Sennheiser RS110 Mod
Jan 5, 2019 at 4:15 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


Previously known as Nunook
May 19, 2017
Information Highway
Hey Guys. This is actually my first mod to a speaker. I've actually installed many car setups and gone thru iem/hp purchases but never built a speaker or modified them.

So... I was cleaning out some old stuff and came across my old RF-wireless Sennheiser rs110. Seeing as I haven't used them in 3 years, and i also haven't soldered in ???yrs, figured what the hell.

RS110 workbench.JPG

RS110 Left.JPG

RS110 Right.JPG

Basically all i did was remove the RF circuitry and make them SE wired. I started making them 2.5mm balanced but the cable i was using (destroying) didn't work out. While stripping it the strands must've broke somewhere because I lost continuity between the plug and the wire ends. Oh well.

I will post up a finished picture as soon as I can. I did the mod, left the house for a minute and when I got back my wife is using them. :)

Wish I had more specs on the speakers. They are labeled 24ohm, and are about 25mm size. Also seem to be low sensitivity because I tested real quick on my HTC 10 and had to put the volume up almost all the way.

Either today or tomorrow I'll put some padding in the shell cause they leak ALOT without the ckt boards in there.
Lastly I'll give a sound impression using my n5ii.
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Jan 5, 2019 at 9:31 PM Post #2 of 12
So, I finally got a sound impression. To be honest I didn't think they would sound that good. Just because they were a cheaper model, slightly old, rf-wireless headphone. But I guess sennheiser puts decent stuff in the cheaper models also.

I'm interested to know what other models they used the same drivers in? They probably won't tell me though.

Well, considering the dd is mounted on the plate as seen in the picture, you get a closed back sound stage. Not claustrophobic but not open back planar or anything. The sub bass is a bit weak, I think cause the plastic build and the vented outer shell.

Good --- nice detail in mid-upper bass, male/female vocals are equally forward and clear, smooth/slightly recessed treble.
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Jan 15, 2019 at 10:21 PM Post #3 of 12
Slight addition to the mod. I added to three closed back style and was able to increase the bass extension/quantity. It was very mid centric sound, but now it extends down to 30Hz useable.

Any suggestions for a cheap home headphone measurement tool?
Jan 22, 2019 at 10:25 PM Post #4 of 12
So I have continued to mod these. I have to thank geekria for making easily available and cheap earpads.


They are now over ear and since they don't have much clamping force. Very comfy.

Detail is also higher. I managed to increase extend down to 20Hz now, but the treble is a little sharper.

Next and possibly last will be a custom cable.
Apr 22, 2020 at 6:56 PM Post #5 of 12
So I guess I never updated this thread. Since the last post I made a 2.5mm balanced cable with solid core copper wire from cat5e left over at work. Then changed it to 3.5SE so my wife could use them. Don't know what I was thinking there.IMAG2060.jpg

It increased the soundstage but also made it harder to drive and extremely stiff cable with microphonics.
Apr 22, 2020 at 7:08 PM Post #6 of 12
After that I found a sacrifice in the form of some $5 hp in a thrift store nearby that was going out of business. Transplanted the headband using a wire coat hanger. Changed the cable again so its 3.5mm but normal flexible silicone covered cable.


Much lighter than the hard sennheiser plastic headband. More comfortable because less pressure and spread more even. The cable gets rid of the microphonics, makes it easy to drive again but I lost some soundstage.

Oh well, this is just for fun anyways. Still sounds good in my opinion. Different from anything else I've heard at stores or events.
May 17, 2020 at 12:13 AM Post #7 of 12
Hey! Excited to meet another guy mod this headphone!
I've just moded one yesterday, with a new wire on by drilling a hole on the outside shell for that to go
through.It sounded well but a problem.I found that the volume of right part was sounding a bit louder, causing the bass a little to the right side.
That bothers me a lot.Did you ever have a similar situation like that? And how to fix it? Could you give me some advice?
May 17, 2020 at 7:30 AM Post #9 of 12
Hey Cool. I didn't have that issue but did you compare the resistance of the left and right afterwards? Maybe one of the speakers/wire/or solder joint is damaged?

Regarding the PCB, you're correct. If you take them out it changes the sound a lot. First there is nothing blocking the noise from escaping. So anyone near you can hear the music 100%. I will upload a picture of what I did inside.
May 17, 2020 at 7:55 AM Post #10 of 12
You can also try different pads. That will allow you to change the sound some without taking the PCB out.

Right now I'm using these:
HDR120 Replacement Ear Pads Compatible with RS120 RS 110 HDR120 Wireless Headphones Memory Foam Earpads

**But if you get pads that are thick (like the ones above) it most likely be uncomfortable with the original headband. The design of the original headband has too much clamping pressure when you put thick pads on it.
May 17, 2020 at 8:03 AM Post #11 of 12
I don't have a 3d printer so its made from the cardboard of toilet paper. In the center is magnet I stacked (purchased from homedepot). You might not like the sound of this setup and honestly it probably measures like toilet paper. But I like it.


May 17, 2020 at 9:00 AM Post #12 of 12
Well it's an extremely imaginative design! For pads I just used pads for hd201 and with e8000 glue I can hold it on. The problem is just as what you said,It turned out to be a strong pressure to my head XD.Maybe next time when I mod another headphone,your amazing design will carry its role.Thanks a lot anyway! Really lucky to see another guy moding this headphone.

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