Feb 24, 2014 at 2:47 PM Post #1,276 of 23,834
Well said, I wouldn't describe it any better.. 
This is what I came to love about sub woofer, the 846 is unique in a way that it does not boost the mid bass to be bass heavy, in fact I think the mid bass is even less than Tralucent 1p2 but the sub bass rumble softly in the back ground making it sound very nice. If one had heard the old Denon D5000/7000 series, the 846 would have that kind of quality (not exactly the same but similar typed).
I sometimes get a little shock with some tracks that has no bass presence in the beginning and then I thought "crab, the bass driver must have been crab out" , and then all of a sudden from no where, Booomm.. I smile with great delight!..

I thought it was just me who was getting paranoid about the driver crapping out after listening to 60s and 70s tunes all day. I thought the new bass tube design thingy had retired or went on strike (for none use abuse). But then, I have to play a bassy track just to remind myself that it's still there.
Feb 24, 2014 at 2:52 PM Post #1,277 of 23,834
Yes you can't turn water into wine, I have certain 70,s stuff from fav artists, cool and all, but I listen to a lot less since getting referenced. My music purchases are dictated somewhat by my cans, fortunately most music post 2002 works out well, certainly anything new from classical to dub step. Cheers. Now there is great stuffed produced and remastered from every decade, but certainly it depends.
Feb 24, 2014 at 3:15 PM Post #1,278 of 23,834
Ordered mine today, i'm hoping the signature is similar to the LCD-2 as some people have said. If that's the case i might have to run away from Head-fi and never come back

Feb 24, 2014 at 3:39 PM Post #1,279 of 23,834
I got my Double Helix Cable today for my 846.
I have had to wait nearly two months to get the cable but well worth it.
I thought the 846 was good before, the equal of my FAD FI BA SS but with my new cables its the clear winner.
Feb 24, 2014 at 4:40 PM Post #1,280 of 23,834
Having owned the 215, 535 and now the 846 I have to disagree. The 215 is not midrange dominant as the following freq chart shows.

In a month Spyro your holy grail will be released, the Westone W60, and I am sure you will be telling us all how it is far superior to the SE846.

I don't think the shure se535 has forward mids. If I use a low pass filter and cut some mid frequencies from an open neutral headphone, I have a similar sound signature as the Shure Se535.

So in my opinion, the Shure SE5535 actually has a dip in the mid range.

If all you hear is mids, then it's an issue with the seal and/or DAC
Feb 24, 2014 at 6:14 PM Post #1,281 of 23,834
So I just got my SE846's today and am having problems with the right earbud. The volume on the right side just intermittently cuts out and I have noticed either no noise coming from it, or very faint noise. This is coming from my Burson Conductor on low gain and my iPhone (waiting to buy a FIIO X5 specifically for it when it's released). Has anybody else had this problem? Very dissapointed so far for earphones that retail for $1000 and don't work properly straight out of the box, makes me doubt very much that they will hold up for workouts which is how I planned to use them.
Feb 24, 2014 at 6:20 PM Post #1,282 of 23,834
  So I just got my SE846's today and am having problems with the right earbud. The volume on the right side just intermittently cuts out and I have noticed either no noise coming from it, or very faint noise. This is coming from my Burson Conductor on low gain and my iPhone (waiting to buy a FIIO X5 specifically for it when it's released). Has anybody else had this problem? Very dissapointed so far for earphones that retail for $1000 and don't work properly straight out of the box, makes me doubt very much that they will hold up for workouts which is how I planned to use them.

Have also now confirmed the problem with the right earbud with the headphone out on my Peachtree Audio NovaPre, completely dead, everything is connected properly and now no noise at all coming from the right earbud.
Feb 24, 2014 at 6:25 PM Post #1,283 of 23,834
  So I just got my SE846's today and am having problems with the right earbud. The volume on the right side just intermittently cuts out and I have noticed either no noise coming from it, or very faint noise. This is coming from my Burson Conductor on low gain and my iPhone (waiting to buy a FIIO X5 specifically for it when it's released). Has anybody else had this problem? Very dissapointed so far for earphones that retail for $1000 and don't work properly straight out of the box, makes me doubt very much that they will hold up for workouts which is how I planned to use them.

Yeah, sorry to hear. I had the same problems with the MMCX connectors on my SE535LTD and my SE846. I sold mine once I got a replacement pair from Shure. No more MMCX for me. They were epic when they worked.
Feb 24, 2014 at 6:30 PM Post #1,284 of 23,834
Sucks, was really looking forward to enjoying these today, very disappointing. Do I need to contact Shure at this point or the dealer I purchased them from? I'm not even sure I want a replacement at this point, considering they are broken straight out of the box I have almost no hope that they can hold up to being used during workouts.
Feb 24, 2014 at 7:14 PM Post #1,285 of 23,834
  Sucks, was really looking forward to enjoying these today, very disappointing. Do I need to contact Shure at this point or the dealer I purchased them from? I'm not even sure I want a replacement at this point, considering they are broken straight out of the box I have almost no hope that they can hold up to being used during workouts.

If you want another pair, I'd try contacting the dealer first.  You should also try the second second of cables that come with the SE846, sometimes it's not the earphone's fault.  For example, both of my stock Shure cables never cut out, but sometimes my Ultimate Ears iPhone cable cuts out with the SE846 in the left ear if I'm putting pressure on the connector.  That's MMCX for ya.
FWIW, I use my SE846 to workout all the time.  No problems.
Feb 24, 2014 at 7:35 PM Post #1,286 of 23,834
Hi All,

I don't post too often but do listen regularly...to my headphones that is.

So I have had my 846s since the first day they were available and have quite a bit of time with them.

Is the love gone? No. I love my LCD 2.2s with my Woo Tube amp but I have 20X time in the saddle with my 846s because they suit my lifestyle better.

Do I feel like I am missing out with my 846s vs LCDs? I notice a difference in upper end for the first 2 minutes and then I get back to enjoying the magic of music. For me, Shure has captured the magic of the mid-range...for my tastes, this is where music lives.

Who would I recommend the 846 to? 1. Vocal lovers. 2. Music that lives in the lower half of the frequency chart. Prog rock, vocal, acoustic and so on. 3. Travelers that don't want to give up sound quality for convenience.

Who should skip? Analytical or folks that like clinical sound. I don't mean to infer one is better than the other. Taste is personal and we all are right.

What else? I may get the W60 out of curiosity...not because I need more. I think my experience, thus far, can be summed up as- If the 846 was the last IEM i could ever listen to, I would be thrilled.

Happy IEM hunting!
Feb 24, 2014 at 7:42 PM Post #1,287 of 23,834
Don't know what to say, no problems. Warranty? Get a new one. Contact the dealer, 30 days no questions.
Feb 24, 2014 at 8:00 PM Post #1,288 of 23,834
I just got my custom sleeves for my 846's, and these things are absolutely money now.  Although they stick out the ear slightly more than a true CIEM, I don't think I would enjoy the sound of any of the customs as much I do these, and now I have the isolation and comfort to go along with it.




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