STAX SRS-X1000 Earspeakers System : Mini Review

Aug 23, 2024 at 10:37 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 14


Headphoneus Supremus
Dec 5, 2013
The : USA
August 22, 2024

Box : Now, STAX has created a very decent unboxing experience. Much preferred vs the Hifiman Mini Shangri-La that i reviewed, yesterday.

1.) Headband : Seems to be Leather, very Comfy. The Frame is created out of what looks to be a nice grade of metal. Cup Adjustment is good, tight, secure.

2.) Pads : LambSkin very Comfy, and will accommodate all but the largest ears.

3.) Cable : Its a very good cable.

4.) The Weight of the Entire set of Headphones is quite Lite, and the Headphones feel good when you are strapped in.

I'll test the Stax Energizer later, as for now im just using my usual set up for my E-Stats that includes :

A Oppo HA-1 Headphone Amp
A Sennheiser HDVD 800 Headphone Amp
A Topping EHA5 high powered energizer.

If the "new' STAX supplied energizer offers a noticeable difference in sound, when using the exact Same Dacs, i'll let you know, later.

So, I read 2 Reviews regarding this new STAX gear, and one stated that the gear is very Bass dominate and exhibits an ultra "V" shape , sucked out Midrange, and a lot of Xtra Treble, and the other reviewer said that the gear is Bass Lite, and has an "Airy" sound, and is "spectacular". "A no brainer purchase".
Well, i dont hear any bass canon, or sucked out mids.. nor do i hear any etched Treble...., and i was initially concerned i would, and then not like the gear and subsequently not review it., as i only review Headphones that i enjoy hearing and feel that most other Listeners may enjoy them as well.

Now....I can happily report to you, that the STAX X-1000 Engineers, have created a fine " MINI SR" sound inside their lovely little E-STAT product.
How does this gear sound? .. = Its has a refined, warm, somewhat lush sound that is well EQ'd by the STAX design team.
The recent Hifman E-Stats i Reviewed Yesterday, have that Airy STAX sound, whereas the STAX X-1000 does not produce that sound. In fact, the X-1000 is going to be a very popular set of Headphones, not only because it produces a lot of detail, but because its main sound is a sort of sweet, warm, rich, overall Tonality.
Its enjoyable to hear, as it does not frequency offend.

Think of it like this... If you are listening to say a Abyss Diana 2, and then you switch to a ZMF Atrium..... suddenly all the lower mids and the rich tonality appear, and that is what you find with this STAX X-1000.
If you are familiar with the ES-Labs ES-1A, then this X-1000 STAX gear has a quite similar tone, yet, it has much better low end.
This is one of those headphones that "does Bass right", and still sounds great, overall. Its very "musical" sounding".. has a warm/lush/full presentation regarding its sonic signature. Its definitely not trying to be a "Airy Treble Head Hyper The Details" sound,.. but instead its giving you a somewhat sweet, somewhat rich, and very full sound, on both ends of the Sonic Spectrum.... that also produces a lot of resolution and detail retrieval.
Whereas the Hifiman Mini-Shang seems to be all about the details.. the STAX X-1000 is all about the MUSIC.

Treble : Its Extended, and mostly refined. Lots of upper detail presented.

Midrange : Its slightly warm, yet very articulate, and reproduces excellent vocals, strings, acoustic guitars, drums, whatever....

Bass : Quite Full, and punches Deep. Very Layered, clean, and substantial.

Soundstage : Offers very good separation of instruments, and is more "L<>R" in design.

Why is the sound of this STAX -X1000 so impressive?
= Its because the Cups, the entire set of Headphones, is so small and LITE..........and yet, the sound the STAX X-1000 Produces, is not small, at all.
I suspect that a lot of people who are "into" E-STATs, will really enjoy what this Gear has to offer, as its something different.
If you've heard the usual E-STAT, "airy, trebly, over-detailed" classic sound, and you didnt like it, then give the STAX X-1000 a test drive, as its a unique sounding STAX gear.
Its not going to slay the SR-X9000, however this Little Wonder, sounds very good.
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Aug 23, 2024 at 9:29 PM Post #5 of 14
I wonder why people hear these so differently. I guess that because they're somewhere between supra-aural and circum-aural, they don't engage as much of the pinna and HRTF differences are magnified. That, and every electrostat is highly seal-dependent so things like bass quality and quantity will also vary.
Aug 24, 2024 at 5:12 AM Post #6 of 14
August 22, 2024

Box : Now, STAX has created a very decent unboxing experience. Much preferred vs the Hifiman Mini Shangri-La that i reviewed, yesterday.

