Soul Calibur II
Sep 2, 2003 at 5:23 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


King o'Ping
Jun 22, 2001
Has anyone tried this out for the xbox/ps2/GC ?

I just got the xbox version over the weekend and after a few hours of playtime I have a mini review of it.

The good.

Excellent graphics and fluid character motions makes for a stunning presentation.
(The characters Ivy and Taki are sometimes too fluid
but given the target audience understandable.
This game really shows off the xbox platform.
The backgrounds are highly detailed and the character's costumes are at times just stunning.

The xbox does have a 5.1 DD audio track.
I haven't heard this game yet over a full 5.1 system but with headphones
the sound is clear and the music involving.
Using the Sony V6s, the sword clashing is especially crisp and clear
and the bass effects of bodies hitting the ground hard are very strong.

The original Soul Calibur was my reason for getting a Dreamcast.
I still play this game and consider it the benchmark for any fighting game.
I'm happy to report that the excellent gameplay and character controls are still present in the sequel.
The old combos from the first game are still valid and there are some new ones that I have to learn.

The not so good.

While the new characters of Spawn and Necrid are really nice to look at and play, they seem out of place.
They don't fit into the story line at all IMO.

It just feels silly playing as Spawn vs Kilik for example.

There are times when the frame rate does lag a bit.
This is especially true if you back up an opponent into a corner and really go at them.
(but to be fair the frame rate does seem to go at a full 60 FPS over 90% of the time)

I also don't know why Microsoft didn't push for online gameplay with this title.
Being able to play against live opponents would have taken this game from really good to an absolute must have.
While I don't have the xbox live, I would have joined just for this title if it was an option.

Overall this is still the best fighter for the xbox currently available so I would recommend it to anyone into this genre.
Sep 2, 2003 at 5:59 PM Post #2 of 16
its ok ... wasnt too impressed ...but good. yeah online play woulda been good ... for that matter make every fighter that comes out for the xbox have online play...
Sep 2, 2003 at 6:08 PM Post #3 of 16
Argh, I need this game! Amazon messed up my preorder so I had to order it again. Still waiting...
Sep 2, 2003 at 7:55 PM Post #4 of 16
I want it , too...
Also, does anybody have a dreacast they want to sell me? Marvel vs. Capcom 2 is calling to me.
Sep 2, 2003 at 8:49 PM Post #5 of 16
my one complaint is that no matter how good the graphics look, all fighters still seem to play the same. I guess the same can be said of shooters.

I for one would like to see a fighter with a plot. Make a fighter / shooter / platform / adventure game. Oh that's right, it was called Turok.
(And to a much lesser extent, Max Payne).

I saw a Capcom game playing at Fry Electronics and saw the same old fireballs going, the same side to side play.

The reason why they can't get fighters on line is because they would have to induce an AI interface to mitigate delay. Dreamcast had the better idea whereby you could just ring your friend's telephone, but even that is now too slow. maybe when full motion video comes of age it can be done, but not now as the internet presently exists. put gigabyte ISP interfaces and you may have a chance. until then it is easier if you just play against a friend.
Sep 2, 2003 at 8:55 PM Post #6 of 16

Originally posted by wallijonn
my one complaint is that no matter how good the graphics look, all fighters still seem to play the same. I guess the same can be said of shooters.

This is what made the original Soul Calibur such a great game.
Each fighter has a distinct style, speed, weapons and moves.
Unlike Super street fighter (classic side moving fighter)
you can move in a 360 degree circle around your opponent.

