Mar 18, 2013 at 11:03 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


100+ Head-Fier
Jan 2, 2010
Hi all, 
So, I'm on the market for a new set of headphones given I just lost my IE 8s :(  And I thought I would ask people for suggestions of what to look at.
I loved my Shure 535's becasue they were good with the mids, not to heavy on the base and sounded great for Jazz, talk, and rock.   I liked the full sound stage.  I did not like how thick the cable is and how bulky it is.  But I lost them about 2 years ago and bought the IE 8s.  
I did not like my IE8s.  To much base, mids did not sound as good as the Shures to me.
I would by the Shures again, but money is tight right now and I rather spend about $200.  I found the  Etymotic HF5's and they seemed like a good choice and then I looked UR TripleFi 10 Noise Isolating earphones, but I was concerned about too much base with them and not enough mids.
So, anyone have suggestions of what else I should look at and comments on the two that I have been looking at.   Should I just bit the bullet and get the Shures again.
Appreciate any thoughts on the matter.
Mar 19, 2013 at 12:56 AM Post #2 of 3
Less bass, solid mids, good stage - personally am biased against the SE535s so won't comment on them much. But recommending similar mid-centric phones would be quite easy. For example, under $200 nets you the BA200, IE800, PFE112, RE262, eQ-5 (apparently 199 on Musica so will put on list, though I paid a bit more locally) and if you can stretch the budget and prefer a more delicate and smooth presentation - the W2s.
(personally find that a lot of the above performs better than the Shures on many fronts, but this is a very, very biased opinion on them and I admit that completely. So take with a rather large bucket of salt)
The Etys have a completely different midrange presentation against the Shures - leaner, more clarity-based, and simply not as prominent. The TF10s mids are similar, but not as clear and plenty recessed.
And of course -
Mar 19, 2013 at 3:04 AM Post #3 of 3
Oh, the W2's sound perfect and are 184.00 on Amazon.   I'll give them a shot.  THANK YOU!  I love the Shures so we will see.   Oh, sorry, I did not see that sticky thread.  Thanks for pointing it out.

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