I went to my first headphone show at Headroom 2016 London and it has been one giant rabbit hole since.
I am chasing a sound that perhaps does not exist, this is perfect bass with texture, a nice midrange and sweet treble, without any harshness or fatigue. Detail and separation are also on the list plus all the other usual qualities.
In other words, I want it all. I love my LCD4 headphones and the laid-back sound they give. With the addition of the Susvara, I have a totally different sound signature equally loved. The Susvaras are certainly getting some playing time. While making the decision to purchase the Susvara I decided to try the EF1000, the combo price was seductive and wanted to have a second amp as an alternative sound signature.
Equipment Used
I do have a Mscaler but left this out to keep the chain as simple as possible.
PS Audio Power Plant 15 with Supra power cables.
Antipodes K50 – Wave Storm BNC to BNC to Dave.
Chord Dave – RCA and XLR Chord Sarum T to EF1000 and WA33 EE JPS.
Network isolated by cheap generic FMC.
WA33 EE JPS $15,999.00
JPS internal wire $ 2,000.00
TA-274B Takatsuki Tube $ 1,250.00
417A / 5842 Tube with Adapter $ 2,299.00
Psvane ACME 2A3 Tube Quad $ 1,220.00
Total Cost $22,768
$15,000.00 or combo price $18,000.00.
Firstly, it is important to remember that the tubes and the “Version” of WA33 really do make the difference. The standard WA33 with standard tubes cannot be compared to the SQ of the EF1000 IMHO. If the two were lined up now the EF1000 would be my choice without any long A – B.
It is not so clear with the WA33 EE JPS with upgraded tubes and could perhaps come down to personal preference.
The EF1000 is a hybrid of tube and Solid State, many audiophiles use a preamp to add a sound signature, the tubes used in this amp do come through. It was designed this way for good reason, the sound is musical, rich and very infectious but with plenty of detail. When used with the Susvara I would say a match made in heaven if you like musical, full rich music with detail and never fatiguing.
While the WA33 EE JPS is fully a tube amp but does not sound like a typical tube amp. It has the advantage of being able to be tuned to suit the user by a greater selection tube upgrades. Although also very musical the detail is much easier to hear, bass is more controlled voices seem more natural or clean and better separation “by” comparison but never analytical. Perhaps thinner sounding “by” comparison to the EF1000. The EF1000 is warmer than the WA33 EE JPS without question, is it too much for me? No, not with the Susvara but with the LCD4 perhaps it would be.
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@Sajid Amit I totally second his view on the WA33 (I assume the SE version) however the WA33 EE JPS with upgraded tubes is in a totally different league to the SE.
If I were to use my LDC4 with the WA33 EE LPS the sound signature would lean towards the EF1000 by a few clicks hopes that makes sense.
If you are running a digital source perhaps with digital noise as I did (years ago without realizing) I found the LDC4 straight from Dave tamed the brightness. I could perhaps see the EF1000 helping with this issue in a similar way.
The Cayin HA-300 mk2 with the 300B tubes would be how I would describe a tube amp with tube bloom.
Another way to describe the EF1000 sound vs WA33 EE JPS.
The EF1000 has more of a tube sound by comparison. The detail is there but the tubes tend to colour the sound signature at the cost of a cleaner sound (nothing wrong with that by the way). If I owned the EF1000 I would try upgrading the tubes…but this is my personal choice.
Both these amplifiers sound excellent. I would be happy with either one.
The EF1000 has more of a tube bloom than my WA33.
Just a few other comparisons:-
Standby power used
WA33: 231 watts vs EF1000: 186 watts
Volume Dave set at 28
WA33 (low impedance) 1 o'clock, (high impedance) 12 o'clock vs EF1000 one click before 12 o’clock. Which is odd as EF1000 has a lot more power.
The volume control.
WA33 (fine adjustment) manual vs EF1000 (click stops for me, no fine adjustment, no deal breaker. I used Dave to fine tune volume) manual and remote.
Both run around 40c, the WA33 in around 60 minutes vs the EF1000 in 15 minutes. Purchase some slow running computer fans.
The WA33 is a nice size vs EF1000 which is very deep, so take careful measurements if you are planning to put the HiFi rack close to the wall and allow for cables at the back.
Voltage supply
WA33 Fixed at factory for county, user adjustable for 3 x 10-volt range, for example 220-230, 230-240,240-250 (if or when out of range you get a hum) vs EF1000 240 or 110 user selectable plug and play with no hum on any voltage.
Value for money EF1000 has to win with the combo price but the WA33 is my preference.
Will I be purchasing the EF1000, sadly no as the contrast in sound signature between the Susvara and LCD4 gives me what I need…. For the moment.