Feb 11, 2012 at 9:35 PM Post #1,051 of 2,286
I heard the SRH1840 (purrin's I think) at the local meet, and I think it sounds pretty good. It definitely is on the bass-light side though and seemed to have harsher treble than my HD800 although that may be a perception due to the lack of bass. Otherwise though it sounded a very nice improvement over the 940, although not sure if it's $700 nice -- I can't give a detailed impression because the room was so noisy due to crowd chatter it's very hard to judge anything.
Oh also the comfort is MUCH better than the 940. The headband pressure on the top of the head was the worst part but it wasn't that bad, still though I would prefer if it could extend just a little more.
Feb 12, 2012 at 3:33 AM Post #1,056 of 2,286

No impressions from me anytime soon. HeadRoom put in an intercept order for the delivery on Friday and already refunded me for their mistake.
I was hoping it would be delivered anyway since it was already on the truck, but alas.

Where can I find this truck...?

Feb 12, 2012 at 6:23 PM Post #1,058 of 2,286

BHphotovideo has the 1840 pads available for sale.  Unless they're just using a 940 picture, they look to be the same pads.  They're also the same price.  And the 1440 seems to use the same one, despite having a different model number.  Kinda sorta interesting. 

Yea, it makes sense to have the same sized (and fitting) pads for all or most of the headphones in a company's line  (Beyer, German Maestro and others do this)... but the same exact pad?  Interesting...
Feb 17, 2012 at 12:52 PM Post #1,061 of 2,286
Only a few retailers have received them. HeadRoom for one, and perhaps a few others that aren't as well known. Many retailers however haven't stocked them yet. For some reason, Shure seems to be releasing them to some outlets and not others at this point. Soundearphones for example hasn't even gotten word on shipments from what I've been told.
So yeah, I think they're not widely available just yet. I'm sure when Amazon starts stocking them consistently more impressions will come.
Feb 17, 2012 at 2:07 PM Post #1,063 of 2,286
I already have the 940s, I just don't want another similar pair at more than twice the price...
I might try them if they dip below $400... :-p
Feb 17, 2012 at 3:12 PM Post #1,064 of 2,286

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