Some type of publicity stunt? Time will tell.
Nov 8, 2002 at 2:25 AM Post #4 of 16

Originally posted by Jon Beilin
I give him props for making the mistake of typing March 8th. Correctly, it is March 8 or the 8th of March.

Or March the 8th. One might consider March 8th to be an acceptable elision.
Nov 8, 2002 at 3:42 AM Post #5 of 16
oh crap! my mouse pointer is moving and my harddrive is whirring!


oh wait, that's right, i forgot to uninstall that program i used to use when was big. nevermind.

Well, it is an interesting site. and i probably will check it out sometime in the future. i'm sure i'll actually forget the date, but whatever.
Nov 8, 2002 at 10:41 AM Post #6 of 16
hehe...there's some speculation about this on
some think it's just a promotion for the next Matrix movie which comes out a week later.
I thought it was just another Amway thing

Nov 8, 2002 at 10:46 AM Post #7 of 16
If that story were true, you would not be reading it on a web site. That site would have been removed by the evil organization he refers to.

But it's a good story.
Nov 8, 2002 at 12:08 PM Post #9 of 16
Mr. PD: Yes, that was the first thing that went through my mind when I read that - "if this is real, then why haven't the black helicopters filed a claim of copyright infringing domain name against ICANN? I'm sure ICANN would oblige immediately and redirect to"

Also, the only way for your mouse pointer to move out of your control is either a driver bug (it happens on my dad's laptop every once in a while), or if "Mr. Evil Blackhat" has installed, activated, and connected to a WinVNC-type server on your machine - and anyone sophisticated enough to be monitoring search queries (yeah right!) would know to check "disable remote keyboard & pointer" for a while before doing anything, to make sure there's nobody watching/using the computer.

Furthermore, nowdays if your phone line is tapped, you won't hear any clicking noise - not only are modern taps too sophisticated, but any government agency will go direct to the phone company who will activate a tap on your line; completely undetectably. Clicking means you probably have a loose connection somewhere - in the writer's case, I think it's in the bit that connects the 'sanity center' of the brain.

Lastly, take a look at those negatives - they're really warped and distorted, just like they'd been in a fire. So damaged, in fact, that you can see where the heat changed the colors and whatnot - I'd like to see anyone recover images from THOSE Negatives. Besides, I thought the negatives were stored in the camera before the writer found them: Quote:

I turned it over and wiped the film cartridge display window. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end. There was still film in the camera. [...] I immediately took the camera to my darkroom. I had to pry the back open with a screwdriver as the plastic section of the outer casing had melted then solidified over the cover.

So, if the heat was applied while the film was IN the camera (and the camera was sealed shut because the plastic had melted, remember?), how could the film have distorted and gone all wavy like this? Cameras are designed to hold the film tightly wound around two spools, then pressed between plates in the middle - that kind of distortion could only happen by heating the film outside of the camera; say, with a heat-gun or lighter.

But it's a good story for the paranoid among us; though I feel sorry for the poor camera they destroyed to get those photos...
Nov 8, 2002 at 5:12 PM Post #10 of 16
Yes its a publicity stunt
The pics in the camera are nude images of Rosie O'Donnell to be publish in Playboy in the March 2003 issue...
Yes the world will come to an end...
Nov 8, 2002 at 10:05 PM Post #12 of 16
Guys, read between the lines... it all makes sense then.

Nov 8, 2002 at 11:08 PM Post #14 of 16
LOL, I guess the black helicopters finally got around to deleting it

In short, it was a fairly long writeup (in big red font on black background on how "HM" had found a severely damaged camera while hiking at the foot of a cliff (the camera had been dropped off the cliff and exposed to extreme heat, it also smelled like explosive). According to "HM", there was also some severely damaged film still in the camera (there was a picture of the film, very warped and heat-damaged) which contained some mysterious images. "HM" developed the film in her/his lab, and mystified by the images s/he saw, did a search using keywords that described the images. Shortly thereafter, her/his mouse moved across the screen on its own, and his/her hard drive made whirring noises. "HM" got spooked (assuming s/he'd been hacked) and dropped the camera and film into a bag and went across the street to wait in his/her SUV, and a few minutes later, a black van pulled up and two people entered her house for a few minutes, leaving behind a note saying they wanted to talk to "HM" about something she'd searched for. HM packed up her/his stuff and got out of there, staying in motels and using internet cafes to make the site.

An update at the bottom indicates that "HM" had been contacted by a small band of rebel types in the agency/orginization that was pursuing "HM"... (the "american mirror" set to go live on that date) is still showing the GoDaddy placeholder page...

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