"okay so the 1500's are pretty close to the experience with the HE 1000's with EF 6, sans DAC. A lot less fuss with the 1500's and naturally better isolation"
From the last posts I've read i wouldn't think so,but will try for myself first.
"okay so the 1500's are pretty close to the experience with the HE 1000's with EF 6, sans DAC. A lot less fuss with the 1500's and naturally better isolation"
Hi audionewbi
Thank you for posting your initial impressions so quickly. You have been on Headfi for a while and I've got a ton of respect for you and your ears.
I purchase mine yesterday and now going to wait about another week before I get them. Good thing I've got a 30 day return. Honestly 3k and I'm not confident about portability is a ton of cabbage to spend. I remember not too long ago when we were spending just north of 500 usd for the Shure 535 and then when the Shure 846 broke the 1000 usd mark we were all kind of scratching our heads.
I'm a fan of the blue Hawaii coupled with the 009,s myself and like accuracy with dynamics. If the sound is too clinical and very detailed and lacks in keeping me engauged it won't keep my interest for very long.
I don't have and have never heard the earpieces you really enjoy so I was wondering if you had the SE 846 and if so could you draw some comments between the two?
Thank you and sincerely
Your friend in audio
More and more of you guys have these earphones now,but none of you really tell us much about how they really sound.
Is that cause you regret buying them in the first place?
I would suppose that this is input clipping, not the amp for the 1500 clipping at its output? You just need to lower the volume at your source and use the volume knob on the 1500's amp for whatever volume adjustment you want. There should be no need for riding any volume knob to avoid clipping.
From the last posts I've read i wouldn't think so,but will try for myself first.
Audionewbi- the above writing is the best i read from you so far, thank you.
How is the KSE1500 sound connected to laptop? Will it charge while you are using it or is not recommended.
(First Post!)
I've been lurking on this thread for a while - received my KSE1500 last week and have been using it solely with Tidal on an iPhone 6 using the Shure DAC. I'm not super experienced but really enjoy the er4p and was hoping these would have similar characteristics but be better.
In general I think they are - as others have said, there's a huge amount of detail, and I can hear into/through the mix in a way that no headphones or system I've listened to allowed (at least partially because of the isolation). The bass is truly impressive for a pair of IEMs, and the overall clarity is fantastic.
I'm not sure if it's just my current setup or the specific recordings, but sometimes the upper mids sound a bit brittle and I am concerned about the long term durability (and dealing with a failed battery in a few years) as others have noted.
I have a question for anyone who might have tried it - would I see benefits from a better DAC like the Chord Mojo? If so, how much and of what type?
Another issue I notice is that frequency respond loudness isn’t quiet linear as the sound is increased. As in louder volumes higher frequency range become more prominent than the midrange. It appears that at louder volumes the high frequency and lower frequency can perhaps out mask the midrange, this is a phenomena I experience with few other gears and I also experience with KSE1500 at louder volumes.
"okay so the 1500's are pretty close to the experience with the HE 1000's with EF 6, sans DAC. A lot less fuss with the 1500's and naturally better isolation"
I wonder if that's not the inevitable result of our hearing's non-linearity (aka: equal loudness contours) compared to the linearity of our gear, as volume is increased.
I may be wrong, but as I understand it, a source that sounds linear to us at 40db is bound to sound a little v-shaped at 80db.