Sennheiser HD820
Jan 4, 2020 at 9:20 AM Post #2,911 of 4,491
I recommend the HDV-820. It's not only a perfect match for the 800s but also for 820. It's also a very underestimated Amp! Plenty of power (you can use 2 hp simulteanusly) and dead silent! With dual Pentacon and XRL!
Jan 4, 2020 at 9:39 AM Post #2,912 of 4,491
I recommend the HDV-820. It's not only a perfect match for the 800s but also for 820. It's also a very underestimated Amp! Plenty of power (you can use 2 hp simulteanusly) and dead silent! With dual Pentacon and XRL!
HDV820 isn't underestimated, it's undercompatable (impedance and power, interms of wide range of headohones) and underperforming for it's price. Poor value, and for a amp specifically for Sennheisers, it doesn't really live up in performance. Anybody surprised by an amp from a headphone maker? Why spend so amount of money with so many options at the price-point? Lots of better options, even at lower prices.
Jan 4, 2020 at 11:47 AM Post #2,913 of 4,491
I recommend the HDV-820. It's not only a perfect match for the 800s but also for 820. It's also a very underestimated Amp! Plenty of power (you can use 2 hp simulteanusly) and dead silent! With dual Pentacon and XRL!

+1 for the Sennheiser amps. If you’re looking for an amp-only get the HDVA600 instead, it can be found at really good prices.
I had both and really like them.
Jan 4, 2020 at 7:40 PM Post #2,914 of 4,491
HDV820 isn't underestimated, it's undercompatable (impedance and power, interms of wide range of headohones) and underperforming for it's price. Poor value, and for a amp specifically for Sennheisers, it doesn't really live up in performance. Anybody surprised by an amp from a headphone maker? Why spend so amount of money with so many options at the price-point? Lots of better options, even at lower prices.

Ok, i've been using this Amp for 2+ yrs and it sounds very, very impressive. Even the Audiovalve Solaris isn't always ahead.

Which Amp would you recommend? Abyss Diana Phi sounds very palapable with it. V281?
Jan 9, 2020 at 8:27 PM Post #2,916 of 4,491
Josh did a conparison of 2 flagship closed

Note: he doesnt like the 820 much
Jan 9, 2020 at 9:47 PM Post #2,918 of 4,491
Josh did a conparison of 2 flagship closed

Note: he doesnt like the 820 much

He sure doesn't! I find vocals amazing on them. I think in one of the videos on it he did recommend it for those who put soundstage above all else, and that describes me somewhat. Dead & lifeless is certainly not a way I'd describe them. But hey, what do I know?
Jan 9, 2020 at 11:00 PM Post #2,919 of 4,491
He sure doesn't! I find vocals amazing on them. I think in one of the videos on it he did recommend it for those who put soundstage above all else, and that describes me somewhat. Dead & lifeless is certainly not a way I'd describe them. But hey, what do I know?

I didn't bother watching this vid after his 820 review. I don't understand trashing the 820's mids or calling them lifeless, not what I hear at all. And I'm a mid-centric listener too. Maybe he needs to get better equipment or something.
Jan 9, 2020 at 11:22 PM Post #2,920 of 4,491
I also deeply disagree - lifeless they are NOT! I blame that on maybe a not decent fit on the head? These are terribly seal depending and I think Sennheiser should make better pads for them that are either softer or broader to create a better seal from the get go and not only after they warmed up and form around your head proportions.....

I really love listening to music with them - detailed and warm with LOADS of fun in them. And mind you, my second most used over ear is currently the TH900.... So I know what fun sounds like haha.
Jan 10, 2020 at 1:52 AM Post #2,922 of 4,491
What is wrong with these?? I just listened to these in the Sennheiser store yesterday, and I was blown away by the LACK of performance for the price. I'm wondering if it was the amp the store used. They simply sounded like a slightly better version of my HD 25s, albeit less musical but more analytical. Last time I auditioned a set of Audeze LCD 2 and Sine, or Fostex Massdrop Ebony headphones, I remember them being much more musical and fun, while being similarly detailed.

I also istened to the HD 300 Pro and 660S, and actually thought they sounded a bit more musical, and similarly revealing.

This must be amplification?? Why are theses $2000?
Jan 10, 2020 at 4:41 AM Post #2,923 of 4,491
Jan 10, 2020 at 5:27 AM Post #2,925 of 4,491

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