Take a closer look at this game if you get the chance.
Although not perfect (what is?)
it might make you change your mind about fighting games in general and what is currently possible.
Sep 2, 2003 at 9:02 PM Post #7 of 16
I have Virtua Fighter 4 Evo and have played Soul Calibur 2 and, in my opinion, Soul Calibur 2 sucks. The fighting is really boring and not fun. Quite the opposite with Virtua Fighter. There's so much strategy in that game, and it's so fun. Also, every character in Virtua Fighter is extremely unique in fighting style. Wallijonn, I recommend you try VF4 Evo.
Sep 2, 2003 at 10:49 PM Post #8 of 16
I picked up VF4: Evo yesterday. Been having fun button mashing with it so far in Quest mode. But, make no mistake about it, this has gotta be the best fighting game out there in terms of playability depth. If you really wanted to get into the game, you can get pretty nutso with the moves, but be prepared to have lightning reflexes and memorize about a gazillion different things.
Sep 2, 2003 at 10:56 PM Post #9 of 16
I picked up the GC version since it has Link, who is actually a fun character in the game and because my GC is more likely to be hooked up progressive than my PS2 since most PS2 games are 480i. In 480p widescreen mode on GC, SC2 is just beautiful. I don't have an X-Box and I haven't gotten to see that version in its 780p glory.

I dig the gameplay but it's a bit faster paced than the VF games and if you weren't into the first SC, I don't think you'd like this one either. I disagree with those who would call this a Marvel Vs Capcom style button masher, though. The soul calibur games do have a strategy but you may have to play it longer to start discovering it--and it's not worth it to you if you aren't enjoying the game up front.
Sep 2, 2003 at 11:40 PM Post #10 of 16

In recognition of Soul Calibur 2's multi-platform release, each console version is graced by an exclusive character. The PS2 version includes Heihachi, the aged wannabe dictator and fighting tournament organiser from the Tekken series. Heihachi's inclusion may seem a little incongruous to some, given his lack of weapons, but in actual fact this is not much of an issue in battle. He is blessed with gauntlets on his wrists that he uses to block attacks, and uses his fists and feet to carry out his attacks.

you can read a review here :
Sep 3, 2003 at 12:20 AM Post #13 of 16

Originally posted by kelly
I don't have an X-Box and I haven't gotten to see that version in its 780p glory.

Its killing me too.
My 43" Sony is not a HDTV model.

I was considering getting a 17 LCD for it but the consumer models want outrageous pricing.
I did see this promising model at newegg for $619

It seems to have everything I need.

I have to search for a review of some kind.
Sep 3, 2003 at 1:11 AM Post #14 of 16

as a PS1 owner, I played most fighters when they first came out. (The N64 must have had some of the worse fighters ever). It was fun both in single player and 2 player mode. I guess I've just moved on. They just do not appeal to me anymore. But yes, I did enjoy the first iterations immensely. I mis-spent many hours learing all the moves.

I dusted off my PS1, recently, and am playing Duke Nukem: Time to Kill. It's entertaining in it's own right and the lack of visuals do not detract from the game. I just wish that the game play was a little tighter. Jumping (platform) could be a little better - it just feels sloppy. What can I tell you, when you can pick up some old games for $5, it's cheap entertainment.

My days of paying $40 to $50 for a game are over. (Unless I have been waiting forever for it and know that it is going to be a smash).
Sep 3, 2003 at 2:42 AM Post #15 of 16
SC2 is truly a great game. It's definitely the fighting game I have the most fun playing. The most important part of a fighting game, IMO, is the feel of the game, and in that respect the SC series wins easily. Other systems feel jerky or artificial in comparison. Once you start understanding how the SC system works, you can get that all important flow to your attacks and evades. Mind games are also very important in SC2.

MusicLover said...

The fighting is really boring and not fun. Quite the opposite with Virtua Fighter. There's so much strategy in that game, and it's so fun. Also, every character in Virtua Fighter is extremely unique in fighting style.

I have VF:Evo as well, but seems we have opposite opinions. Evo is certainly good, but the fighting simply isn't nearly as fun as SC2. Actually, are you playing against the CPU or other people? The AI in Evo was modelled off real people's strategies from previous games, so fighting the computer in Evo is much more fun than fighting the computer in SC2. Against other people, the playing field is even, so to speak, and the system becomes more important. Strategy and uniqueness of characters? I'd rank SC2 even in strategy, and much better in uniqueness of characters. I will say that Evo's system tends to be more consistent than SC2, though that's not always a good thing. Also, Evo does require more technical precision and sheer reflexes.

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