Jan 17, 2025 at 2:32 PM Post #5,356 of 5,418
So yea i guess i wont get an answer anymore. For me the topic IE900 (and Sennheiser with it) is over now. Im gonna burry them in my basement, if anyone needs just the right side because his inevitably breaks hmu. Might even sell it for less then 650€ if you are nice.
But serious, if anyone thinks that this was good or even fine service, i cant help you anymore. Absolutely ridicolous trying to sell another half IE900 for even higher margins one year after warranty ends without any further commitment if anything else breaks as well from Sennheisers side. And even if you dont consider the solutions problematic having multiple chats with different levels of support with none telling me anything besides "out of warranty, not our problem" even though they supposedly sell the sides seperately as their "solution" is an absolute embarrassement. Seing how jermo tries harder then anyone at Sennheiser to show some remorse and the willingness to make things right if he could even though he doesnt even work there anymore, shows you anything you need to know about this.
But seriously dont want anymore talk about this, anyone has an opinion about this situation by now. I loved Sennheiser my whole life, gave them thousands of dollars in revenue through recommendations and another few through purchases, but this ends here. There will always be a place in my heart for what it was years back but thats it.
Seeing how things went the past weeks i dont think anyone, especially Sennheiser, seriously cares about it but i at least wanted to officially finish the discussion. Wish anyone else here a great time with their IE900 while they last and hope to see you in other threads.
Jan 17, 2025 at 4:21 PM Post #5,359 of 5,418
So yea i guess i wont get an answer anymore. For me the topic IE900 (and Sennheiser with it) is over now. Im gonna burry them in my basement, if anyone needs just the right side because his inevitably breaks hmu. Might even sell it for less then 650€ if you are nice.
But serious, if anyone thinks that this was good or even fine service, i cant help you anymore. Absolutely ridicolous trying to sell another half IE900 for even higher margins one year after warranty ends without any further commitment if anything else breaks as well from Sennheisers side. And even if you dont consider the solutions problematic having multiple chats with different levels of support with none telling me anything besides "out of warranty, not our problem" even though they supposedly sell the sides seperately as their "solution" is an absolute embarrassement. Seing how jermo tries harder then anyone at Sennheiser to show some remorse and the willingness to make things right if he could even though he doesnt even work there anymore, shows you anything you need to know about this.
But seriously dont want anymore talk about this, anyone has an opinion about this situation by now. I loved Sennheiser my whole life, gave them thousands of dollars in revenue through recommendations and another few through purchases, but this ends here. There will always be a place in my heart for what it was years back but thats it.
Seeing how things went the past weeks i dont think anyone, especially Sennheiser, seriously cares about it but i at least wanted to officially finish the discussion. Wish anyone else here a great time with their IE900 while they last and hope to see you in other threads.
Will share the out of warranty service gap on other threads over the weekend. End of me buying @Sennheiser's products ..
shame because IE900 sounds great but they do not deserve neither my money nor my trust (for anything else). Truly disgraceful end of a brand in pot of dirt!
Jan 17, 2025 at 9:27 PM Post #5,360 of 5,418
Unfortunately when i finally was home, they were out of business time already. Tbh im not too motivated to call anyways, support over all platforms clearly showed me there is no interest in any service besides the option to buy a replacement with full margins for sennheiser.
For the single-sided replacement cost you will need to call in and talk to a service representative. We are working on harmonizing spare parts but each region may have varying ways of offering them for sale, and not all of the parts will be available online.
Since Sennheiser is currently unable to repair its products independently during the post-warranty period
Many products can be repaired but certain models may cost the consumer more in repair costs due to economies of scale, but also manufacturing techniques or obsolete components; a repair may not be feasible for us to attempt. In the case of IE 900 and IE 600 that are out of warranty, the consumer may elect to replace a side at a cost less than 1/2 of the overall cost of an entire replacement rather than purchasing a brand new set. Sets in warranty are honored but must be sent in for review by a service technician. Out of warranty replacement purchases can always be made without sending them in, but to request a swap we need the unit in question in our hands. We almost always suggest sending the unit in question directly to us for a service technician to review at a proper test bench and log the case for accurate reporting back to manufacturing and product management, and all of that allows us to make a recommendation to the consumer and provide them feedback.

