How many drinks, or how much food did you buy them? Women use men. They can do anything they want and get away with it.
The big tease. You said "out of my league". No such animal. They are born with looks. Most will divorce a few times in their life, because usually they are very shallow. They use their looks and sexuality to get what they want in a bar....booze and food and a good time. And they may be half drunk too. An then there are the men they have previously said that too the previous nights. Some may even want sex.....and that sort of lady may not practice safe enough you may "catch something".
If you are going to a bar. Do not expect to find your lifelong companion. Expect, if you are lucky, to have a good time with a lady, maybe even sex. But not love. That kind of neediness can be spotted by the save sex seductress and used by them. If they can control you, they will.
I am not being sexist. The reverse is true too. Many men will use women the exact same way.
That's life.
As far as finding the "right" kind of girl. Wish I knew. I am 53 and single. I gave up lookin years ago.
Be careful about bars. You never know.
If you insist about going to bars to get female company. Spend a while just sitting there and studying people from a distance. Even with some buddies. Try to think what the person is like.
Then if you have a good idea, go find out. Learn from your right and wrong experiences.
If you find a nice girl, don't coerce her into sex the firsgt minute. Wait until things become right. They may not become right for months. But you could develop a nice friendship. You never know.
Two places on the net to meet shallow people are and .