Sony MDR xb1000? NEw? OMG
Mar 23, 2011 at 3:46 PM Post #331 of 505

how do you guys compare the xbs to the ultrasones? maybe like hfi780

i would assume the ultrasones are better. but i cant say as i havnt tried either of them. apparently the xbs are all bass and nearly no details. especially the xb500
Mar 23, 2011 at 4:03 PM Post #332 of 505
i would assume the ultrasones are better. but i cant say as i havnt tried either of them. apparently the xbs are all bass and nearly no details. especially the xb500

Not really.  I haven't tried the 500s but the 700s aren't like that at all.  They certainly have a very colored sound which limits its genre bandwidth but they aren't bad.  They've got the deepest bass this side of the 1000s (probably anyway, haven't heard those yet) warm mids, slightly sparkly highs, and a wide (though not very deep) soundstage along with good isolation and great comfort.  I find they need a decently strong amp to sound their best which is why I think they are underrated.
I wouldn't recommend them as your only decent headphone unless you only listen to bass heavy electronica, rap, and hiphop.  The more live instruments and actual recordings (as opposed to purely electronic synths) you add the more hit or miss things get.  Strangely, I find they do well with well recorded jazz as long as you don't mind the upright bass sounding like its several stories tall.  The crazy bass lets you hear almost subsonic artifacts of recording and mixing that usually don't get filtered out because you can't hear them with other equipment.
Mar 23, 2011 at 4:41 PM Post #333 of 505

how do you guys compare the xbs to the ultrasones? maybe like hfi780

Haven't heard the 780 but I'd take the 580 over any Sony XB anyday.  Not even close IMO.  
Mar 23, 2011 at 11:19 PM Post #335 of 505

Ohh coll are those your current cans?

I still have the XB700 but don't really listen to them, ever really.  I plan to cannibalize them for parts.  I used to have the 580 before my last gear firesale.  One of the last cans I sold as I thought it was a great all arounder in almost everyway.  For an inexpensive phone meant to be used and abused it was great.  You can click on links in my signature (and others) to see what I have and used to have.
Mar 30, 2011 at 12:13 PM Post #337 of 505
Oh I hope the xb1000's will be to my liking.
Just put on my dt770 80's and I just absolutely love their sound sig. My fav that ive tried but they simply cannot get loud enough for my liking like my xb700's can.
Yes I have adequitly amped them....
Still on my seach for the ultimate phone, huge soundstage, laid back, very huge but only very low bass!!
Does anyone here know how the dt770 compares to xb1000?
Mar 30, 2011 at 12:32 PM Post #338 of 505
Based on what's been written about XB1000 and how DT770 Pro/80 ohm sounds like I think XB1000 would probably be a perfect match for you. They both have lots in common such as very deep bass focus (for me DT770 Pro had lovely deep bass but for me the mid/upper bass was slightly lacking, I like to have equal of both!) and the mids are fairly recessed which seems to be the case for XB1000 too and they both have a large soundstage for a bassy headphone mainly because of their laid-back sound signature. I don't know about the highs though, DT770 Pro highs IMO is slightly too much pronounced, if it was just tiny bit less emphasized the mids wouldn't seem so recessed, very V-shaped or U-shaped frequency response. I don't know about the highs on XB1000 though.
So if you for example DjAmTraX or any1 else could say something about the highs about XB1000 if you concider it more on the bright (emphasized) or dark (veiled) side or fairly neutral compared to other headphones you own that would probably be useful as I haven't seen a lot commenting on that regarding XB1000.
Mar 31, 2011 at 6:01 AM Post #339 of 505
Yeah, the xb700's are very similar to the dt770 but the dt770 has more sound quality, is more laid back and U shaped but the biggest diference it the soundstage which craps all over the xb's.
However from what people have said the xb1000's have a much wider soundstage, possibly like the beyer and better overall quality. What Im not so sure on would be the ammount of U shaped freq response and if its on the same level as the beyer. I hope it is because I like it that way, its such a relaxing phone!
Mar 31, 2011 at 9:39 AM Post #340 of 505
Yea well it appears to be the case XB1000 is A LOT more laid-back sounding than XB500 or XB700 if you read DjAmTraX's comparision against XB700 in the other thread. He also prefers laid-back sound signature and thought XB700 is quite forward sounding, for me I'd only concider XB700 being gently forward sounding while XB500 is very forward sounding and he states soundstage as being much larger than XB700. I think for you it's definitely worth concidering it as it seems to be quite different to XB700 and even more far apart from XB500.
Mar 31, 2011 at 10:45 AM Post #341 of 505
Yeah, the xb700's are very similar to the dt770 but the dt770 has more sound quality, is more laid back and U shaped but the biggest diference it the soundstage which craps all over the xb's.
However from what people have said the xb1000's have a much wider soundstage, possibly like the beyer and better overall quality. What Im not so sure on would be the ammount of U shaped freq response and if its on the same level as the beyer. I hope it is because I like it that way, its such a relaxing phone!

I also thought they are similar before but direct comparison showed different result to me==
I can enjoy xb700 quite a lot while dt770 is somehow far from that, perhaps due to the differences in treble/presentation/details/etc
xb1000 do sound somehow its following the trend from xb500 to xb700 to me, large soundstage and filled with the bass, airy feel but no much sense of position. And the treble is no where near to the beyers I think. Details may be better but don't expect too much, I still can't recommend it as choice for primary cans while it may worth consider to be a side investment if you really enjoy the sound.
Well, some thoughts from my short experience with it.. I think I was using my handphone->Corda Stepdance(borrowed from the shop) at the time if correct, not sure if it was underpowered.
Apr 13, 2011 at 7:59 AM Post #342 of 505
I have the mdr-xb1000 from Japan and the soundstage is very nice, the lows are very good deeper than the xb700 and the mids and the highs are much more in balance.
I listen with the sony x1060 and sony hd3 and with shooters like MW2,BO (black cocks haha).
Building quality is very good even better than the xb700 only the price is 300 dollar.
For hardcore/hardstyle and techno the phone is fantastic.
Apr 13, 2011 at 8:51 AM Post #343 of 505
Just wait until the price drops to like 200~$250 which it'll probably do sooner or later and it'll probably get a quite reasonable offer. I don't think it'll drop much below $200, at least not the first year. It's not exactly the kind of sound signature I'm looking for so I won't probably bite even if I had high hopes for it, laid-back sound isn't my type, for trance, hardstyle and similar genres I want very forward sounding headphones for maximum engaging listening experience, XB500 does this very well, no headphone gets me tapping/banging or whatever as easy as XB500 does for me and that's cuz of the "in-your-face" sound like I'm physically "there" with music surrounding me. With laid-back headphones it sounds like I'm sitting in a concert hall listening to it. I want to get moved by the music. I've tried many cheap forward sounding headphones in the past but the problem with those was mostly the very closed-in soundstage feel which often is a problem with very forward sounding headphones but XB500 due to probably semi-closed design sounds more spacious at the same time as being very forward sounding. Would love to see more headphones with semi-closed design utilizing big enough bassvents for increased bass as well as soundstage/openness in sound.
Apr 13, 2011 at 10:45 AM Post #344 of 505

Just wait until the price drops to like 200~$250 

That is what I'm waiting for, I'm starting to see them on ebay for $298 shipped from some Japanese sellers.

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