Sound signatures with IEM's

Feb 11, 2010 at 9:08 PM Post #16 of 18

Originally Posted by Alxis /img/forum/go_quote.gif
LOL, ok. Ideally I'd like my IEM's to have a great soundstage, but be natural sounding. I don't need thumping bass, just accurate and tight. Great mids. Highs which are not overly harsh or fatiguing.

As for music, it varies. Typically R&B, hip hop, mainstream top 40, alternative, dance music.

I'm not sure what each of the IEM's mentioned above are ones I should be considering based on this info.

Sounds like you need KLIPSCH CUSTOM 3, these are good all rounders and are very musical iem,s,
, ive not found a genre that does not sound good on them , they have great bass for your r&b and hip hop, mids and treble are nice, good detail and not fateging in eny way and a reasonable soundstage,you can't really go wrong with these soundwise, and they isolate very well.
Feb 11, 2010 at 9:18 PM Post #17 of 18
I guess one thing you should ask yourself is how important is isolation..that could also impact your decision
Feb 12, 2010 at 12:24 AM Post #18 of 18
Yeah, I was talking about bass not price. IMO I do think there are better values than the IE8 for the price (at least headphones I would buy first), but I wouldn't tell someone it was too much for them unless they gave a spending max (and I probably wouldn't recommend it anyway then).

The "no such thing" was just a joke, I'm fine with my RE0s (not usually a basshead) but then we all have our moments when you want to feel the music.

Klipsch Customs also have gotten good reviews across the board with the exception of the bad cables. I'd probably get an X10 before them for that reason, but that's me.

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