Hi there- Are you using a panasonic pot? They are sometimes known to be buggy.
You have checked your soldering all over for bum joints and bridges between the pads, that's good. What are you powering the amp with?
I don't think you have an oscillation problem, offhand.
Are the cascodes installed already?
What OPA are you using?
What is the gain set to?
Sorry to bombard you with these questions, but we will need a bit more to chew on. Your buffers are stacked already?
If you have any extra, try installing a single in each location. If you have no other buffers, you can remove them and jumper the signal in to the signal out. If you do this, you need to be very careful that you are not getting your pinout confused, as the consequences are not good.
Also, searching will turn up a TON of threads about debugging metas... something to peruse in the meantime.
Hang in there! It was not too long ago that someone was on here with a meta that was fine at first, then he washed the board with alcohol to remove the flux. When he tried it again, nothing. After a day or two of removing his hair one handful at a time (I assume that part), he realized he was using a different wallwart for power. Evidently it looked about the same. It is often something that seems fairly obvious in hindsight. Like using a 4.7K resistor where a 47K goes, etc.