Takstar Pro 82/GM200 Review, impressions and discussion thread

Which headphones do you want Pro 82 to be compared with?

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Apr 30, 2018 at 10:43 AM Post #1,861 of 4,605
Yesterday I was listening to my IEMs/earbuds directly from Oppo HA-2, and I just wasn't enjoying my music as much as usual.
At the end, I decided to switch to electrostats. Just as I was plugging the cable into HA-2's LO, I have finally noticed that I left the bass boost on after the measurements...

Apr 30, 2018 at 4:10 PM Post #1,862 of 4,605
So... I've been living with pro82's as my main headphones for allmost a week now. It is time for some impressions. First of all let's keep in mind that everyone hears differently so ymmv. Anyway I've been into headphones for about ten years now. I've owned about 150-200 different pairs. Most of them low end but some quite high end like Beyerdynamic T1,T5p, Sony MDR-CD3000,Sa-5000, Audio Technica ATH-w1000x, J VC DX-1000, Denon ah-d5000 and so on. I've been into budget chi-fi headphones since forever...to be precise since the release of superlux hd681. I was also one of the first people on head-fi to own Takstar Hi2050 and I've been speaking highly of Takstar products ever since. So Pro82 is quite meaningfull headphone for me as a successor for one of my alltime favorites hi2050 & pro80. While I've had pro82, I've been mostly using them with my oneplus3, sometimes with oneplus3+topping nx1 and usually with my desktop setup hegel hd10+spl phonitor. Why all this ramble? Because it is very important to know where person is coming from. What headphones he/she likes or is familiar with. What are his/her soundsignature biases. I must say, I have no sounsignature bias. I lived for years with dx1000 and sa5000. Other being bassy and dark other bright and bass light. I loved them both.

First.. A family photo


I'd like to talk about build quality of pro82's. Like people have said these are very comfortable headphones. Definately an improvement over pro80. Pro80 notoriously has quite bad stock pads and me included prefer to use alternative pads such as HM5 pleather pads. Pads are not perfect, I would have preferred memory foam and more luxurious feel but as far as normal stock pads go these are good. Detachable cable is a big plus. I especially like that it is not some propriatory plug so any 2.5mm plug will do. 3.5mm woud have been better IMO because if is more popular thus offering easier replacement. I'm not a fan of the cable lengt. 1.6m is too long for portable and too short for home use. It is not unknown to offer two cables at $50-100 price range. Also the plug termination makes no sense. If it is supposed to be portable, it should be angled! Many headphone manufacturers don't get this. Neither does taksar obviously.

The housing and the headband... Well.. This is the stuff I don't like. Pro82's look like a cheap copy of sony mdr-1a. Pro80's were well done copy of classic beyerdynamic design, with pro82's all we have is plastic and lots of it. Despite pro82's more modern looks in this regard it is a downgrade from classic pro80/hi2050.


Another thing I don't like is that the headband has no visible adjuster points. Not a biggy, but it annoys me. Pro80 had the dots pro82 has none. I would not care about it much but adjusting system on pro82 feels a bit loose as new. If it becomes looser over time it becomes a problem not being able to adjust both cups evenly.
IMG_20180430_221002.jpg IMG_20180430_221219.jpg

Finally... the sound quality. Let's go positive first. Pro82's have very nice imaging. With fast attack these have the ability to distinguish instruments, different drum pieces etc. Midrange clarity is good. Thing sound like they are supposed to. Extra credit for being able to portray the breath on singers voice. Singing does not sound synthetical but like an actual person blowing out(singing) air. Sorry for not so technical explanation. I don't know a better way how to put it. Soundsignature in general is balanced, quite neutral I would say. Bass extends all the way down low and mids and higs don't have any annoying peaks or dips to my ear. As an overall balance these have improved over pro80, which suffered from somewhat hars highs. I personally did not find highs on pro80 and hi2050 that big of a deal but I can hear why some did.

