Similar to HD600 but slightly less bass-prominent?

Jul 12, 2009 at 6:16 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 20


100+ Head-Fier
Jan 8, 2009
I've recently bought a Cayin HA-1A tube amp to pair with my HD600 (source: Rega Apollo), and I find that the Sennheiser headphone is now slightly too bass-prominent coupled with the tube amp; I used to drive them off a Corda Headfive, with which I was already starting to notice a slight bass emphasis.

So I am now looking for an alternative all-rounder headphone. I used to have a K701 which I loved for a while for it's airiness, sharpness and soundstage, but ultimately the weird midrange/treble (and to a lesser extent, the lack of bass) turned me off once I got the much more natural-sounding HD600 and I ended up selling the AKGs.

Is there another similarly priced headphone that you would favorably compare to the HD600 (great midrange, non-fatiguing and musical) with a lesser emphasis on bass and which would pair well with this tube amp?
Jul 12, 2009 at 6:51 PM Post #2 of 20
well, if you didn't like the k701 maybe you should try the hd800
Jul 12, 2009 at 8:26 PM Post #3 of 20
Could always try the 250Ohm DT770. It's more bright than it is bassy.
Jul 12, 2009 at 8:48 PM Post #4 of 20

Originally Posted by Kevin.T /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've recently bought a Cayin HA-1A tube amp to pair with my HD600 (source: Rega Apollo), and I find that the Sennheiser headphone is now slightly too bass-prominent coupled with the tube amp; I used to drive them off a Corda Headfive, with which I was already starting to notice a slight bass emphasis.

So I am now looking for an alternative all-rounder headphone. I used to have a K701 which I loved for a while for it's airiness, sharpness and soundstage, but ultimately the weird midrange/treble (and to a lesser extent, the lack of bass) turned me off once I got the much more natural-sounding HD600 and I ended up selling the AKGs.

Is there another similarly priced headphone that you would favorably compare to the HD600 (great midrange, non-fatiguing and musical) with a lesser emphasis on bass and which would pair well with this tube amp?

It's going to be tough to find an alternative but if you are willing to make some changes you might find a more neutral response from the HD600 by changing source and/or amp. The HD600 is a great all around headphone but I think it suffers a bit from wooly bass. I have never heard the Rega Apollo but the Rega Planet 2000 I used to have was also very wooly in the bass. The two combined would not be a good thing. The tube amp could be adding to the problem.
Jul 12, 2009 at 8:53 PM Post #5 of 20
an older can- but - senn hd590 sounds very much like an hd600 with less bass
Jul 12, 2009 at 9:45 PM Post #8 of 20

Originally Posted by Canman /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It's going to be tough to find an alternative but if you are willing to make some changes you might find a more neutral response from the HD600 by changing source and/or amp. The HD600 is a great all around headphone but I think it suffers a bit from wooly bass. I have never heard the Rega Apollo but the Rega Planet 2000 I used to have was also very wooly in the bass. The two combined would not be a good thing. The tube amp could be adding to the problem.

To be honest, I don't see myself changing either my source or my amp. I bought my Apollo new and I got a really nice deal on the Cayin amp; I probably couldn't get anything near the quality of this amp for the price I paid.


Originally Posted by dcpoor /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i was gonna recommend some k501's, but then i read that you thought the k701's lacked bass... so nvm on that.

I should add that I parted with the K701's before I got my tube amp, so I'm basing this off the solid state amp (Headfive). I think that coupled with the Cayin, the K501 could sound pretty good... but might still lack a bit of bass to rock out.

How about the K601? I've seen it being held as a great all-rounder on this forum.
Jul 12, 2009 at 10:06 PM Post #9 of 20

Originally Posted by Kevin.T /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think that coupled with the Cayin, the K501 could sound pretty good... but might still lack a bit of bass to rock out.

How about the K601? I've seen it being held as a great all-rounder on this forum.

The bass of the K601 was good enough for me, but I still liked the HD580/600 better for rock. The HD580/600 have more presence, body and weight to the sound.
I'm afraid you're on a hopeless mission....
Jul 12, 2009 at 10:28 PM Post #11 of 20

Originally Posted by pataburd /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How about rolling some leaner-sounding tubes in the Cayin? : ) What tubes are you running with the amp now?

JAN Phillips 5751 (also have Electro Harmonix 12AX7 Goldpin still not burnt-in)
Electro Harmonix 12AU7
2x Electro Harmonix EL84 (also have Reflektor Russian Military tubes, but they sound weightier I feel)

I tried switching what I had at hand around, but I'm always left with a bassier sound than I'd like.
Jul 13, 2009 at 12:56 AM Post #13 of 20
Really if you're triangulating for a sound between the K701 & HD600, as others are saying, you really need to adjust the source or amp. As mentioned above, tube-roll. Or are least digital EQ.
Jul 13, 2009 at 1:12 AM Post #14 of 20
Tube rolling is your friend.

Go to the Headphone amp forum and get some ideas for tubes you can try. I am sure someone there will have a suggestion or two.

Seriously, I can dramatically change the character of my miniMAX with a change of tubes. If I want bass-light with great treble and soundstage, I put a pair of Sylvania 12FM6 into the mix. Heavier on the bass? I roll in some Tung-Sol or RCA. Lot's of possibilities.

That is the beauty of a tube amp. You can really customize the sound. May as well take advantage of it.

Jul 13, 2009 at 4:59 AM Post #15 of 20
If tube rolling doesn't work, I felt like the Beyerdynamic DT-150 sounded very similar to the Sennheiser 6xx in it's tone and presentation, because I dislike both of them for what I find to be a very dry character. except it had more treble (but not more than neutral, less than grados, K701, etc) and it had a slightly leaner, tighter bass, with no warm mid-bass quality. It's a closed can, and so it is limited, and doesn't sound like the HD600 in regards to openness. I would also say it is less refined. Really good soundstage for a closed phone but not as open as HD600

But it's also cheaper, you could get one used for 150 or less...

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