Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

Jan 23, 2015 at 10:54 AM Post #4,681 of 23,504
Add myself as well to the "Praise the Bob" portion of this thread! Just ordered the '75 Voskhods and '77 Grey Shields, and waiting on the '74 or '75 SWGP HG's should they arrive. I am just getting into tube amps now and received my first one this month. I was lucky enough to meet Bob through the advice of someone else on this site and he has been so informative and helpful. We are lucky to have someone here with such experience (25+ years of tube rolling) as part of our forum who is willing to share not only his knowledge but actually help us get the very best tubes out there at reasonable prices - particularly someone we can trust. He is wracking up some serious good karma here!
We are not worthy...  We are not worthy....!!
Thanks Bob!
Jan 23, 2015 at 11:24 AM Post #4,682 of 23,504
From eBay seller:
But Bob on this thread sells Voskhods and Reflectors that are better than what I have.
The particular Voskhods I have are 74'.  Which according to Bob are known for their Mids (liquid and vibrant).  It's what I love about them.
In some way it combines the best characteristics of Siemens and Amperex Orange Globes. 
But ask rb2013 (Bob). PM him.  He will be getting some I hear.

All gone 

Jan 23, 2015 at 11:32 AM Post #4,683 of 23,504
Hey guys!
im new to tube rolling and got my lyr2/bifrost uber 1 week now
after using it for 40hours now they finely seem to burn in ( i start to notice more bass)
im still on stock tubes right now
i bought a Matched pair of   6n23p voskhod made in 04.1969 + 08.1969 for 40 dollar from ebay
what do these sound like ? was it worth the 40 dollar?
also are the IV-1971 Matched pair voskhod rockets any good? ( for 50 dollar)
Jan 23, 2015 at 11:50 AM Post #4,685 of 23,504
Add myself as well to the "Praise the Bob" portion of this thread! Just ordered the '75 Voskhods and '77 Grey Shields, and waiting on the '74 or '75 SWGP HG's should they arrive. I am just getting into tube amps now and received my first one this month. I was lucky enough to meet Bob through the advice of someone else on this site and he has been so informative and helpful. We are lucky to have someone here with such experience (25+ years of tube rolling) as part of our forum who is willing to share not only his knowledge but actually help us get the very best tubes out there at reasonable prices - particularly someone we can trust. He is wracking up some serious good karma here!

We are not worthy...  We are not worthy....!!

Thanks Bob!

Lol... Maybe we should start the 'Bob's fan club guys!
Jan 23, 2015 at 12:19 PM Post #4,686 of 23,504
Lol! Yeah, count me in!
We can all chip in, and when he passes we can build a big Voskhod Silver Holy Grail tube and send him off to the" Great Amp" in the sky!
Seriously... just having fun and offering thanks and gratitude when and where it's due. Just isn't enough of that sometimes.

Jan 23, 2015 at 12:46 PM Post #4,687 of 23,504
  Hey guys!
im new to tube rolling and got my lyr2/bifrost uber 1 week now
after using it for 40hours now they finely seem to burn in ( i start to notice more bass)
im still on stock tubes right now
i bought a Matched pair of   6n23p voskhod made in 04.1969 + 08.1969 for 40 dollar from ebay
what do these sound like ? was it worth the 40 dollar?
also are the IV-1971 Matched pair voskhod rockets any good? ( for 50 dollar)