The negative: First thing that comes to mind is soundstage. I saw the Z-review video and guy kept saying "I can't believe I'm listening to headphones". Well, I can. The soundstage on pro82's is very small and even with good imaging listening can get tiresome especially with recordings with lot of stereo panning. Zeppelin, hendrix, beatles and stuff like that. It is not that it is a minor downfall it is a big deal. Soundstage and whole presentation is "closeted". It is a big negative change after pro80's that had a good soundstage especially if one uses thicker aftermarket pads.

Another negative is the bass. It is not bad bass. It's punchy and extends low but the headphones housing does not do justice for the capable driver. Pro80 and hi2050 had excellent damping materials inside the cups that removed the unwanted resonances and reverbs. If I open a bassport on pro82's I can clearly hear resonances within the housing. Bass becomes honky and with bassports closed I get barely enough bass to my liking. Not that it's bass light but it is about 80% that I would prefer. I don't understand what Takstar engineers where thinking when they ditched the idea of proper cup dampening.

Highs... well, this is a thing that will surely divide people. I find pro82's rather dark sounding headphones. I red these were compared to Fostex th-900 soundsignature and I find it hard to believe. I have not heard th900 but from what I get by reading reviews is that th900 is a v-shaped headphone with allmost piercingly bright highs. That is pretty much opposite what I get with pro82's. With most headphones highs can become a bit too much with metal music. I was listening to children of bodom and amorphis and pro82's just sound mellow up top. These don't fix the issue on bright recordings instead they make music sound as exciting as yesterdays cold porridge. I compared pro82's with denon ah-d2000 which is an ancestor of th900 and the lowest in rank of the foster made headphones. There is not a single area where pro82's is superior to d2000.


This overall staleness of sounds underliness my experience with pro82. These headphones had a lot of potential but the monitor like dullness combined with lack of soundstage is a deal breaker. Perhaps I could even live with these if they had a killer detail retrival but congested highs ruin that too. Pro82 is a decent headphone but not an actual improvement over pro80. It is pretty much what superlux did with hd681 evo. Original hd681 was very bright headphone so they made a dark and bassy mess as a replacement. Takstar did not fail that bad but all in all I'm disappointed. Where did the soundstage go? What happened to premium build materials...where did the musicality go?

Edit: I forgot to mention isolation. Isolation is very good but still headphones are still comfortable. In this aspect pro82's are propably best I've ever had. Usually headphones that isolate well have high clamping force(dt770/hm5 etc)
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Apr 30, 2018 at 4:28 PM Post #1,863 of 4,605
Thanks for your review. i have a pair myself and although I can understand your critiques about this headphone... I don't think you can find another headphone as good as this for around $70. What you get for the price really can't be beat. I'm usually a believer in the saying, "you get what you pay for"... but these headphones are definitely an exception to that saying. Do they have their short-comings?... of course they do. These headphones really should sell for between $200 - $250. That's "Beats" territory... yet these are better than "Beats" in just about every way. If you want a good headphone for less than $100, you really can't "beat" these :wink:
Apr 30, 2018 at 5:33 PM Post #1,864 of 4,605
If your reference in $200-250 category is beats then sure, pro82 is a giant killer.

But in that price range there is also: he400/he400/he400s, sennheiser 6xx, akg k7xx and q7xx series...focal professional and Pro, nad viso hp50, kef m500, beyerdynamic dt770/880/990/, bunch of audio technica stuff, fostex planars, monoprice planars etc...

Despite it's faults pro82 is not bad headphone. It's good for what it is. A $70 headphone that can compete with headphones costing twice as much. But so do many other headphones. Nothing new under the sun.
Apr 30, 2018 at 6:05 PM Post #1,865 of 4,605

What version of the Pro 82 do you have, v1 or v2? It sounds to me like you don't like these as much as you did the Pro 80, and if so, you literally are the first person I've seen who doesn't find the Pro 82 to be leaps and bounds better than the Pro 80. I've not personally heard the Pro 80 so I am going based upon other people's comparisons here.

"Stale" is not in any way how I would describe the Pro 82, so I cannot help but think something is wrong, either with the cans or your chain.

