Superstitions - you got any?
Dec 22, 2002 at 4:18 AM Post #16 of 28
Nope. (Unless cable upgrades count
Dec 22, 2002 at 4:28 AM Post #17 of 28
I hate that song....

I'm not supersticious, but some things are just common sense. I mean, I don't walk under ladders because I don't want to catch a paint can on my head.
Dec 22, 2002 at 4:38 AM Post #18 of 28

Originally posted by wallijonn
to those who said that you possess no superstitions: if someone sneezes and you say "god bless you", you are committing a superstition act.

I don't feel that just because it WAS a superstitious act hundreds of years ago, and I do so now as an act of courtesy, that I'm doing something supersticious. This issue totally lost its meaning many years ago, and only has its origins in superstition, not its PRACTICE today. The practice of something superstitious for superstitious reasons makes me supersticious, nothing more.

I don't cross myself, have been known to walk under ladders, ignore black cats, eat meat on Friday, ignore the 13th when it happens to fall on a Friday, etc, etc. I don't practice supersticious stuff for superstition's sake, therefore I consider myself not to be so!!!
Dec 22, 2002 at 5:11 AM Post #19 of 28

to those who said that you possess no superstitions: if someone sneezes and you say "god bless you", you are committing a superstition act.

Which is why I never say this, and never did. If someone sneezes, I ask them if they need a tissue, if I have one, if not I say nothing at all.
Dec 22, 2002 at 8:51 AM Post #20 of 28

Originally posted by wallijonn

have you ever/never noticed the 'lunacy" during full moons? "luna" - moon.

never been pri-mordialy scared when you see a black cat jump out of the darkness?

Lunacy during a full moon

I used to be afraid or nervous after seeing a black cat now I think them a sign of good luck, or I wonder who it is.

When I was in high school I used to take girls to the cemetary at night for parking execises.

Didn't do much whistling though.

I think I am superstitious.
Dec 22, 2002 at 6:06 PM Post #23 of 28

yes, but do you turn it clockwise or counter-clockwise?

is your heater element "dead" at one point? are all the gass jets clear?

here in Arizona, when you go into a sacred circle, you must insert yourself in the west point, travel clockwise, and exit at the point you came in. aren't there Buddhist circles with the same "rules"?

then of course there was the prison scene in "Midnight Express" where he started waling in a counter-clockwise direction. The Turks didn't like that. I've always wondered if it wasn't based on the clockwise (north hemisphere) and counter-clockwise (southern hemisphere) water drainage.

do you stir your coffee clockwise or counterclockwise? and have you ever looked at your thoughts while stirring? when i eat, I find that it is hard for me to talk. I like eating in complete silence. but i do make allowances for other people. it drives them crazy when i won't talk to them until after I've swallowed. i guess i never forgot mom's teaching to never speak with your mouth full.
Dec 23, 2002 at 11:35 PM Post #25 of 28
i never say "it couldn't get worse than this" or "what is the worst that can happen?" that's just asking for it.

if i claim something like "i've never been in a car accident", i'll usually be knocking on wood. btw, it doesn't work if you knock on wood after you speak. you don't want those devilish wood spirits to hear you!

when i was a child i was fascinated with numbers. i used to construct complex equations in my head to explain all sorts of things. i guess you would call it a kind of personal numerology. i got fed up as a teenager with all the complications and gave it up.

Dec 23, 2002 at 11:46 PM Post #26 of 28
I'm obcessive compulsive and superstitious and definitely not proud of it. For instance, if I'm alking across an orinetal rug, I will always step on the medallions of the rug. Also, I do things in series of 5. When I squirt the soap from the soap dispenser, i do it five times. There you have it folks: I'm a freak.
Dec 24, 2002 at 12:00 AM Post #27 of 28

Originally posted by The Quality Guru
I'm obcessive compulsive and superstitious and definitely not proud of it. For instance, if I'm alking across an orinetal rug, I will always step on the medallions of the rug. Also, I do things in series of 5. When I squirt the soap from the soap dispenser, i do it five times. There you have it folks: I'm a freak.

That's not news!
Dec 24, 2002 at 3:03 AM Post #28 of 28

never say "it couldn't get worse than this" or "what is the worst that can happen?" that's just asking for it.

All hell can break loose , and then it comes down to duck and "sweep"

After the "sweep" you hit as hard as you can in the throat , when that person is incompacitated you kick the *****.

In the neck of course !

Trust me , gets REAL BAD after that , hurts like crap

And the lack of oxegen can actually put a person into "gods hands"


Then again "I Am" more compulsive than most

HAVE "been there"

Can't even sing the songs I like after the last REAL shot in the neck

Damn scary or what ?


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