100+ Head-Fier
So yea i guess i wont get an answer anymore. For me the topic IE900 (and Sennheiser with it) is over now. Im gonna burry them in my basement, if anyone needs just the right side because his inevitably breaks hmu. Might even sell it for less then 650€ if you are nice.
But serious, if anyone thinks that this was good or even fine service, i cant help you anymore. Absolutely ridicolous trying to sell another half IE900 for even higher margins one year after warranty ends without any further commitment if anything else breaks as well from Sennheisers side. And even if you dont consider the solutions problematic having multiple chats with different levels of support with none telling me anything besides "out of warranty, not our problem" even though they supposedly sell the sides seperately as their "solution" is an absolute embarrassement. Seing how jermo tries harder then anyone at Sennheiser to show some remorse and the willingness to make things right if he could even though he doesnt even work there anymore, shows you anything you need to know about this.
But seriously dont want anymore talk about this, anyone has an opinion about this situation by now. I loved Sennheiser my whole life, gave them thousands of dollars in revenue through recommendations and another few through purchases, but this ends here. There will always be a place in my heart for what it was years back but thats it.
Seeing how things went the past weeks i dont think anyone, especially Sennheiser, seriously cares about it but i at least wanted to officially finish the discussion. Wish anyone else here a great time with their IE900 while they last and hope to see you in other threads.
But serious, if anyone thinks that this was good or even fine service, i cant help you anymore. Absolutely ridicolous trying to sell another half IE900 for even higher margins one year after warranty ends without any further commitment if anything else breaks as well from Sennheisers side. And even if you dont consider the solutions problematic having multiple chats with different levels of support with none telling me anything besides "out of warranty, not our problem" even though they supposedly sell the sides seperately as their "solution" is an absolute embarrassement. Seing how jermo tries harder then anyone at Sennheiser to show some remorse and the willingness to make things right if he could even though he doesnt even work there anymore, shows you anything you need to know about this.
But seriously dont want anymore talk about this, anyone has an opinion about this situation by now. I loved Sennheiser my whole life, gave them thousands of dollars in revenue through recommendations and another few through purchases, but this ends here. There will always be a place in my heart for what it was years back but thats it.
Seeing how things went the past weeks i dont think anyone, especially Sennheiser, seriously cares about it but i at least wanted to officially finish the discussion. Wish anyone else here a great time with their IE900 while they last and hope to see you in other threads.