Be sure the '69s are 6n23p's and not 6n1p's.  The '69 Voskhods 6n23p's are very, very, very rare.  I just got some of the absolute rarest Voskhod 6n23p's I have ever seen.  There was a seller on Ebay awhile ago who had them.  I just received a '65 and '66 as a pr.  They fortunately tested good and sound great  - I will add them to my uber tube shootout.  I just need one Siemens E88CC to roundout the lineup.  The seller from Bulgaria - demanded a $105 shipping for one tube!  Would not budge on that absurd shipping cost.  So I need to find another.  I have a single already.
Jan 23, 2015 at 12:52 PM Post #4,688 of 23,504
Be very careful when buying on EBay - I detect a hint of desparation lately from these Ukrainian dealers.
Many times they will ship completely (and lower value) different tubes then those pictured and described in their ads.  It really sucks when they do that.
I bought this auction which clearly shows a few HGs in the picture - and I PM'd the seller to verify he was sending HG's. He confirmed.  The box arrived with not one HG!  $190 plus shipping with no HGs.  Ugg!!!  I left negative feedback which he didn't even bother to refute!  
But people keep buying his auctions.
Total ripoff.  And the tubes he sent many failed testing.
Buyer beware!  Be sure they are 6n23p's not 6n1p's - they look identical beside the markings.  The 6n1p could damage your Lyr2.
Jan 23, 2015 at 12:56 PM Post #4,689 of 23,504
Be sure the '69s are 6n23p's and not 6n1p's.  The '69 Voskhods 6n23p's are very, very, very rare.  I just got some of the absolute rarest Voskhod 6n23p's I have ever seen.  There was a seller on Ebay awhile ago who had them.  I just received a '65 and '66 as a pr.  They fortunately tested good and sound great  - I will add them to my uber tube sound shootout.  I just need one Siemens E88CC to roundout the lineup.  The seller from Bulgaria - demanded a $105 shipping for one tube!  Would not budge on that absurd shipping cost.  So I need to find another.  I have a single already.

ah alright! thanks 
Happy that they will sound good !
on the ebay listing it was listed as : 6N23P = E88CC = ECC88 = 6DJ8 MatchedPair VoskhodRocket NOS Strong 1960-70s RARE
and i talked abit with the Seller and made sure it was the 6n23p
Jan 23, 2015 at 1:04 PM Post #4,690 of 23,504
  Lol! Yeah, count me in!
We can all chip in, and when he passes we can build a big Voskhod Silver Holy Grail tube and send him off to the" Great Amp" in the sky!
Seriously... just having fun and offering thanks and gratitude when and where it's due. Just isn't enough of that sometimes.

You guys are too much!
Hey I'm just an insane audio enthusiast - and I like to share the fun.
I was beat up pretty bad on the old thread when I posted my Voskhod review almost 2 yrs ago.  The flame throwers were in full 600 degree mode.  It got so bad they had to shut the thread down.  There was - well let's say - a large dose of skepticism about the '70s Voskhod's.  And from folks who hadn't even heard them.  Again most folks had tried the '80s and '90s and weren't overly impressed.  And of course the -'WHAT NO GOLD PINS!' thing.  Hey these aren't jewelry - they're for sound!.
Anywoo.  It's really great to see many people loving the sound of these as much I do. 
I dream at night of someone in Siberia finding a garage full of new HGs in the box.  I would hire dog sled to get them!
Thank you all for the kind words

Jan 23, 2015 at 1:06 PM Post #4,691 of 23,504
  ah alright! thanks 
Happy that they will sound good !
on the ebay listing it was listed as : 6N23P = E88CC = ECC88 = 6DJ8 MatchedPair VoskhodRocket NOS Strong 1960-70s RARE
and i talked abit with the Seller and made sure it was the 6n23p

I will post a picture of the very, very rare '65 and '66 ones I received.  If you post a picture of yours I can help identify.
Jan 23, 2015 at 5:40 PM Post #4,695 of 23,504
+1 :beer: ;)
Add myself as well to the "Praise the Bob" portion of this thread! Just ordered the '75 Voskhods and '77 Grey Shields, and waiting on the '74 or '75 SWGP HG's should they arrive. I am just getting into tube amps now and received my first one this month. I was lucky enough to meet Bob through the advice of someone else on this site and he has been so informative and helpful. We are lucky to have someone here with such experience (25+ years of tube rolling) as part of our forum who is willing to share not only his knowledge but actually help us get the very best tubes out there at reasonable prices - particularly someone we can trust. He is wracking up some serious good karma here!

We are not worthy...  We are not worthy....!!

Thanks Bob!

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