Stax SR-L300 Impressions Thread

Dec 1, 2017 at 8:41 AM Post #408 of 1,198
I'm looking at buying a used set. Are there any particular things to consider when purchasing a used srs3100 set? What, if anything, may go wrong with these electrostats that a second hand buyer should be aware of? I understand that warranty, or service work, on these can be spotty at best.
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Dec 1, 2017 at 6:36 PM Post #410 of 1,198
Heh, I know it's tempting to immediately compare Stax to the headphones you've been using. Oh, how I know.......

IMO though, give it 2 weeks and THEN revisit your prior cans. At least for me, my appreciation of my L700 seemed to keep growing with more time. On day 1-2, L700 were definitely better than my 207's, but not hugely so. After 2 solid weeks though, I switched back to my 207's briefly and my eyes were opened :)

Could just be me of course, and I attribute it to brain burn-in on my part. Having used my 2170 system daily for a year, I never would have thought I *still* needed to let my brain adjust to new Stax...but I did. Just wanted to throw that out there as something you might want to try. Up to you of course.
Dec 1, 2017 at 10:11 PM Post #411 of 1,198
Well guys, the L300 just keeps sounding better. God I love these headphones. I want to sell off everything else and just go 100% into estats. The only other headphone I actually really want to keep is TH 900, the rest I could live happily without. But the collector in me will not let go of the hp dx1000 and the Denon AH-D5000 :P

Anyways, I will spare the lengthy impressions but just say that the L300 turns any track into pure musical magic. And this is through a dragonfly red! Imagine when I upgrade my dac :O I can't wait. I was wondering, though, if this perfection could be added upon (glutenous, I know) by upgrading amplifier? What experience do you guys have with other amps with the L300 ?
Dec 3, 2017 at 4:00 PM Post #414 of 1,198
So the l700 pads trade comfort for bass? Anyone actually try the l700 with l300 pads? Can't grasp that pads affect it that much.
I haven't heard the specific pads you are inquiring about, but from my experience with the pads tried on my SR-303 I can attest that they can change the sound to a very significant degree.
Dec 4, 2017 at 6:17 PM Post #417 of 1,198
So the l700 pads trade comfort for bass? Anyone actually try the l700 with l300 pads? Can't grasp that pads affect it that much.
L700 pads on L300 improve both bass response (dramatically) and comfort (slightly).
The trade off is narrower soundstage (not as narrow as L700 though) and warmer signature, which takes away some of the clarity.
The signature becomes something half way between L300 and L700 - there is still plenty of clarity and soundstage left, you know it's a proper estat. L700 sounds to me more like a dynamic headphone.
Dec 4, 2017 at 6:19 PM Post #418 of 1,198
What I can say is that if you like the stock L300 a lot, the change of pads can be risky.
With L700 pads, L300 sounds different, IMHO in a worse way.
yeah was wondering about this, some have said the same thing. Luckily the stock pads were only uncomfortable on the 1st day, now i can use the L300 with the stock pads for hours on end.
Dec 6, 2017 at 8:33 PM Post #420 of 1,198
Stax 4040 system - do you recommend it? I can acquire one - I currently own the SRS 3100. I assume the SRM-006T is an upgrade from 252s that I currently own - unsure about the headphones, I assume L300 are better than 404s. Any thoughts on this system?

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