Received my replacement pair yesterday and have, since, been listening to them non-stop.
I'm a little ashamed to admit this, but I actually found the included insertion instructions useful. With my old pair, I was inserting these the same way I inserted other universal IEMs (angled upward, following the contour of my inner ear). I found the process a bit painful cause the odd driver housing would jam up against the upper and lower parts of my canal opening.. but once they were in, the comfort was supreme.
The instructions recommended inserting them at a near parallel angle to your ears.. doing so, they "snapped" into place perfectly. The design really makes sense to me know since the angled part of the driver housing doesn't hurt and actually secures the phone when properly inserted. I was, frankly, quite surprised by how much better the EX600 sound and even more impressed with the comfort. I'm getting better isolation, a more cohesive sound, and these rival even the most comfortable universal IEMs I've tried. I took a walk this morning when there was a steady breeze and the wind noise was not an issue for me. I heard it, but it didn't interfere with the music.
Needless to say, my personal GR07 vs EX600 battle royal has resumed.