1.) Headband : Seems to be Leather, very Comfy. The Frame is created out of what looks to be a nice grade of metal. Cup Adjustment is good, tight, secure.

2.) Pads : LambSkin very Comfy, and will accommodate all but the largest ears.

3.) Cable : Its a very good cable.

4.) The Weight of the Entire set of Headphones is quite Lite, and the Headphones feel good when you are strapped in.

I'll test the Stax Energizer later, as for now im just using my usual set up for my E-Stats that includes :

A Oppo HA-1 Headphone Amp
A Sennheiser HDVD 800 Headphone Amp
A Topping EHA5 high powered energizer.

If the "new' STAX supplied energizer offers a noticeable difference in sound, when using the exact Same Dacs, i'll let you know, later.

So, I read 2 Reviews regarding this new STAX gear, and one stated that the gear is very Bass dominate and exhibits an ultra "V" shape , sucked out Midrange, and a lot of Xtra Treble, and the other reviewer said that the gear is Bass Lite, and has an "Airy" sound, and is "spectacular". "A no brainer purchase".
Well, i dont hear any bass canon, or sucked out mids.. nor do i hear any etched Treble...., and i was initially concerned i would, and then not like the gear and subsequently not review it., as i only review Headphones that i enjoy hearing and feel that most other Listeners may enjoy them as well.

Now....I can happily report to you, that the STAX X-1000 Engineers, have created a fine " MINI SR" sound inside their lovely little E-STAT product.
How does this gear sound? .. = Its has a refined, warm, somewhat lush sound that is well EQ'd by the STAX design team.
The recent Hifman E-Stats i Reviewed Yesterday, have that Airy STAX sound, whereas the STAX X-1000 does not produce that sound. In fact, the X-1000 is going to be a very popular set of Headphones, not only because it produces a lot of detail, but because its main sound is a sort of sweet, warm, rich, overall Tonality.
Its enjoyable to hear, as it does not frequency offend.

Think of it like this... If you are listening to say a Abyss Diana 2, and then you switch to a ZMF Atrium..... suddenly all the lower mids and the rich tonality appear, and that is what you find with this STAX X-1000.
If you are familiar with the ES-Labs ES-1A, then this X-1000 STAX gear has a quite similar tone, yet, it has much better low end.
This is one of those headphones that "does Bass right", and still sounds great, overall. Its very "musical" sounding".. has a warm/lush/full presentation regarding its sonic signature. Its definitely not trying to be a "Airy Treble Head Hyper The Details" sound,.. but instead its giving you a somewhat sweet, somewhat rich, and very full sound, on both ends of the Sonic Spectrum.... that also produces a lot of resolution and detail retrieval.
Whereas the Hifiman Mini-Shang seems to be all about the details.. the STAX X-1000 is all about the MUSIC.

Treble : Its Extended, and mostly smooth and refined. Lots of generous detail.

Midrange : Its slightly warm, yet very articulate, and reproduces excellent vocals, strings, acoustic guitars, drums, whatever....

Bass : Quite Full, and punches Deep. Very Layered, clean, and substantial.

Soundstage : Its immersive, offers very good separation of instruments.

Why is the sound of this STAX -X1000 so impressive?
= Its because the Cups, the entire set of Headphones, is so small and LITE..........and yet, the sound the STAX X-1000 Produces, is not small, at all.
I suspect that a lot of people who are "into" E-STATs, will really enjoy what this Gear has to offer, as its something different.
If you've heard the usual E-STAT, "airy, trebly, over-detailed" classic sound, and you didnt like it, then give the STAX X-1000 a test drive, as its a unique sounding STAX gear.
Its not going to slay the SR-X9000, however this Little Wonder, sounds very good.
Hi all,
I just bought SRS X 1000 and I want to share my thoughts on it. Few years ago, during the COVID Pandemic I bought Stax SRS 3100 combo and I was totally in love with the sound. Unfortunately I had to sell them because I had major health issues and I was in need of money. I am a long time audiophile and music lover and had a lot of audio equipment during the last forty plus years. Coming back to SRS X-1000 ... what I have to say refers to my taste of sound and a bit more maybe. So please indulge my opinion... First of all the ear cups are too small and consequently, even though I do not have big ears, the membranes are touching my ears and a buzz sound comes out in a very annoying and unexpected way. In order to avoid it I must stay totally still. Don't know to what ears was Stax addressing this product when they designed it... About the sound ... a lot of booming bass that covers almost all the magic of electrostatic sound ... There are some online reviews about this product and all are so positive in a way that I believe they should be banned from writing reviews about anything. My personal conclusion about SRS X-1000 is don't buy it. The SR L300 is one much, much, much better option. Cheers!
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Aug 24, 2024 at 7:34 AM Post #7 of 14
About the sound ... a lot of booming bass that covers almost all the magic of electrostatic sound ... There are some online reviews about this product and all are so positive in a way that I believe they should be banned from writing reviews about anything. My personal conclusion about SRS X-1000 is don't buy it. The SR L300 is one much, much, much better option. Cheers!

