Second Source Recomendation
Sep 10, 2003 at 4:50 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


Member of the Trade: LampizatOr Audio
Aug 16, 2002
Hey guys,

I'm looking to seperate one of my headphone systems from my primary two channels, and in doing so will probably move my 963SA to exclusive headphone/bedroom dvd duty.

I am now left needing a replacement source in the 2 channel. The specs of the two channel will be as follows:

Magnepan 1.6QRs
Plinius 8200 MKII amplifier
Kimber 8TC/Magwire speaker cable (changes at x-over)
Miller & Kreisel MX-90 Sub
and will be linked to the plinius via an Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference IC.

It will also secondarily source my den headphone system which will consist of:
SinglePower MPX3 w/ Slyvania VT-231 tubes
Nordost Black Knights
and rotating cans.

I'm looking for something on the warmer side of neutral. Through a mix up, the Plinius I'd recieved was not the MK II I had intended, and instead I was sent a MK I (it's been cleared up and I have a MK II in the mail now), but with the MK I, I found the sound to be a little dry and uninvolving. I'm purchasing the A.Z.'s as I've heard they have a very lush and bloomy midrange... now for the source to put on the other side.

Right now I've been thinking of something like Jolida JD-100A, but have read mixed things about it, and have had bad expereinces with Jolida products in the past (spontanously combusting 1501RC). I listen to wide array of music, and probably prefer something more on the musical/emotionaly engaging side then the detailed side of things.

My absolute maximum price is $750 (of course I wouldn't mind spending less), any more then that and I'm significantly jepordizing my ability to pay the bills.

What do you guys think?

Sep 10, 2003 at 5:00 AM Post #2 of 11
Well, you've got the right idea by thinking about a tubed player, judging by your sound preference. Beyond the Jolida, there's also the Njoe Tjobe which can be found for about $500. Then there's the Heart Tubed CDP6000OSE, which is the Marantz model Frankenmodded to be a tube player. There's one on Audiogon for $600.

The Shanling CDT100 is a real nice tubed unit but way above the $750 price range. Can't think of others offhand - these are just the ones I've taken notice of while searching around for less expensive models. ^_^

I'm sure there are going to be plenty of people standing up to defend the Jolida. It seems to have quite a following.
Sep 10, 2003 at 6:49 AM Post #3 of 11
i'm actually in the same position as you are. i'm also looking for a warmer, non-analytical cd player with a more analog-tubey type sound. also, i want the bass to be warm, a little bit heavy, but taught and tight, yet not over-bearing!

so far, everyone is saying go for the Rega Planet 2000 (used that is). you can look on audiogon for a used one for about 400-500$. i also came accross a website awhile back that sold the Rega 2000 brand new for 750$. i can't remember the site though as i wasn't looking for the Rega at the time
so look into the Rega Planet 2000, i think it sounds like your cup of tea! good luck
Sep 10, 2003 at 8:28 PM Post #4 of 11
stro, I had begun looking a little into the Njoe, but will give the Heart some looking into as well, have you had any expereince with it? A tubed CD player is not necessarily essential, I just thought it might deliver the sort of sound I was looking for.

Zap, my first inclinations were to look into the Rega; I was leaning toward buying one, but threw together a few extra bucks for the budget, and wondered if I'd be better off with something else.

FYI, I forgot to mention this previously, but I do prefer to buy used... get the best value for my money

Thanks guys, keep 'em comming!
Sep 10, 2003 at 10:59 PM Post #6 of 11
I haven't had any experience with any of those players - those were ones I've seen that have gotten positive reviews in the past. I'm looking for a source for my CD3000s (see my thread) and those were a couple I was looking at briefly but are a bit above my price range. The somewhat warmer sound is what I'm looking for too, just because I'd think that would be a better match for the 3000s.

G'luck. ^_^
Sep 13, 2003 at 7:52 PM Post #7 of 11
no other recommendations guys?
Sep 13, 2003 at 10:04 PM Post #8 of 11
Sep 13, 2003 at 10:58 PM Post #9 of 11
Since your going to be using it in your speaker system if you can find a deal or swing a few more bucks the Jupiter2K is alot nicer than the Planet through speakers. I like them both though. I don't no if there would be that much diference through headphones between the two. I have tried the Jupiter with my SDS and the sound is very good.
Sep 13, 2003 at 11:14 PM Post #10 of 11
Everybody likes the sacdmods 555es and I think the sacdmods 222es is close. Furthermore, the basic difference between the 555es and 222es is the 555es is more transparent while the 222es is warmer and slightly less open sounding. The sacdmods 222es new is about your $750 price limit. That includes cardas rca's and an IEC connector for upgrading power cords. The 222es is not harsh, edgy or hard sounding; and all my amps are solid state.
Sep 14, 2003 at 4:13 PM Post #11 of 11
I've read that the njoe tjoeb is not warm, even though it is tubed. The Arcam plyaers are supposed to be warmer. The Jlida JD-100 is probably the one for you (I have one). Tube rolling affects the player very well. The electro Harmonix tubes are kinda warm and the NOS Mullard tubes are supposed to be more so, if you can find them. With this player what's expressed most is the bass and midrange, sort of like what the MPX3 is supoosed to sound like. That should make a great combo witha pair of RS-1's.

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