Swan M200's or Audioengine A5's?
Jul 30, 2007 at 3:05 PM Post #2 of 13
You're only going to hear praise about either system. Can you buy both and return the one you don't like? Listening to both in person is the only proper way to compare both in terms of sound. You can judge the features and appearance online.
Jul 30, 2007 at 3:26 PM Post #3 of 13
yeah, its a really tough call from here.

the interconects that the swans come with look completely radical in comparison to what you usually find in packages like these - just a little more serious. that leads me to believe that maybe they've paid a little more attention to sound quality here. its a total columbo shot, but its just kinda funny.
Jul 30, 2007 at 3:37 PM Post #4 of 13
By the same reasoning you might be inclined to think that the audioengines offer less soundwise and charge a premium for "ipod" connectivity.

Tough choice indeed.
Jul 30, 2007 at 6:38 PM Post #5 of 13
Haven't heard either, however I was planning on picking up a pair of the Audiogengines simply because I have read many, many positive comments on their sound and attention to detail.
Jul 30, 2007 at 7:36 PM Post #6 of 13
yeah, i also just heard that the swans dont actually come with that cable anymore. at least the ones that newegg has in stock. in terms of swan gear i found that theaudioinsider.com has alot of different models.

the one complaint ive read about swans is that in a few cases the left channels dies after about two weeks of listening and that swan never gets back to people with complaints and newegg doesnt allow returns on swans for some reason.

im leaning very heavily on the A5's right now as i haven't heard any bad news about them. They seem like a pretty cool small company while swan seems like maybe a bunch of schiesters who happen to make some quality audio equipment.
Aug 11, 2007 at 2:57 AM Post #12 of 13
I bit the bullet and took a gamble with a refurbished unit at newegg.

The sound is generally "just right" for what I was looking for, sans the complication/overhead of getting a seperate amp. Midrange was marginally better (lush, smooth) than my previous ones (diamond s2-4100), at the cost of neutrality and the amount of bass. Fortunately, I happened to appreciate colored sound with softer treble and more abundant mids, this wasnt necessarily a bad thing. Bass is rather sufficient for my preference/needs, but I do tend to miss my old set for bass-heavier trans collection (mainly KOTOKO/I've) Size-wise, they were quite acceptable for a small room and desks.

The only serious complaint I had was that the left channel makes a somewhat audible buzz on certain tracks. This problem only resurfaces only when I am about to forget about it, so I decided to live with it.

Overall a satisfying and worthwhile purchase, but I would spring for a used set of S2-4100 if I was in the market for one.

edit: oops, I am babblin about the M200s, that is
Aug 11, 2007 at 11:31 AM Post #13 of 13

Originally Posted by mochimon /img/forum/go_quote.gif
anybody have any preferences? the A5's have some pretty sweet connectivity features, but how do they sound?

both are decidedly gorgeous speakers.

Another choice would be the Event Electronics ALP5.All of these speakers are active monitors with 5" woofers.The best way to choose is to listen to them all and pick out your favorite ones.

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