Hey, cool, lots of stuff to respond to...
First, thanks to everyone who said it was a good review--I wanted my first big one to be thorough. Sounds like there's some interest in me doing another one like this, so we'll see if I can sneak in another set of phones...
blessingx: Good points on availability, I've added to the review to include something on that.
Xplo: I'm not sure how much I believe that they'll really change that much after 40 or 50 hours--I think you're onto something that it's probably the listener doing most of the changing at that point. But, I'm certainly keeping them around and so we'll see how they sound with more time on them... Oh, and I'm looking at the SR60 rather than SR80 because the SR60 is nearly identical in price to the HD497, and the SR60 is supposed to be more friendly to the unamped than the SR80.
iGig: Which questions that you had were not answered? I'd be happy to at least try to answer them if I can.
00940: Producing something useful for a newbie was my goal, so thanks. Link away!
gerG: I have no trouble believing that the HD280s go down lower than the V6s, but I think the V6s bass presentation is more forward and involving on rock/techno. Sounds to me like a push in the 50-100Hz kind of range, more lower midbass than really deep bass. Regardless, though, I love your sig...