Sell all my headphones for the LCD 4?
Nov 2, 2016 at 3:30 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 38


100+ Head-Fier
Jan 26, 2014
Hi All, 
I have been active in this hobby for maybe a couple of years but I have "quickly" acquired some midfi headphones. Currently I own the LCD XC, LCD X, HD 800 and the HE6. I have read reviews on the LCD 4 and many say they are "magical" heaphones. Out of the headphones I own/owned I like the HD600 and the LCD X. I never had or tried a "laid back" headphones like the HD650, LCD 2 or the LCD 3.  

Question is, should I sell all my current inventory to get just one LCD 4 and quit this hobby? :D
My current setup is a Schiit stack Mjolnir2/Gumby and wyrd on the line, all balanced. I listen to rock and metal only.
Thank you all
Nov 2, 2016 at 4:44 AM Post #2 of 38
Do not do it. Even if you have to make a long trip to a dealer somewhere listen to them first on your favourite songs and then make a decision. One man's "magical" is another man's "meah". Also there is a big product variance with audeze even in the LCD-4 so you need to get lucky to find the magical pair.
Nov 2, 2016 at 4:52 AM Post #3 of 38
  Do not do it. Even if you have to make a long trip to a dealer somewhere listen to the first on your favourite songs and then make a decision. One man's "magical" is another man's "meah". Also there is a big product variance with audeze even in the LCD-4 so you need to get lucky to find the magical pair.

good save 

Nov 2, 2016 at 5:20 AM Post #4 of 38
Do not do it. Even if you have to make a long trip to a dealer somewhere listen to them first on your favourite songs and then make a decision. One man's "magical" is another man's "meah". Also there is a big product variance with audeze even in the LCD-4 so you need to get lucky to find the magical pair.
Thank you. Supposing I get the LCD 4, would the mjolnir 2 be powerful enough to drive them?
Nov 2, 2016 at 6:06 AM Post #5 of 38
I agree what m17xr2b said, do listen to them before buying .Also, do try/consider the other TOTL headphones in that price range before pulling the trigger : Utopia, Abyss,009s etc. 
And yes the mjolnir 2 will be good enough to drive them.
Nov 2, 2016 at 8:13 AM Post #8 of 38
you'll find them here in the high-end audio forum along with the hd800/s and he6
Nov 2, 2016 at 10:38 AM Post #9 of 38
Nov 2, 2016 at 3:48 PM Post #10 of 38
so the hd800 and he6 are now regarded as midfi?

Having heard pretty much all of the "hi-fi" headphones around, I'd say the HD800 still plays in the big leagues. And with the insane prices for these new "hi-fi" headphones, I'd say the HD800 is a no brainer :)
Nov 2, 2016 at 5:20 PM Post #11 of 38
  Hi All, 
I have been active in this hobby for maybe a couple of years but I have "quickly" acquired some midfi headphones. Currently I own the LCD XC, LCD X, HD 800 and the HE6. I have read reviews on the LCD 4 and many say they are "magical" heaphones. Out of the headphones I own/owned I like the HD600 and the LCD X. I never had or tried a "laid back" headphones like the HD650, LCD 2 or the LCD 3.  

Question is, should I sell all my current inventory to get just one LCD 4 and quit this hobby? :D
My current setup is a Schiit stack Mjolnir2/Gumby and wyrd on the line, all balanced. I listen to rock and metal only.
Thank you all

philosophically i think you're on the right track.  there's a lot to be said about just paying the $$$ and then knowing that you now you have the best technology available.  that way you can forget the "what if's?", stop shopping, and just enjoy the music.  that was certainly my thinking behind getting the Utopia, LCD-4, and Moon Neo 430 all at the same time.  i don't want to get the Elear and pair it with the Oppo HA1 and then always wonder what better headphones and better amps sound like.
my only "concern" here for you is that while i agree that the LCD-4 is definitely magical... i'm not sure it's suited best to rock and metal.  i use it for acoustic, classical, jazz, live rock performances and such.  but for heavier, studio-cut rock and metal (and hip-hop, EDM, etc, basically things with more artificial production), I think the Utopia is better for those genres.  it's faster, hotter, more dynamic, and will make those electric guitars scream with intensity.  
so... go for the gold, but maybe consider the Utopia as your end game.  
Nov 2, 2016 at 6:37 PM Post #12 of 38
and what happens when the utopia and moon neo 430 are superseded? :wink:

@op - i've spent time with the hd800/s, he6 and lcd4. i preferred the lcd4's sound signature but its weight (and price) would be a deal breaker for me. like others here have said, i suggest that you try to audition the lcd4 before you sell-off your cans to finance its purchase.
Nov 2, 2016 at 6:58 PM Post #13 of 38
"LCD XC, LCD X, HD 800 and the HE6"
Thats a lot of headphone to sell to afford the LCD-4. Now, do you need a closed back headphone in your inventory? If so, keep the LCD-XC. Sell the LCD-X, and HE-6, as both of these could be comfortably replaced by the LCD-4 without losing too much capability wise. You would lose the easy to drive factor of the LCD-X but that is about it. The LCD-4 would comfortably replace the other qualities of the LCD-X and HE-6. The HD800 however is more difficult to replace the capabilities of, so I would hold on to it if at all possible. It is a very nice contrast to the LCD-4. Lets say you get $1000 for the HE-6, and maybe $1200-1300 for the LCD-X. That leaves you at $2200ish saved. If you don't NEED a closed back, sell the LCD-XC. Lets say you get $1500 for the LCD-XC, that would mean you have about $3700. Now these numbers are all variable, depending on the condition, and your luck at selling them. $3700 would leave you close to an LCD-4, letting you save up for a month or two (if you get paid monthly) to afford the rest.
You can probably get a bit money off a new pair of LCD-4's if you are in good standing with any shop, so you might not have to pay the $4000 entry fee, but lets say after taxes (if applicable) and shipping, it comes to about $4000 total. If you need a closed back set of headphones, don't sell the LCD-XC's, just keep them and save up for a few months longer. It is wort the wait to keep the HD800's in my opinion, unless you don't like them. If you do like them, you will end up buying another pair later down the line anyways probably. Better to keep them now and not lose the money in the long run. 
You have the Mjolnir 2 and Gumby. Gumby is fine, I doubt you will need to replace it anytime soon. The Mjolnir 2 will drive the snot out of the LCD-4, but in my opinion, won't sound great doing it. Will it be good enough for now? Absolutely! I found the Mjolnir 2 muddy and undefined when I tried it, but that was with the stock tubes, so your mileage may vary. Once you have lived with the LCD-4 for a while, and your wallet has recovered, you may end up seeking better amplification, maybe not. Replace your amp first, then worry about your DAC, if you feel so inclined. In my opinion the headphones are the most important part of the chain, then the amp, then the DAC. 
LCD-4's will kill it with metal and rock. 
Nov 2, 2016 at 9:39 PM Post #14 of 38
double post
Nov 2, 2016 at 10:31 PM Post #15 of 38
Having heard pretty much all of the "hi-fi" headphones around, I'd say the HD800 still plays in the big leagues. And with the insane prices for these new "hi-fi" headphones, I'd say the HD800 is a no brainer :)

Wasn't that long ago that modded HD800 beat Stax SR009 in Inner Fidelity's headphone shootout. These days all the rage is about bringing HD650 tonality to summit fi, but the truth is outside of Frequency Response HD800 is still up there with the big boys. I mean hell, just look at the measurements--the HD800 measures as well as the Focal Utopia at a fraction of the price, the frequency response and sub-bass is the only downside of these cans.

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