Sennheiser Working on New Electrostat?!!

Aug 11, 2007 at 2:07 AM Post #61 of 86
There's nothing more fun than speculating about the release of a "statement" product. For the most part, the sky's the limit. The company doesn't feel like it needs to make a profit ( they don't want to loose money either). It stirs up competition. And it is the culmination of someone's dream. Senn. is a big enough company that they should feel obligated to release these statements at least every decade. In '06 in conjunction with AES, they rented a friend of mine studio for the entire week! It was for workshops on microphones. Big, big bucks! Sennheiser, Beyer,AKG,.. these guys are major players in pro audio (of course AKG was swallowed by Harmon Int. who is The biggest in the US). I'm sure they all spend millions a year on advertising so losing a measly $100k or so on r&d is easy. They just need to want to.
The proximity with the September ( supposedly) release of the Omega lll seems more than serendipitous.
Aug 11, 2007 at 2:25 AM Post #62 of 86
yes, sennheiser will likely come first quarter 2008 with a new headphone. It is around the 1000 euro mark. Looking at the price, it won't be an electrostat, since these would be quite more expensive, but it could be quite an improved hd650.
Aug 13, 2007 at 3:05 PM Post #63 of 86
Well, 17 pages on the original Senn HD700 thread plus 4 pages here.

Not one mention of the possibility that these new, soon to be offered, top of the line Senn dynamic headphones, HD 700 or 800/other, might be available with a factory balanced option or might be optimized for balanced operation in all the new, readily available, high end balanced headphone amps.

I think that if they don't, that will settle the balanced vs unbalanced debate.
Aug 13, 2007 at 3:36 PM Post #65 of 86

Originally Posted by tin ears /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well, 17 pages on the original Senn HD700 thread plus 4 pages here.

Not one mention of the possibility that these new, soon to be offered, top of the line Senn dynamic headphones, HD 700 or 800/other, might be available with a factory balanced option or might be optimized for balanced operation in all the new, readily available, high end balanced headphone amps.

I think that if they don't, that will settle the balanced vs unbalanced debate.

it could be a replacement for the 60 electrostat, or a new dynamic headphone, a hd650 replacement. What seems to be confirmed is the hd800 name?! A shop had it in their system, a new sennheiser hd800, to come out first quarter 2008! around the 1000 euro mark.

The price doesn't seem to confirm anything higher end then the big o. So, in the 1000 euro range you would either get a replacement for the little brother of the big O, or a new replacement for the hd650.

So, that something new is comming early next year is pretty sure!

I know tyll from headroom knows considderably more but he's not letting anyone know.

I don't think sennheiser will ever sell factory made balanced headphones. The mayority of equipment and people is using a simple 6.3mm plug!

If ever, it would be like the big o, with a dedicated system.
Aug 13, 2007 at 4:03 PM Post #67 of 86

Originally Posted by JadeEast /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How about a Beryillium or diamond based dynamic headphone, has anyone company bitten off than one yet?

You mean carbon based headphone? I think some drivers in speakers are carbon?! Not sure headphone drivers use carbon.

Those exotic materials would make a headphone more expensive, i guess.
Aug 13, 2007 at 6:33 PM Post #68 of 86
Tyll has stated it will be a new dynamic headphone in this thread. He appears to have inside info about the new Senn HP. He and his company are the early/major promoters/originators of the balanced Senn 650 (others later) and balanced HP concept in general, manufacturing balanced amps to match. Senn appears to be talking to them about the new model.

It would be very silly to think Senn has not listened to multiple pairs of balanced 650's by now. It would also be silly to think Senn does not realize there are many companies making balanced headphone amps.

After all, If you were Senn, would you want everyone saying their old balanced 650's sounded better than the unbalanced new model, particularly when all that is required to balance a 650 is an aftermarket cable swap? The Senn 650 is the phone that created this balanced trend.

I posted the idea about using Diamond or Beryllium drivers in an earlier thread. The idea is sound, but expensive. Some of the world's best speakers are made with these compounds (Focal, B and W, Usher, to name a few). It began with tweeters, but Usher is now using Beryllium for its high end midrange units as well. I believe Accuton may have a diamond midrange unit that is being utilized in $50,000 speakers. Point being, the drivers could likely be made into full range transducers for headphones. If someone had sufficient R and D and desire to build state of the art headphone transducers, I think these two compounds could take headphone audio performance to the next level, as it has in the speaker market.

The ultimate new dynamic headphone would therefore be balanced, with a beryllium or diamond transducer. Yes the initial R and D would be expensive, but you could recoupe costs as you trickle the tech down to your lower end models. The marketing potential for these two compounds has been great for speaker makers. The Senn Diamonds. How can you get any better than that?
Aug 13, 2007 at 7:57 PM Post #70 of 86

Originally Posted by tourmaline /img/forum/go_quote.gif
yes, sennheiser will likely come first quarter 2008 with a new headphone. It is around the 1000 euro mark. Looking at the price, it won't be an electrostat, since these would be quite more expensive, but it could be quite an improved hd650.

I have no updates so far, but an improved hd650 would be nice already. (though they would need a major improvement for me to like them at least a bit).
Still hoping for the seemingly least likely option since I found that the best senn I have ever heard (he60).
Aug 13, 2007 at 8:07 PM Post #71 of 86
So what we have is confirmation from Headroom that there will be a new, expensive dynamic from Senn that will not be called the HD700, and will not resemble the HD580/600/650. We also know that another store has listed an HD800. People seem to think this new headphone will come out in the first quarter of 2008, but I don't know where that information originated.

Contrastique tells us that a Senn rep has told her that they will be coming out with a new Electrostat, but would not give any other specifics, such as release date or retail price. The rep also said that he could not discuss any upcoming high-end dynamic offering.

One person has said that Senn will be coming out with a headphone priced at about 1000 EUROS, but he did not say where he got that information from. He speculated that because an electrostat would be more expensive, this headphone is probably a dynamic.

Tyll from Headroom has implied that he hasn't been informed of the introduction of a new electrostat.

Someone else has mentioned new offerings from Beyer that he is not allowed to go into any detail about.

I am inclined to think that there will be both a new dynamic and later, a new electrostat.

There was no confirmation of any timeframe for the release of new products in this thread (though there may be in others), but I'd expect that the dynamic headphone, probably called the HD800, will be released first, since Tyll from Headroom doesn't know about the electrostat. I can see Senn being willing to discuss the electrostat before the dynamic even if the dynamic is coming out first, because the electrostat won't make any current products obselete.

There has been a lot of speculation on this thread about the possibility of the rep who mentioned the electrostat having been disingenuous, but I think that this is not the case. I wouldn't expect Senn to lie to customers to throw them off the trail of what's really going to be introduced. That would be dumb. Then again, I would've expected Tyll to know about a new electrostat before reps started discussing it with customers, as was the case with the new dynamic. It could be that Tyll and the dealers haven't heard about it because its release date isn't so near as that of the dynamic.
Aug 13, 2007 at 8:13 PM Post #72 of 86

Originally Posted by braillediver /img/forum/go_quote.gif
When the relaease firms up watch for the HD650's to be dumped on the market in anticipation of new headphones.


Yep and all the relentless fanboys that state the HD650 is the best headphone in the world will say how lame the HD650 was and how the new one is soooo much better.

How do I know?.... look what happened to the HD600
Aug 13, 2007 at 8:18 PM Post #75 of 86
I don't think there are that many fanboys who actually claim the HD650 is the best... not anymore at least. Most of them (us) claim it's the best within a reasonable price range... that's good enough for me.

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