Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers
Jan 22, 2015 at 3:12 PM Post #4,666 of 23,504
What recourse do you have when dealing *crud* from ebay, and what seller?! I want to avoid them.

My box of Russian fails is growing!

There is not much you can do - if you leave negative feedback - Ebay will just offer you a refund (if you send the tubes back to the Ukraine!) and remove the negative feedback.  Or maybe a partial refund if you don't return the tubes.  Anyway the Seller will then block you from buying from them again.
I wish I could get a list - but I see new sellers from the same Ukrainian cities pop up all the time - and some drop away.  I think they just open new email accounts, then new Ebay accounts.  It's not hard to end run that game.  About 60% of the tubes I have been getting lately have been fails.  Many buyers don't have a tube tester so don't know they have a weak or mismatched tube or pair.  They just think they normally sound mediocre.
Poorly matched and screened tubes will lack some of the air, detail and sound stage depth and width due to these issues.
Jan 22, 2015 at 4:14 PM Post #4,667 of 23,504
My box of Russian fails is growing!
There is not much you can do - if you leave negative feedback - Ebay will just offer you a refund (if you send the tubes back to the Ukraine!) and remove the negative feedback.  Or maybe a partial refund if you don't return the tubes.  Anyway the Seller will then block you from buying from them again.
I wish I could get a list - but I see new sellers from the same Ukrainian cities pop up all the time - and some drop away.  I think they just open new email accounts, then new Ebay accounts.  It's not hard to end run that game.  About 60% of the tubes I have been getting lately have been fails.  Many buyers don't have a tube tester so don't know they have a weak or mismatched tube or pair.  They just think they normally sound mediocre.
Poorly matched and screened tubes will lack some of the air, detail and sound stage depth and width due to these issues.

Well, poo. Sorry to hear that and hopefully my adventures will be without pain. Fortunately, I had the good luck to purchase from you but I did purchase several pairs before that were.. problematic either because of quality or out of my own ignorance I purchased the wrong tubes (Lyr versus Lyr 2).
Jan 22, 2015 at 6:13 PM Post #4,668 of 23,504
Hi Tuco,
What specific Voskhods do you have & what's their price range ?  Need help, just getting into this.  Should get my Lyr2 at the end of the week.

I have a set of 1980 Voskhod Rockets purchased for about 35 CDN.  They are my current favourite.

Jan 22, 2015 at 9:51 PM Post #4,669 of 23,504
  Well, poo. Sorry to hear that and hopefully my adventures will be without pain. Fortunately, I had the good luck to purchase from you but I did purchase several pairs before that were.. problematic either because of quality or out of my own ignorance I purchased the wrong tubes (Lyr versus Lyr 2).

I paid good money for everyone of those tubes in that box - ugg!

When I discovered these amazing vintage '70s Voskhod Rockets back almost two years ago - I noticed some differences in the various years and constructions.  I went through and sorted them and after extensive listening in the Lyr and in my other amps that also use them - I ranked them.  I didn't know if other folks would have the same amazing success with these - so I started screening them, testing and matching pairs to offer.  I believe these tubes had been over looked do to the poor matching and quality.  Additionally, generally folks were hearing the mediocre (IMO) 80's and 90's versions.  To my ears the '70s were significantly better.  But to get the Voskhod magic you needed well screened, tested and matched (by yr and outputs) tube pairs.  There were no dealers offering anything like this.  Maybe some random '80s at best.
The results as you can attest have been overwhelmingly positive.  But for every matched pr there are 5-6 others in the box.  So this has not been a big 'money maker' but done in the sense of an audio research project.  I get a big payoff every time I read a post of the great sounds these bring to a Headfier. 
I have been rolling 6922's for 20 yrs+.  This has been a major discovery in audio tube lore.  The secret of how great these vintage 6n23p's are is still mainly here in this community.  A few folks have had similar success using these in high end pre-amps and amps.  They are getting harder to find in the best condition - mainly coming out of the Ukraine.  I watch nervously the events there and wonder if a time will come when they will be impossible to buy from there.
Happy Rolling!
Jan 22, 2015 at 10:05 PM Post #4,670 of 23,504
I paid good money for everyone of those tubes in that box - ugg!

When I discovered these amazing vintage '70s Voskhod Rockets back almost two years ago - I noticed some differences in the various years and constructions.  I went through and sorted them and after extensive listening in the Lyr and in my other amps that also use them - I ranked them.  I didn't know if other folks would have the same amazing success with these - so I started screening them, testing and matching pairs to offer.  I believe these tubes had been over looked do to the poor matching and quality.  Additionally, generally folks were hearing the mediocre (IMO) 80's and 90's versions.  To my ears the '70s were significantly better.  But to get the Voskhod magic you needed well screened, tested and matched (by yr and outputs) tube pairs.  There were no dealers offering anything like this.  Maybe some random '80s at best.
The results as you can attest have been overwhelmingly positive.  But for every matched pr there are 5-6 others in the box.  So this has not been a big 'money maker' but done in the sense of an audio research project.  I get a big payoff every time I read a post of the great sounds these bring to a Headfier. 
I have been rolling 6922's for 20 yrs+.  This has been a major discovery in audio tube lore.  The secret of how great these vintage 6n23p's are is still mainly here in this community.  A few folks have had similar success using these in high end pre-amps and amps.  They are getting harder to find in the best condition - mainly coming out of the Ukraine.  I watch nervously the events there and wonder if a time will come when they will be impossible to buy from there.
Happy Rolling!