I'm not saying that someone cannot dislike the Pro 82; far from it. But the way you are describing the sound, other than the relatively narrow soundstage, doesn't align with what I hear.

I guess what I'm saying is before you write them off completely, let's make sure there isn't something wrong somewhere...
Apr 30, 2018 at 9:15 PM Post #1,866 of 4,605
@Roderick , thank you for the detailed and thoughtful review!
I have added a link in the post #3.

Just a few notes:
...The negative: First thing that comes to mind is soundstage. I saw the Z-review video and guy kept saying "I can't believe I'm listening to headphones". Well, I can. The soundstage on pro82's is very small and even with good imaging listening can get tiresome especially with recordings with lot of stereo panning. Zeppelin, hendrix, beatles and stuff like that. It is not that it is a minor downfall it is a big deal. Soundstage and whole presentation is "closeted". It is a big negative change after pro80's that had a good soundstage especially if one uses thicker aftermarket pads.
I think you may be confusing the fake soundstage that many V-shaped headphones produce with the real soundstage.
It's a known trick - ramp up the treble, and it will create an illusion of soundstage. Try listening to music that doesn't have much treble or high mids, and you'll see Pro 80's "soundstage" shrink.
Pro 82 provides a consistently large (for a portable headphone) soundstage.

...Another negative is the bass. It is not bad bass. It's punchy and extends low but the headphones housing does not do justice for the capable driver.
Pro80 and hi2050 had excellent damping materials inside the cups that removed the unwanted resonances and reverbs.
If I open a bassport on pro82's I can clearly hear resonances within the housing. Bass becomes honky and with bassports closed I get barely enough bass to my liking.
Not that it's bass light but it is about 80% that I would prefer. I don't understand what Takstar engineers where thinking when they ditched the idea of proper cup dampening.
Pro 82 is not for bassheads. If you need more bass, you must use HW-based one in your amp, otherwise SQ will suffer:

Highs... well, this is a thing that will surely divide people. I find pro82's rather dark sounding headphones.
You are certainly the first to call Pro 82 "dark". Although the second revision (which you have) was tuned to be even more linear than the first one, it has plenty of treble energy:

You probably are less sensitive to treble than the average Joe, which makes you prefer treble-heavy (mostly V-shaped) headphones.
It's not good or bad, it's just how you hear.

I red these were compared to Fostex th-900 soundsignature and I find it hard to believe.
I have not heard th900 but from what I get by reading reviews is that th900 is a v-shaped headphone with allmost piercingly bright highs.
The first revision resembled TH900Mk2 much better than the second one does:

But even the first revision had much better linearity than TH900MK2, so it probably wouldn't be enough of change for you to like them.

...That is pretty much opposite what I get with pro82's. With most headphones highs can become a bit too much with metal music.
I was listening to children of bodom and amorphis and pro82's just sound mellow up top.
These don't fix the issue on bright recordings instead they make music sound as exciting as yesterdays cold porridge.
I probably should add to the first post that metalheads shouldn't apply. Metal usually shines on V-shaped headphones with high distortions.
Pro 82 is super transparent and natural sounding, on a level that only electrostats and AB-1266 can compete with (from those I've heard).
I can't imagine a headphone less suitable for metal than Pro 82.
Makes perfect sense - that's why you wish Pro 82 had more bass and treble, making it more V-shaped.

My advice to you - sell Pro 82 and use proceeds to mod your Pro 80 into Pro 81 - it will still be V-shaped (less though), with increase in comfort and real soundstage.
You'll also avoid the SQ hit that Brainwavz pads create - bass will be just as tight and deep as with the original pads.
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May 1, 2018 at 3:38 AM Post #1,867 of 4,605
Thank you for your constructive replies @heavyharmonies @BenF :)

I know most people consider pro82 an upgrade over Pro80. I can see why. Pro82 is more even sounding headphone but The tradeoffs are too big so I personally can't consider it an upgrade. They sound so different that comparing The two is difficult.

