Sony MDR-D66SL eggo-pro headphones
Dec 15, 2002 at 6:02 AM Post #2 of 12
That IS fast. I ordered mine on the 11th of November and they finally arrived on the 3rd of December. But they did get here and, now that I have them, that's all that matters.

Dec 15, 2002 at 7:02 AM Post #3 of 12
How about you don't review them for a week after you get them burnt in, no matter how amazing you think they are or how many people ask.

That way you won't repeat your habbit of raving over them being the next best thing the day you get them only to decide that day or a couple days later that you really don't like them that much and sell them. Ala the ATH-EM7 and PX100/200's. I think you broke a record with the PXXXX's you went from really liking them and burning them in to sold in less than 8 hours. What happened to the 50 hour burn in and then reviewing them?

Unless of course you don't want anyone to put any faith or credit into you reviews and thoughts. I almost was convinced with your early review of the px200 enough to order but I remembered the ATH-EM7 review you did and figured I'd hold off to see what some other's said. I didn't have to wait very long till you already decided you didn't like either of them and sold them both. While I understand that headphones change and people change their mind but man you go from amazing and singing the praises of them to selling them in the same day, that's pretty extreme.

The px200 might be a great headphone but I'll wait for some more consistant reviews to come in before I decide. If you still love the D66 in a month after you get it, I'll consider those too.


Dec 15, 2002 at 12:44 PM Post #5 of 12
My post was meant in good jest, though after re-reading it I can see how it looked a little harsh. I should have thrown in more smiley faces
Though I think all posts on sound quality itself should be done after a good burn in and time to digest how it sounds. Things like fit and ergonomics and build quality could be initial impressions for sure.

It's always hard with new toys. I mean between the new toy factor, and the fact that everyone's ears are different it's hard to get a good feel for any review . I mean after all a headphone you love I might hate.....if for no other reason than we might like different sounding phones.

Anyway, my post came off pretty harsh and it was not intended to, it was more of a joke than a attempt to tell ya what to or not to do. You are certainly enthusiastic about new products, and that's always a good thing.

Take care

Dec 15, 2002 at 3:02 PM Post #7 of 12
To: LTUCCI1924

Please continue to post your responses, initial ones included.

If a member, such as ToddM, does not wish to read them, they have the freedom to skip them.

Other members may enjoy reading the sequence of reactions you have, including your first opinion as well as the later ones, as long as you describe them in enough detail for us to understand why you changed your mind.

To: ToddM & Likeminded members

One of the advantages of a bulletin board is the organic development of discussions and the integrated skein of thoughts.

If you force members not to post their thoughts as they change, it forces the board to change to an entity of boiled down opinions that are likely to resonate what has been said before, as happens with magazine articles and editorials.

I understand that it may be frustrating for you to watch someone's opinion change drastically in short spans of time. But you should understand that that has as much to do with what type of preferences you have. You may make carefully considered decisions. Others may choose to wing it and deal with the consequences. They have free spirits.

There is no *better* path, so let them live the way they wish - show some tolerance since others are no doubt showing you some.

Dec 15, 2002 at 10:48 PM Post #9 of 12

Originally posted by ts0003
One of the advantages of a bulletin board is the organic development of discussions and the integrated skein of thoughts.

If you force members not to post their thoughts as they change, it forces the board to change to an entity of boiled down opinions that are likely to resonate what has been said before, as happens with magazine articles and editorials.

No one's "forcing" people not to post their thoughts. However, especially with audio products, "first impressions" are rarely indicative of how a product performs. First, headphones themselves sound different as they get more use (burn-in), so a brand new pair of headphones probably won't provide you with their "true" sound out of the package. But more importantly, the human hearing system is VERY sensitive to auditory *differences* over any other type of auditory cues. So when hearing a new set of headphones, your first impressions are going to be much more your impressions of the headphones in terms of how they differ from other headphones, not necessarily how "good" they are.

This is why I rarely, if ever, post on the sound of a headphone until I've been able to listen to it for a week or more.

Along those same lines, I'd rather hear a person's true impressions of a headphone -- what they think after listening to it for a while and forming a solid, reliable opinion -- than the out-of-the-box-wow impression. Not only is it more useful, but it's also IMO a better service to the community here. How many times has a member gotten a new product and effused about how "great" it was, influencing many other members to buy it... only later for everyone to agree that the product really wasn't very good, and most everyone agreeing that it was a bad purchase? More times than I care to remember.
Dec 16, 2002 at 12:07 AM Post #10 of 12

Perhaps it's better to retain your commends then write both later?

What really is the difference whether you hear impressions as they happen or collectively at a later time?


How many times has a member gotten a new product and effused about how "great" it was, influencing many other members to buy it... only later for everyone to agree that the product really wasn't very good, and most everyone agreeing that it was a bad purchase?

Not for nothing, but I think this is more of a credibility issue as far as posting first impressions for everyone, and this issue only seems to come about when it turns out a set of phones turn out not to be what they should be. I don't remember this happening when phones start out slow, then turn into a great sound.

We're all very capable of taking impressions for what they're worth, rather than being "influenced" by them to make a buying decision. We are a community willing to give each other a look at how we individually see things, not "textbook" answers about something necessarily.

I want to read about what someone is feeling about something as it happens, whether it is to inform me, enlighten me, enrage me, or give me somethign to laugh about. If I can't take some info, be it early impressions or what not, and look at it objectively, while processing that info against my criteria, instead of being influenced by it, I really shouldn't be making any buying decisions.
Dec 16, 2002 at 3:39 AM Post #11 of 12
enjoy those eggos. they're some of the best portable phones out there.
Dec 16, 2002 at 5:54 AM Post #12 of 12
One thing you might considder Lou, is to try to compair different phones that you have used, to the ones you are reviewing. Direct comparisons are in my estimation, a little less subjective, (less at least than 'I like it' or 'I don't like it') and can have more meaning for some people.
I for one, don't mind what you post, it's kinda humorous. I am disapointed when you come down so far from your first impresions, but hey, that's just how it goes some times. A lot of budget phones are probably desighned for a bit of a temporary wow factor to get them off the shelves and into the hands of kids who don't really know what they are hearing anyway. You know what they say, "The bait only has to catch the fisherman."

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