Sorry about all the bad tubes you got. I just got my second pair of the rebaged Voskhod's(Amperex Fat Bottles) and I think this pair may be better than my previous one, heavier bass and even smoother highs so far. They look a little different internally, part of the metal is more of a matte texture on the recent pair I got and the other pair is more shiny in the same area. I got mine both from a US seller. Both of my pairs are from the 80s I believe. I can see why you like these tubes so much, they are fantastic.
Jan 23, 2015 at 1:43 AM Post #4,674 of 23,504
  I know I sure like the tubes I got from rb2013 and all of his effort was well worth it to me, thanks again Bob and please feel free to carry on, as it is appreciated.

+1 For me. It's definitely the best gear purchase I've made to date.

Absolutely.  +2  

Me too. Excellent tubes and great service. Thanks Bob.
I am waiting on a couple of new tubes from him, the infamous Reflktor SWGPs (HGs); I should have them in a couple of days. 

The 75 Voskhod Rockets (Gray shield) I got from him are absolutely astounding. I am 4 hours away from the 50 hours burnin mark. The sound signature through both HPs and Speakers is unreal. 
Jan 23, 2015 at 1:50 AM Post #4,675 of 23,504
I just thought of letting you guys know that trying compressed music (mp3s) through the rig with the tubes breathes new life into the music. If you are like me and came with a large iTunes library, you probably stopped listening to it after switching to hires music. I think you will be surprise if you re-fire your music through the tubes and listen to your favorite tracks.
Give it a shot and try iTunes through Audirvana+ or other player in Integrated mode and punch the music through the Tubes (I am using the Voskhod Rockets I referred to earlier). To my ears there is a great improvement in soundstage depth, airy instruments, and improved detail. Even breathy for vocals that are not present when played on low-end components (computer speakers or IEMs).
Hope you guys rediscover some of your old favorites like I did.
Jan 23, 2015 at 2:28 AM Post #4,676 of 23,504

Me too. Excellent tubes and great service. Thanks Bob.
I am waiting on a couple of new tubes from him, the infamous Reflktor SWGPs (HGs); I should have them in a couple of days. 

The 75 Voskhod Rockets (Gray shield) I got from him are absolutely astounding. I am 4 hours away from the 50 hours burnin mark. The sound signature through both HPs and Speakers is unreal. 

Thanks Bob, Big fan of my 77 Voskhod Rocket gray shield.  Now at about 200 hours they have really opened up and sound great.
Jan 23, 2015 at 7:58 AM Post #4,677 of 23,504
That is what I was wanting to know. I figured they probably made a tool for that.

  I bought a pair of tube extractor pliers on ebay for about $9.00.  Pulls them right out no muss, no fuss...

They are still available and I ordered one yesterday. Hope it will do the job and save me from having to take my amp apart.
Jan 23, 2015 at 10:23 AM Post #4,678 of 23,504
  Sorry about all the bad tubes you got. I just got my second pair of the rebaged Voskhod's(Amperex Fat Bottles) and I think this pair may be better than my previous one, heavier bass and even smoother highs so far. They look a little different internally, part of the metal is more of a matte texture on the recent pair I got and the other pair is more shiny in the same area. I got mine both from a US seller. Both of my pairs are from the 80s I believe. I can see why you like these tubes so much, they are fantastic.

You should try some of the vintage '70s they are even better.
For those new to the thread here is my ranking of the Voskhod Rocket 6n23p's.  This was posted over a yr ago on the old thread. 
Be careful when buying as there is also a 6n1p made by Voskhod - they don't sound nearly as good and are not compatible with the Lyr2.
Happy Rolling!
Jan 23, 2015 at 10:30 AM Post #4,679 of 23,504
You should try some of the vintage '70s they are even better.

For those new to the thread here is my ranking of the Voskhod Rocket 6n23p's.  This was posted over a yr ago on the old thread. 

Be careful when buying as there is also a 6n1p made by Voskhod - they don't nearly as good and are not compatiable with the Lyr2.

Happy Rolling!

Ah so that's the what the grey shield and silver shield mean, the one I just got is a grey shield and the one before was a silver shield. I wish I knew exactly the year they were made.
Jan 23, 2015 at 10:40 AM Post #4,680 of 23,504

Me too. Excellent tubes and great service. Thanks Bob.
I am waiting on a couple of new tubes from him, the infamous Reflktor SWGPs (HGs); I should have them in a couple of days. 

The 75 Voskhod Rockets (Gray shield) I got from him are absolutely astounding. I am 4 hours away from the 50 hours burnin mark. The sound signature through both HPs and Speakers is unreal. 

Yes, all the thanks. Thanks for sharing your great audio discovery with all of us.  Would have been very dissatisfied with the Lyr otherwise. 

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