Shure SE846: A New In-Ear Flagship From Shure. Finally! (Impressions p26-28)

Mar 2, 2014 at 2:53 PM Post #2,641 of 3,218
Why buy a backup? Except for Goldendarko, with less than a week turnaround from Shure service I do not even and would not give it a second thought. I say this and I am the most risk adverse person you will ever meet.

I'm half-joking around, but I'm so hooked on the new sub-bass that I don't even want to let it go for a week. I wrote earlier that it was like a drug.
There are many songs on my portable device that I never heard on the stereo. I only heard them with earphones. So now (with the 846 and V4A), I'm going "DAMN", I don't know those notes were even in that song. Song after song, it's all new again.

Mar 2, 2014 at 2:57 PM Post #2,642 of 3,218
I'm half-joking around, but I'm so hooked on the new sub-bass that I don't even want to let it go for a week. I wrote earlier that it was like a drug.

There are many songs on my portable device that I never heard on the stereo. I only heard them with earphones. So now (with the 846 and V4A), I'm going "DAMN", I don't know those notes were even in that song. Song after song, it's all new again.:atsmile:

I told you months ago the 846 has shifted my listening to greater bass heavy music simply to get more of that sub bass love.

To be fair my music shift started with the SE535. With that sweet mid range good vocals became much more important as the 535 was my first foray away from V signature headphones.
Mar 2, 2014 at 3:04 PM Post #2,643 of 3,218
Truck we have new SE846s no question.

My new 846 acts as the measurements advertise. I tried the black yesterday and it is much warmer than my usual white. The bass is much more pronounced as the measurements show. I like the black or blue with older (70s) recordings which tend to be brighter with a thiner sound. It is really nice to have three real options now.

I also now believe what I was told by a confidential (but utterly reliable) source back in August that Shure Asia argued with Shure US that the MSRP for the SE846 be set at $2,000 not $1,250. Not that I would have paid $1,750 retail but in the 7 months I have owned the 846 I have not for a moment regretted buying it.

The 846 with the blue filter still sounded (ever so slightly) harsh to my ears...Was using the blue filter for 3 days. Switched to the black have found my sound. The sound is warm, detailed and just right...After years of searching for a basshead iem, I have to say, the 846 hit the sweet spot. I love bass, but I also love detail. I listen to music at different volumes during the day. It depends. 5%-15% at night time. 65%-85% during the day when I am most awake. All in all, at any level, the 846 is a crowd pleaser. The filters really do work. The fit is now comfortable. (I was having fit issues in the beginning.) I love the quality of the included cable, cables. Tough. The connectors might have me worried from the stories I've been hearing here. It is one of the first IEMS that is sensitive to the source. Surprisingly, I have used and tested a lot of IEMS, but they all have done ok with sub-par sources (192 kbps and under). I feel if I use anything under 320, the artifacts, distortion is noticeable. 
Mar 2, 2014 at 3:07 PM Post #2,644 of 3,218
I told you months ago the 846 has shifted my listening to greater bass heavy music simply to get more of that sub bass love.

To be fair my music shift started with the SE535. With that sweet mid range good vocals became much more important as the 535 was my first foray away from V signature headphones.

It really is a joy to listen to. Sub-bass is presented very nicely. Every spectrum can be heard and isn't harsh at any frequency. 
Mar 2, 2014 at 3:07 PM Post #2,645 of 3,218
I told you months ago the 846 has shifted my listening to greater bass heavy music simply to get more of that sub bass love.

To be fair my music shift started with the SE535. With that sweet mid range good vocals became much more important as the 535 was my first foray away from V signature headphones.

Yep, you told me, but I was still listening to the 846 with the Note 3 and (while more capable than my iPod), those notes still were not there. Now it sounds like adding Barry White's deep voice to thunder.
You're right about the 535 too. I opened an account here after discovering a source match with the 535 that made it sound worthy of it's price and then some....
Mar 2, 2014 at 3:15 PM Post #2,646 of 3,218
Yep, you told me, but I was still listening to the 846 with the Note 3 and (while more capable than my iPod), those notes still were not there. Now it sounds like adding Barry White's deep voice to thunder.

You're right about the 535 too. I opened an account here after discovering a source match with the 535 that made it sound worthy of it's price and then some....

For you it's Barry White for me the baritone of Nat King Cole. You achieve the depth with your Note and Viper I do it with an iPod Touch and the Lightning amp.
Mar 2, 2014 at 3:25 PM Post #2,647 of 3,218
For you it's Barry White for me the baritone of Nat King Cole. You achieve the depth with your Note and Viper I do it with an iPod Touch and the Lightning amp.

I like Nat King Cole too. I wasn't listening to Barry White (although a have his hits CD). I was just trying to describe the sound of the sub-bass.
I still haven't rooted the Note 3 so I'm using my old Galaxy S2. I'm still searching for a new source. I suspect that a better match is out there. I have the HiFiMAN HM-802 right now, but it seems like it won't be the one (no thunder). Right now, the S2 sounds better at everything than the pairing with the 802. The search continues....
Mar 2, 2014 at 8:38 PM Post #2,648 of 3,218
Ive been using the Accudio app for iDevices. They recently added the se846 to their library with each different filter in place. I dont use the flat equalization that they provide but equalize it myself. The bass and sub-bass adjustments make these great. The app's UI isnt intuitive to say the least but its the best equalizer app I have used on my iphone.
Mar 3, 2014 at 7:05 AM Post #2,650 of 3,218
  Although retail is $1000, but 850 is still expensive. btw how did you get the 150 dollar discount? is the 850 tax included?

I got mine at at that price, no tax, shipping included (in continental US).  You had to register as a member (free) before the discounted price would display.  I don't know if that is still the current price.
Mar 3, 2014 at 10:34 AM Post #2,651 of 3,218
I got mine at at that price, no tax, shipping included (in continental US).  You had to register as a member (free) before the discounted price would display.  I don't know if that is still the current price.

Do you know if they are an authorized Shure dealer? I saw nothing on their website that specifically stated that fact.

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