Sony MDR xb1000? NEw? OMG
Aug 2, 2011 at 7:59 AM Post #422 of 505
There haven't been enough used ones yet that the price has stabilized in any way.  I got mine new for $260.
Aug 2, 2011 at 12:14 PM Post #423 of 505
how much is the xb1000 going for now? both used and new

Good luck finding a used pair but you can get a new pair for $280 shipped from Accessory Jack.

Too bad Sony is taking so long to release them in the states.
Aug 2, 2011 at 12:40 PM Post #424 of 505
I got to demo xb1000 briefly in japan.  Powered with my weak smartphone, it definitely lacked bass quantity and even treble sparkle when compared with xb700.  It really needs an amp to do it justice.
Aug 2, 2011 at 12:42 PM Post #425 of 505
It's worth noting though, even when well powered, the bass quantity is still less than the XB700. Bass quality is higher though. The overall presentation of the XB1000 is less in your face than the XB700.
Aug 2, 2011 at 1:03 PM Post #427 of 505

It sounds like the most refined of the Sony XBs. This disappoints me. I was hoping for some ridiculous Darth Beyer bass.

Well it probably still is "Darth Beyer"-bass, ie very deep focused, these 2 are probably the headphones with the strongest very deep bass focus (headphones that handle 15~20Hz with ease). If you like punchy midbass then they aren't for you though.
Aug 2, 2011 at 1:32 PM Post #428 of 505
Well from what Ive read the XB500 has the most bass. The XB700 is a refined XB500. And the XB1000 is a refined XB700. So would it be safe the say the XB500s will have most bass? Or do they have different types of bass altogether?
@Croozer I need help from a fellow Denon fanboy! 

Any comparisons to the Denon you'd like to share?
Aug 2, 2011 at 1:41 PM Post #429 of 505
Croozer I need help from a fellow Denon fanboy! 

Any comparisons to the Denon you'd like to share?

I will let you know as soon as possible.
Aug 2, 2011 at 1:43 PM Post #430 of 505
XB500 has strong flat emphasized bass presence in the entire bass range. (10 ~ 300Hz). It's got the biggest impact and punch and the most in your face type and obviously the biggest quantity. Due to the bass extending in a +15dB boost (according to all the way to 300Hz this will lead to slightly muddier midrange, this is already the territory where the lower mids start.
XB700 has a strong flat sub-bass focus (10 ~ 100Hz). According to it has a +15dB boost up to 100Hz where it starts rolling off as opposed to 300Hz on XB500 which makes it deeper sounding. It doesn't have nearly as much impact or punch but it's got plenty of this slow rumbling bass that will be brought forward in almost any music, it's a bit everywhere (like some1 said an "ocean of bass" would be a good description).
I haven't heard XB1000 but djmantrax compared it to XB700 as having even more deeper bass but that XB700 was bassier so I think on XB1000 it possibly starts rolling off even earlier or it's just even more skewed towards very deep bass frequencies. But already XB700 has a more deep bass focus than 99%+ out of the headphones out there already. I'd guess Darth Beyers might be the only rival in terms of that. LCD-2 has superb bass extension but in quantity it would obviously be far behind.
Aug 2, 2011 at 1:48 PM Post #431 of 505
I think RPGwizard has nailed it there.
The XB1000 has a focus on sub-bass like the XB700, but due to it being more laid back the bass seems more distant or softer sounding. It definitely doesn't have the same rumble as the XB700 or punch as the XB500.
Aug 2, 2011 at 2:01 PM Post #432 of 505
What I'd like to see would be something in-between XB500 and XB700 that would have a flat bass boost from say 10Hz to around 200~225Hz or so, it doesn't necessarily have to be +15dB boost like XB500/700 but at least around 12dB or so with similarly forward midrange as XB500 or a little more forward than that (XB500 has more forward lower-mids than XB700 which makes it sound a little more "full"/warm)  and neutral highs in comparision to the mids that is there in-between XB500 / XB700.
Aug 2, 2011 at 2:04 PM Post #433 of 505
It would be nice to see a freq. response graph comparing the XB line, hopefully headroom will make it happen once they hit the states.
Aug 2, 2011 at 2:08 PM Post #434 of 505
It would be nice to see a freq. response graph comparing the XB line, hopefully headroom will make it happen once they hit the states.

I asked about it and said they would review XB1000 in case it hits the states.
Aug 2, 2011 at 2:12 PM Post #435 of 505
Thank you both for the input. That cleared several things up for me decision wise. I'm sure they would all satisfy me but seeing as I listen to a majority of dubstep at the moment, I'm probably partial to sub bass focus. Ill have to try the XB700 when I can. This XB1000 is just taking too long to be imported.

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