IE900 is still way way way higher then the manufacturing cost for a whole brandnew set
Trade secrets as it pertains to manufacturing costs, protected manufacturing techniques, leaked products, and inner business workings are generally not disclosed per company (and Head-Fi) policy.
I wonder if the IE800S and IE900 both use the same transducer?
They do not use the same transducer. There are similar philosophies at work (dynamic transducer, frequency absorbers) however the execution of each is different and the driver is indeed a different one. As for the resulting sound, we feel the IE 900 is faster, offers a bit more brilliance, and has better bass response throughout the entire range.
My first audiophile IEM was the Sennheiser ie80, and it was my favorite for years until I started getting into higher-end iems. Now that I have an ie900, I feel like I have a more mature version of that fun sound signature I fell in love with 10 years ago.
Thank you for graduating to the IE 900! IE 80 had a few charming qualities, though we agree the IE 900 magnifies the experience by at least a factor of 11.25 ;)
Sennheiser Stay updated on Sennheiser at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
https://www.facebook.com/SennheiserUSA https://twitter.com/SennheiserUSA http://www.instagram.com/sennheiser https://sennheiser.com/
Jan 18, 2025 at 4:59 AM Post #5,361 of 5,418
IE900 still sound good to my ears but it would be fair for buyers to know what they are getting into when spending $1300 ... it is just a matter of transparency, it is a matter of making informed choices.
Not detracting from how good the IE900/600 sound, it is good for the community to know what the post warranty options are (ideally before a purchase but better later than never)
Jan 18, 2025 at 6:40 AM Post #5,362 of 5,418
@Sennheiser hello, what is the main thing that breaks on the IE600?
Have you figured out why people have that issue where it drops to 30% volume. Im asking because i want to prevent it from happening.
After these years of thread after thread on reddit and here and elsewhere it would be awesome if you shared some insight on how to keep our buds alive!
I have updated to a cable that is firmly connected and doesnt wobble like yours.
Is it something we can help or is the Irish assembly just sloppy? Please!
Jan 18, 2025 at 7:02 AM Post #5,363 of 5,418
@Sennheiser hello, what is the main thing that breaks on the IE600?
Have you figured out why people have that issue where it drops to 30% volume. Im asking because i want to prevent it from happening.
After these years of thread after thread on reddit and here and elsewhere it would be awesome if you shared some insight on how to keep our buds alive!
I have updated to a cable that is firmly connected and doesnt wobble like yours.
Is it something we can help or is the Irish assembly just sloppy? Please!
You need to threat to post negative points on other threads / platforms in case you may like them to respond.

No doubt that they are busy on their own but I would not expect the same responsiveness or engagement that other brands have on here (e.g. CFA, 64Audio, Symphonium, etc. ). So far there were replies on here only when the exchanges were reaching a boiling point.
Jan 22, 2025 at 3:43 AM Post #5,364 of 5,418
Hello, i need your help,
“Which headphones would be better for enjoying music like Radiohead and metal (never electronic music) among the Sennheiser IE 600, IE 900, or HD 820?

I’m looking for a pair that excels at handling detailed, layered tracks like Radiohead and can also bring out the energy and dynamics of metal. Portability isn’t a top priority, but I value soundstage, clarity, and impactful bass for these genres. Any recommendations or insights?”

“Possibly, I’ll be using them with a FiiO Q15 or a similar device. My maximum budget is around 2000 euros, and I’m looking for the best possible option.

Thank you very much, and best regards. I hope someone has experience with these headphones!”
Jan 22, 2025 at 5:22 AM Post #5,365 of 5,418
Hello, i need your help,
“Which headphones would be better for enjoying music like Radiohead and metal (never electronic music) among the Sennheiser IE 600, IE 900, or HD 820?

I’m looking for a pair that excels at handling detailed, layered tracks like Radiohead and can also bring out the energy and dynamics of metal. Portability isn’t a top priority, but I value soundstage, clarity, and impactful bass for these genres. Any recommendations or insights?”

“Possibly, I’ll be using them with a FiiO Q15 or a similar device. My maximum budget is around 2000 euros, and I’m looking for the best possible option.

