ok here's what you do. i looked at the pics of you, and the phones are pretty much the same design as my AT W1000's are. i have a small head too, so making the phones tighter not only helps them fit better, but it also brings the drivers closer to the ears, which in my opinion increases sound quality A LOT...believe me, i've done so many A & B comparisons. so, right where the arched wire frames start to come out of the structures above the drivers, wrap a tie wrap around both wires on both sides (4 tie wraps total) about an 1" 1/2 above where the wire frame starts. you are doing this because of the rubber bands you'll place around the outsides of all the four corners...the tie wraps keep the rubber bands from sliding up due to the arching angle of the wire frame. put however many rubber bands you need for a tight fit. also, keep in mind that, depending on your specific head size, you might need to put the tie wraps up a little further to avoid the rubber bands from bumping into or rubbing against the top of your head. now, the cans will never fall off your head, even if you head bang to a heavy metal least that's in my case...they are as snug as my HD600's are! i'm sorry if my directions are'nt clear enough or are hard to follow. PM me or post again if you have any more questions. as i had said above...with this little mod i made, i discovered that if you bring the drivers closer to the ears (closer obviously than they would be naturally if just sitting the cans on your head normally), the sound becomes more livelier and full while smoothing out the highs perfectly. it also makes the bass a little stronger too. now i know what it's like for people with big heads...they hear their cans differently than people with small heads do...which for me factually proves that, depending on head-size, and thousands of other variables, we all hear our cans in many, MANY more ways than i previously thought
hope this helps, take care and enjoy your AT's!
edit: wups, i just noticed how you heard an improvment in sound also when pushing the drivers closer to the ear...i didn't read that part. let me know if you have any ?'s