Apr 26, 2013 at 1:04 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 8


New Head-Fier
Jun 5, 2012
Hey guys, pretty new fella around here.
Previous IEM's include Klipsch Image S4i, SoundMAGIC E10M, BeyerdynamicMMX101iE, Monoprice 8320 (used as a backup, due to being so cheap).
I'm in the market for some Sub-£150 IEM's that are really going to impress me - the better value the better, obviously.
I've made a little shortlist and I'd greatly appreciate some honest advice, despite the fact that it's your own opinion, I'm really stuck on this.
My options at the moment are:
Klipsch X10(i) - I heard the X10 wasn't as common/wasn't manufactured anymore? And I do have an iPhone, but the cheaper the better.
Shure SE215 - I've heard some good things, but the SE315 is just in my price bracket.
Shure SE315 - Would be really nice if I could get some advice on the difference between this model and the SE215's?
Westone 1 - What about the difference between this and the UM1?
Westone UM1
I'm simply someone that wants some blow-away, high quality headphones. I'm not interested in purchasing anything like an amp or anything like that.
My musical interests include dance/bass music such as Deadmau5, Mord Fustang, C2C, and indie rock bands such as Death Cab For Cutie, and often bands like The Script, Fall Out Boy, etc.
Any and all help from anyone is greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks Guys,
Apr 26, 2013 at 8:07 PM Post #2 of 8
Hey guys, pretty new fella around here.
Previous IEM's include Klipsch Image S4i, SoundMAGIC E10M, BeyerdynamicMMX101iE, Monoprice 8320 (used as a backup, due to being so cheap).
I'm in the market for some Sub-£150 IEM's that are really going to impress me - the better value the better, obviously.
I've made a little shortlist and I'd greatly appreciate some honest advice, despite the fact that it's your own opinion, I'm really stuck on this.
My options at the moment are:
Klipsch X10(i) - I heard the X10 wasn't as common/wasn't manufactured anymore? And I do have an iPhone, but the cheaper the better.
Shure SE215 - I've heard some good things, but the SE315 is just in my price bracket.
Shure SE315 - Would be really nice if I could get some advice on the difference between this model and the SE215's?
Westone 1 - What about the difference between this and the UM1?
Westone UM1
I'm simply someone that wants some blow-away, high quality headphones. I'm not interested in purchasing anything like an amp or anything like that.
My musical interests include dance/bass music such as Deadmau5, Mord Fustang, C2C, and indie rock bands such as Death Cab For Cutie, and often bands like The Script, Fall Out Boy, etc.
Any and all help from anyone is greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks Guys,

First off - http://www.head-fi.org/t/596233/buying-portable-or-in-ear-headphones-seeking-guidance-dont-start-a-new-thread-ask-for-advice-here
Genres are helpful but stating sound preferences (would use previous IEMs as reference but they are rather disparate in signature), or any preference in terms of build, comfort, isolation, etc, would be extremely more helpful. Just so we have all of the bases covered.
X10 - The X10i (iPhone version) is not discontinued however the regular non-mic version is (you can see on their site that they list the X10 as discontinued but not the X10i). Not to mention the fairly regular sales on them, in rather great volume, would lead to suggest that they are still being pushed out.
SE215 - personally found the SE315 to have no real improvements proficiency-wise, not to mention the loss in dynamics adding on to an otherwise quite linear sig, makes things dull in comparison (that is subject to your preferences though)
W1 vs UM1 - Both are a bit thin, but I remember the W1s to be more so. And of course the different shells, more colour choice on the UM1, yadda yadda.
Apr 26, 2013 at 10:56 PM Post #3 of 8
Thanks so much for the reply and I apologise for starting a new thread. Not only am I new to Head-Fi, I am new to forums so I don't know all the standard rules as of yet.

Isolation doesn't matter too much, but a fair amount would be nice.

They'd have to be very comfortable too, wearing them for hours at a time.

My ideal headphones have high build quality, I understand Klipsch are NOT the best for this. It's difficult for me to say what signature is my preference, because I can't describe it well but of my previous headphones, my favourite is the SoungMAGIC E10. I find it lacks clarity and detail in some areas, and considering they've broken on me I want a big step up.
Apr 27, 2013 at 2:37 AM Post #4 of 8
Thanks so much for the reply and I apologise for starting a new thread. Not only am I new to Head-Fi, I am new to forums so I don't know all the standard rules as of yet.

Isolation doesn't matter too much, but a fair amount would be nice.

They'd have to be very comfortable too, wearing them for hours at a time.

My ideal headphones have high build quality, I understand Klipsch are NOT the best for this. It's difficult for me to say what signature is my preference, because I can't describe it well but of my previous headphones, my favourite is the SoungMAGIC E10. I find it lacks clarity and detail in some areas, and considering they've broken on me I want a big step up.

Oh, don't feel bad about it. You do get a welcome PM that gives a lot of the info, but it usually takes some time before they send it and when you make the account.
So something E10-like in a sense? If you mind a more V-shaped sig could look at the (very nicely aluminum) JVC FXD80s (I hear the 70s are less V-shaped, though I can't confirm that myself). Another relatively clear contender would be the RE-400s.
Apr 27, 2013 at 12:56 PM Post #5 of 8
Interesting... I got so wound up in the more common headphones I didn't stop to think about Hifiman or JVC or people like that.

I guess because I want to splash out on a big spend (or big spend to me at least ^_^), I just looked at higher price models. I don't know of this changes anything, but this will be the last time I buy headphones for a few years so I want something awesome :)

So you think I should move away from the Shures and westones?

Also, considering I'm in the UK, I'm trying to find a reputable place to buy headphones you suggest. I've had terrible experience with eBay...
Apr 27, 2013 at 4:57 PM Post #6 of 8
Interesting... I got so wound up in the more common headphones I didn't stop to think about Hifiman or JVC or people like that.

I guess because I want to splash out on a big spend (or big spend to me at least ^_^), I just looked at higher price models. I don't know of this changes anything, but this will be the last time I buy headphones for a few years so I want something awesome

So you think I should move away from the Shures and westones?

Also, considering I'm in the UK, I'm trying to find a reputable place to buy headphones you suggest. I've had terrible experience with eBay...

Amazon has both, but I'd go for HiFiMANs main web store on head-direct though as they do international and from the looks of the RE-400 page they only seem to have one seller on Amazon....
Don't think there's anything wrong with Shure or Westone, just that those choices might not the most suitable from the looks of the criteria. There is a difference between natural clarity and just thinned out notes like with the W1s. 
Apr 27, 2013 at 5:37 PM Post #7 of 8
Okey dokey, Head Direct's website it is. Works out at about £70 delivered :) Nice price, if it's a decent IEM. The only reason why I'm not just going for a headphone and trying them is because of the possible need to send them back if I don't like them... And that's gonna cost possibly a not so nice amount...
Anywho, now it comes to this.
Do I get the HiFiMAN RE400, the Rock-It Sounds R50, JVC FXD80-Z, or either of the Shures...
D: Decisions...
Apr 27, 2013 at 6:24 PM Post #8 of 8
Depends on the sig you want. The closest I'd reckon to the E10s sig wise out of that lot would be something in between the FXD80 and the R-50. Though I am hesitant to put too much value into the R-50s as the cable is fairly stiff and when you really think about it, would be a liability long-term. RE-400s would be a safe departure from the rest.

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