Sony nwz-a729 v s639 v e445 v s545
Dec 24, 2009 at 2:23 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13


100+ Head-Fier
Jul 23, 2007
hi all
just looking for some quick suggestions...

main use will be in my cars head unit, via an AUX input/output. Also for my travelling to work via trains. Battery life is important. the a729 and s545 seem to have the best (rated) battery out of the bunch, though s545 has 10 more hours. not sure bout the s639 though?

Have had an a728, from what i can remember, it was a great little player. good battery, nice build and most of all, good SQ!

The s639 seems a little harder to source these days, the couple ive seen have been a little pricey. obviously, the cheaper the better. i think the cheapest i can get at the moment is the a729 on ebay. if it compares to the newer player, or the s639, i may just get that. or if any one can point me to the best prices for the best player, im all ears

im in australia btw

thanks in advanced
Dec 24, 2009 at 7:00 PM Post #2 of 13
The soundstage of the s545 is immensely bigger the others listed here. I have the s545, a728, and s639. The s545 makes the others sound very much closed in, like you are listening in a very tight little area. But the bass of the others is somewhat better. It is tighter and more substantial. It makes you feel good just listening. About a tie in sq (maybe s545 edges them out a little though).

I wish Sony would combine the sq of the s639 with the s545. Give the s545 that pre un equalized bass hump around 50hz like the s639 and a728 has but yet keep the massive soundstage that the s545 has. If they do they then Sony will have reached sq perfection.

The s639 has the best screen for videos, but it is the smallest of the 3. I wouldn't recommend video on these players anyway though. The s545 has voice record, radio record, and gapless playback. These single handledly makes the s545 the best deal and a no brainer. The s545 is about $109 US on amazon. The s639 is about $100 on Sonystyle (after taxes and stuff).

Please sony, please give the s545 the same pre bass hump that the s639 has while keeping its own soundstage. Also please let the s545 play wma pro files. This is the best lossy codec in the universe.
Dec 25, 2009 at 4:11 AM Post #3 of 13

thanks very much for the reply.

i was under the impression the s639 is the better one for sq out of the 3. but as you said, i guess the 3 are very, very similar? (in terms of sq)

re video... i dont mind. dont watch video at all.

but i would love gapless. the gapless playback on the s545, is this for all codecs? or a particular codec? i listen in the standard mp3.

any other suggestions guys?

cheers and merry xmas
Dec 25, 2009 at 10:36 PM Post #4 of 13

Originally Posted by ads1107 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

thanks very much for the reply.

i was under the impression the s639 is the better one for sq out of the 3. but as you said, i guess the 3 are very, very similar? (in terms of sq)

re video... i dont mind. dont watch video at all.

but i would love gapless. the gapless playback on the s545, is this for all codecs? or a particular codec? i listen in the standard mp3.

any other suggestions guys?

cheers and merry xmas

gapless works for all codecs. the s639 only sounds better in the area of the bass (slightly). The s545 beats in soundstage though. To be more specific just imagine the s639 being a half notch higher and tighter on the clear bass than the s545. For example, with clear bass off the s639 would still be on 1/2 while the s545 would be on zero. With clear bass on 1 the s639 would be on 1.5 and the s545 would be on 1. Do you understand? o the bass on the s639 is a half of notch higher. If you have bassy phones or listen to the s639 with clear bass on 0 and wouldn't mind putting the s545 on 1 then the s639 advantage is now invalid.
Dec 27, 2009 at 6:41 PM Post #6 of 13

Originally Posted by Deep Funk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So the best two options are the S729 and the S545?

get the s729.
Dec 30, 2009 at 2:08 PM Post #8 of 13

Originally Posted by Sparky191 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Do the all come with the same headphones?

Nope. New series come with some cheap earphones but the old S-A series include sony mdr-ex082 which are so much better but not a very good earphones to reach the performance of the player though.
Mar 11, 2010 at 2:49 AM Post #9 of 13
old thread bump, but Im looking to possibly buy the S545.
The Fm tuner, does it do Am aswell(AM sports stations ftw)?
Mar 11, 2010 at 12:24 PM Post #11 of 13

Originally Posted by Droc /img/forum/go_quote.gif
old thread bump, but Im looking to possibly buy the S545.
The Fm tuner, does it do Am aswell(AM sports stations ftw)?

No, it doesn't do AM.
Jul 4, 2010 at 8:13 AM Post #13 of 13

Does anyone know how ro open the sony nwz s545? or have the service manual for it? I want to change the in built speakers!!

Good luck with that one!

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