There are about 4 online reviews, of the STAX X-1000.

Only one says that their Bass is dominate. The other 3 online, + mine, say that this set of E-Stats is remarkable, given its size...

Also, i own the L300s, and their Bass is more dominate then the Bass found in the new X-1000.
The SR-007 Mk2 also has more bass, less detail, and less Treble., and its a lot more $$$$$$.
And, the SR007 and 009, have less Bass then the X1000, and that is their Flaw, and its the same case with the Shanri-La Jr, as its also "Bass Lite".

The SR-X1000, has the "SR" Sound, and is a good gear.
The "SR" STAX sound is "Rich, with warmth, good detail".... Its not a thin sound, or the typical "airy", E-Stat sound.

Will everyone love it?
Of course not, but not everyone Loves the Susvara, or the DCA Expanse, or the STAX X9000.. or the Focal Utopia, or any Abyss Headphones.

I personally didnt like the Audeze LCD-5, but many people LOVE it..

So, the X1000 by STAX, is an affordable "SR" experience, and many will enjoy it immensely , and some will not.
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Aug 24, 2024 at 7:57 AM Post #8 of 14
Here is an example of a song that features full, deep, bass.
I use this song to evaluate "bass canons" vs "good bass sound", as if you own a Bass Canon, this Song's Sub will be "over the Top".

When Listening to this Song, on TIDAL, where the Resolution is much higher then any UTube Video, this Song's Bass when heard through the STAX X-1000, is incredibly impressive, in that its full, and deep, and powerful, but never subtracts from the rest of the FR..

Find out of you have Bass Canons, or if you have "good Bass" or "Bass lite" .. .Headphones..
Aug 24, 2024 at 8:23 AM Post #10 of 14
It seems like a lot of paid reviews are flooding the internet in order to support low quality products. This is the killer of this industry...

Here is what happens.....

A person decides that they want to make Money $$$$$$$$$ using Youtube, to become an "influencer"..
They create a UTBE Channel that is devoted to say.."reviewing Headphones".
It becomes established by "views" and the Headphone Companies begin sending the "influencer" their gear to review.

And then the "catch 22" begins, as now the Reviewer, realizes....>>"if i say this gear is JUNK, then ZMF... Audeze, Hifiman, Focal, Sennheiser, STAX, DCA, MEZE ect, ect, will stop sending me FREE GEAR to review... and so, this becomes.. = i have to say that its "ALL Good" even if its AWFUL".... as this way, i keep getting FREE GEAR, and VIEWS on my Channel = I keep getting PAID to REVIEW FREE GEAR.... $$$$$$$$

See that issue?
That ruins honesty, that twists integrity .... and that is why i have owned every Headphone, nearly, that you could name, Ive heard them all, bought them all, at least once, but i dont review on Youtube, i only review on FORUMS, and this way, im not being influenced to try to SELL something, so that i keep getting FREE STUFF.
When i review a Headphone, its because i bought it and like it.

And Like i posted previously, if i dont like the Headphones, i dont review them.
This is why i didnt Review the Audeze LCD-5, or the DCA E3, for example.

I dont have to do it for the money, or to try to push my UTBE-Channel....or try to get you to buy something from my Headphone, im not obligated to try to SELL what i dont enjoy hearing, and that allows me perfect freedom to review critically and honestly.
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Oct 17, 2024 at 1:11 PM Post #11 of 14
Does this model still require dust covers? It looks more covered than the bigger models.

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