Thank you very much, and best regards. I hope someone has experience with these headphones!”
save yourself the headache of sennheiser. Never thought it would come to this point but both quality and customer service is better from Chi-Fi nowadays. even people who could not give a flying is better and does more now. Sennheiser has lost the plot totally.
Jan 22, 2025 at 8:05 AM Post #5,366 of 5,418
save yourself the headache of sennheiser. Never thought it would come to this point but both quality and customer service is better from Chi-Fi nowadays. even people who could not give a flying is better and does more now. Sennheiser has lost the plot totally.
“Honestly, I didn’t expect such a response. I’m looking for an IEM or closed-back headphone of a certain level, and I have those three in mind. I can’t think of anything better in that price range.

I’ve had many FiiO devices, but for me, they always have some flaw.”
Jan 22, 2025 at 8:20 AM Post #5,367 of 5,418
Sets in warranty are honored but must be sent in for review by a service technician. Out of warranty replacement purchases can always be made without sending them in, but to request a swap we need the unit in question in our hands. We almost always suggest sending the unit in question directly to us for a service technician to review at a proper test bench and log the case for accurate reporting back to manufacturing and product management, and all of that allows us to make a recommendation to the consumer and provide them feedback.
Literally the worst terms i have ever read since i started my road on the audiophile journey. I have had to deal with the warranty department a couple of high end chinese companies, and they both had stellar feedback and shipped replacements before i even sent back mine so i could get back listening to my music right away. And i'm talking way over the "kilobuck" devices. Let that sink in how they acted vs how sennheiser says. Buying TOTL gear only to have it shipped, "analyzed" and then maybe in the future get it back....UNDER WARRANTY......By the way, during the time i would be without my gear, it would be reasonable to say that they would "pause" the effect of the warranty, that is if i have to be without it for a month, they would need to add one, otherwise i'd be literally cheated out of a month of warranty.

TL;DR: do they think audiophiles are moneybags that like being cheated?
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Jan 22, 2025 at 8:22 AM Post #5,368 of 5,418
“Honestly, I didn’t expect such a response. I’m looking for an IEM or closed-back headphone of a certain level, and I have those three in mind. I can’t think of anything better in that price range.

I’ve had many FiiO devices, but for me, they always have some flaw.”
Closed back i loved: LCD-XC
Great IEM: Audeze Euclid, or you could go for some second hand Kinera, RN6, trifecta.

Cheapest is the LCD-XC, all around 2k second hand for the IEMs. It depends in how you want to use them. If you find "cheap" annihilator 2023 you are basically set for life, but they usually sell way higher and are scarcer
Jan 22, 2025 at 2:36 PM Post #5,369 of 5,418
Hello, i need your help,
“Which headphones would be better for enjoying music like Radiohead and metal (never electronic music) among the Sennheiser IE 600, IE 900, or HD 820?

I’m looking for a pair that excels at handling detailed, layered tracks like Radiohead and can also bring out the energy and dynamics of metal. Portability isn’t a top priority, but I value soundstage, clarity, and impactful bass for these genres. Any recommendations or insights?”

“Possibly, I’ll be using them with a FiiO Q15 or a similar device. My maximum budget is around 2000 euros, and I’m looking for the best possible option.

Thank you very much, and best regards. I hope someone has experience with these headphones!”
IE900 without doubt! But you may also consider 64Audio's Trio (good deals on Classified as an alternative to a company that has poor post warranty service ... IE900 are kilobucks and @Sennheiser cannot be trusted with IEMs of such value anymore)
Crimson is really good too!
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Jan 22, 2025 at 2:37 PM Post #5,370 of 5,418
Literally the worst terms i have ever read since i started my road on the audiophile journey. I have had to deal with the warranty department a couple of high end chinese companies, and they both had stellar feedback and shipped replacements before i even sent back mine so i could get back listening to my music right away. And i'm talking way over the "kilobuck" devices. Let that sink in how they acted vs how sennheiser says. Buying TOTL gear only to have it shipped, "analyzed" and then maybe in the future get it back....UNDER WARRANTY......By the way, during the time i would be without my gear, it would be reasonable to say that they would "pause" the effect of the warranty, that is if i have to be without it for a month, they would need to add one, otherwise i'd be literally cheated out of a month of warranty.

TL;DR: do they think audiophiles are moneybags that like being cheated?
probably they think that it is the case... audiophiles are moneybags that like being cheated

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