I don't think My impressions were affected by my gear. My amp is designed neutral for professional studio use but going from $1500 spl phonitor to $20 topping nx did not change My view. I know the importance of synergy and there have been cases that I preferred topping over SPL. I had to sell Grado rs1e because it just did not agree with My main set and sounded better with nx1.
It's a known trick - ramp up the treble, and it will create an illusion of soundstage
I'm familiar with this effect. If Pro80 has a fake soundstage it doesn't make pro82's soundstage bigger. Darker headphones can have a big soundstage too.

Pro 82 is not for bassheads
I agree. I'm not a basshead though. I'd just prefer a bit More than pro82's have with vents closed. I don't hold this against pro82's. It is not lacking so much bass that it is an issue. Way they sound ports open is disappointing though and I't annoys me even more that I't could sound a lot better If takstar had not completely given up the idea of dampening the earcups.

You are certainly the first to call Pro 82 "dark"
I know. It is weird.

You probably are less sensitive to treble than the average Joe, which makes you prefer treble-heavy (mostly V-shaped) headphones.
It's not good or bad, it's just how you hear.
there is some truth to that. I find headphones too bright only in extreme cases. Ranking brightness for reference: akg k514=unbearable at all times.
superlux hd681=very Bright, unbearable with some gear
Beyerdynamic T1=Too Bright, requires gear Synergy/modding
Sony mdr-sa5000/beyerdynamic T5P/Takstar Pro80+hi2050=Bright, brothers me a only a bit with some music
Sennheiser hd800= Bright, doesn't bother me

I guess I prefer headphones that are neutral according to the Harman curve not the traditional way. My time with pro82 reminds the time I tried to like tascam th02. It is a headphone known to measure extremely good. And was a pain to listen to. Word stale comes to mind again. If headphones are totally flat to impress me they need something exiting on the side. Planar bass, big soundstage, very good detail retrival or ultimate transparency. Unfortunately pro82's tick none of those boxes for me.
May 1, 2018 at 7:11 AM Post #1,868 of 4,605
I have not really listened to mine (used for gaming) since getting the Audio-gd R2R 11 the T1's sing with it.

Silver version.

So I am listening now the sound stage is big but it is of a different ilk of say a T1 or X2, it is out of my head but closer to my eyes it is wide and linear all connected not separated like the T1.

It is like sitting at a desk listening to near field speakers

Listening to Steven Wilson - 3 Years Older on the first verse it sounds like hes in the room with me,the T1's also do this, his voice is produced so well and shine here on the Pro82's

I do have to use an EQ on the 30Hz region but that is because I like a warm tilt and I do that on all headphones bar the X2 as its bass is already woolly.

I do not have anything negative to say about them, I would have paid hundreds for this sound in a closed back. It might be that these have a closed back T1 about them to my ears that sparkle, clarity with a more focused image and less separated instruments and that is why I like them while other would not like the sound and I understand we all hear and like things differently.

I am so glad I gave them a try and look forward to more Takstar headphones in the future.
May 1, 2018 at 7:49 AM Post #1,869 of 4,605
Sound is subjective but Takstar Pro 82 is my favourite pair of chifi-headphones at the moment, i have used them almost on a daily basis since i got them. I own also ISK HD 9999 and Oneodio/Yenona Studio Pros and they are good headphones as well but not as versatile as Pro 82. I just cant say a genre that im not able to listen with them. Im interested to hear how my incoming Msur N350 can compete against them.
May 2, 2018 at 11:18 AM Post #1,874 of 4,605
May 3, 2018 at 4:09 AM Post #1,875 of 4,605
This one works well with my iPhone 8 Plus, bonus is that it requires no dongle as it terminates in Lightning plug on the phone end.

Looks cool for iOS users. But being Lightning-terminated, does it mean that the cable incorporates a DAC in the connector? Or does it somehow use some sort of analog output through Lightning? (I'm not sure if this last option is even possible).

Also, I don't see the usual "MFi" (Made for iPhone) certification, so the cable might stop working after upgrades at any time. Beware.

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