymbals and high hats crashing with great accuracy and for the record ive listened extensively to the triple fi's aswell and came back to the warmer and smoother sounding shures
Aug 18, 2007 at 2:36 AM Post #18 of 21
Audiodwebe -

I ordered a pair from the ebay guy on Sunday. On Wednesday I got an email from him confirming the order. He also apologized for not responding sooner. It sounded like he got a little behind in his email, so that may be why you did not receive a confirming email.
Aug 19, 2007 at 2:03 AM Post #19 of 21
Just got mine today and wanted to give my first impressions... I gotta say, these sound fantastic, thus far. Coming from the ER4P (which were my favorite headphones for the past couple years), the e500s have a much fuller sound, with a huge soundstage (for an IEM, at least). The highs are not as prominent as the Ety's, but I'm pretty sure that's due to the improved mid and bass response. While the details aren't as initially obvious as with the ER4P, they're still there, you just have to listen a little more closely. The mids are definitely much more present than with the Ety's. The bass is full without sounding bloated. Overall, the e500s are simply amazing. I know a lot of people have said that the e500 has rolled off highs. I haven't noticed this too much, but my iAudio 5 also has a custom EQ. My impressions might be colored by the fact that the e500s are my new and shiny toy, so I'll post a more detailed review after I've had more time with them. But for the time being, I'm so impressed with them that I'm actually tempted to buy another pair.
Aug 19, 2007 at 2:24 AM Post #20 of 21

Originally Posted by Judge Crandall /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Just got mine today and wanted to give my first impressions... I gotta say, these sound fantastic, thus far. Coming from the ER4P (which were my favorite headphones for the past couple years), the e500s have a much fuller sound, with a huge soundstage (for an IEM, at least). The highs are not as prominent as the Ety's, but I'm pretty sure that's due to the improved mid and bass response. While the details aren't as initially obvious as with the ER4P, they're still there, you just have to listen a little more closely. The mids are definitely much more present than with the Ety's. The bass is full without sounding bloated. Overall, the e500s are simply amazing. I know a lot of people have said that the e500 has rolled off highs. I haven't noticed this too much, but my iAudio 5 also has a custom EQ. My impressions might be colored by the fact that the e500s are my new and shiny toy, so I'll post a more detailed review after I've had more time with them. But for the time being, I'm so impressed with them that I'm actually tempted to buy another pair.

Glad to here you're enjoying your new toy. I, too, am pretty impressed with these IEM's. Have you connected the PTH device? I haven't tried mine yet. Seems a bit cumbersome to me. Besides, I don't see how adding something else in the line can be a good thing.

Keep us posted as you get used to the Shures.
Aug 19, 2007 at 2:35 AM Post #21 of 21

Originally Posted by AudioDwebe /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Glad to here you're enjoying your new toy. I, too, am pretty impressed with these IEM's. Have you connected the PTH device? I haven't tried mine yet. Seems a bit cumbersome to me. Besides, I don't see how adding something else in the line can be a good thing.

Keep us posted as you get used to the Shures.

The PTH works fine, but like you said, seems to be fairly cumbersome for what it is. It's just as easy to pop one earphone out or just pause the player, so I probably won't be using it. I can't imagine actually paying extra for it.

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