Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers
Jan 6, 2015 at 12:49 AM Post #4,471 of 23,504
Another impression: I finding the Voskhod very forward. Bassy and forward.  Definitely adds some energy to the LCD-2F.
Very fun tube. Complements the Siemens very well.
Jan 6, 2015 at 12:50 AM Post #4,472 of 23,504
I am not really sure why I am getting all interested in Vinyl, albeit there seems to be a bit of a frenzy now with youngsters flocking to Vinyl and even Amazon offering vinyl shopping and delivery to your doorstep.

I think they sound great, but it has at least as much to do with the experience.  A little while back, my wife and I decided to buy a record in whatever city we visited on vacation.  Better than a refrigerator magnet, and record stores often have the benefit of being in cool neighborhoods that tourists might otherwise not visit.  Plus, you can't just hit (or tap) the "next" button, so when you get back home and put the record on, you end up giving a listen to songs you might otherwise blow past.
Jan 6, 2015 at 1:04 AM Post #4,473 of 23,504
I think they sound great, but it has at least as much to do with the experience.  A little while back, my wife and I decided to buy a record in whatever city we visited on vacation.  Better than a refrigerator magnet, and record stores often have the benefit of being in cool neighborhoods that tourists might otherwise not visit.  Plus, you can't just hit (or tap) the "next" button, so when you get back home and put the record on, you end up giving a listen to songs you might otherwise blow past.

You are absolutely correct. The curated album has a lot to do with giving you the experience intended by the artists vs. hunting for the next song while listening to the current song. I think this is another good reason for the allure of record players.
That's a great idea to also hunt for records while on vacation. That seems like a great activity to do in the evening with the wife in addition to strolling the streets...
Jan 6, 2015 at 5:45 AM Post #4,474 of 23,504
Sorry I never finished that review (the Amperex PQs and Bugle Boys) as I lost interest in listening to them for an extended amount.  The other three tubes were just in another class by themselves.
As to which Russians are 'equivalent' to the OGs - well I's say none.  Maybe in the same price range - but they have different sound characteristics.
Many folks in this thread's history have commented on the Voskhods after having owned the OG's.  Many prefer the VR, some the OGs - it does come down to taste.

It does come down to taste, but also finding the right tube for a specific headphone.
In my case, I would love to hear impressions from people who did auditions on Lyr/LCD-2 with these Russian tubes. Anybody?
Jan 6, 2015 at 6:03 AM Post #4,475 of 23,504

About 6 hours. It doesn't have that open sound yet.  Still sounds closed compared to the Siemens. Feel like the Voskhod has to much bass for LCD-2. 

Thank you for your comment!
Do you mean the sound stage is not very big and open? I had some doubts regarding quantity of bass with these Russian tubes for LCD-2, too. I haven't heard them yet, so I am just guessing. I am waiting for more impressions of LCD-2 on Voskhod from you and maybe other people?
Do the tubes make LCD-2 sound brighter/more neutral?
How is the detail?
How big the sound stage? Is it flat or more 3D?
Does LCD-2 sound even more engaging and lively?
Jan 6, 2015 at 7:01 AM Post #4,476 of 23,504
Well at one point, several years ago I had a near sota analog set-up.  VPI Super Scout Master Signature, VPI speed controller, Dynavector XVS1, etc...
And have a large collection of LPs both new (200gm and 180gm pressings) and old.
The process of playing an LP was tedious with that setup so I decided to digitalize the collection at ultra hi res.  I'm very meticulous when I do serious listening - so here was the process to listen to one LP - take the LP destat, demag, clean, place on table, outter ring clamp, center weight, VTA height adjustment, etc... Crazy, but sounded glorious.  Now I just click my mouse or select with my tablet in Foobar!  I run playlists of albums I've digitalized (at 32bit 176K).
I did keep a reasonably good system for new LP purchases (just got Spoon's new 'They Want My Soul' and Arctic Monkey's 'AM').
My new rig is a vintage Dual 721 with an Ortofon 2M Black - feeding a modded (Mundorf Silver/Oil caps) Jolida JD9.  It's pretty good - and I still digitalize every LP when purchased.
Old rig:
New rig
PS And for amps in my two speaker driven systems - heavily modded (by me) Bada Purer SE 3.3 class A intrgrateds.  Modded with Mundorf Silver/Gold/Oil caps
After mods:
PS: Link to my DAC Mod Project thread

Nice. My pops has two milk crates full of vinyl in the basement. From big vinyl to 45's. From steppenwolf to all various. He and I were looking to rip them to digital but not sure which record player to get along with a dazzle by pinnacle. I'd say if ripped in flac at best quality it would take a 6 TB HDD.
What are your suggestions on a record player, digital ripper & a tip for the record player?
Jan 6, 2015 at 10:10 AM Post #4,477 of 23,504
  Thank you for your comment!
Do you mean the sound stage is not very big and open? I had some doubts regarding quantity of bass with these Russian tubes for LCD-2, too. I haven't heard them yet, so I am just guessing. I am waiting for more impressions of LCD-2 on Voskhod from you and maybe other people?
Do the tubes make LCD-2 sound brighter/more neutral?
How is the detail?
How big the sound stage? Is it flat or more 3D?
Does LCD-2 sound even more engaging and lively?

This is all in comparison to telefunken and siemens. It's more engaging, forward, more bassy. Midrange is thicker and warmer. The soundstage is more narrow and less 3D.There's less detail but again it's compared to telefunken and siemen tubes. But this is as of now at about 10 hours of burn in.  
Jan 6, 2015 at 11:04 AM Post #4,478 of 23,504
This is all in comparison to telefunken and siemens. It's more engaging, forward, more bassy. Midrange is thicker and warmer. The soundstage is more narrow and less 3D.There's less detail but again it's compared to telefunken and siemen tubes. But this is as of now at about 10 hours of burn in.  

So your Voshods probably make LCD-2 sound darker (thicker and warmer midrange and bass). What about treble? I have rev.2 of LCD-2, but without Fazer. I am looking for tubes that make the sound of Lyr and LCD-2 a bit brighter and also more spacious/3D and more detailed. (I use stock GE 6BZ7 tubes in my Lyr now).
BTW what year and kind is your Voskhod Rocket 6N23P?
Jan 6, 2015 at 11:08 AM Post #4,479 of 23,504
  Can I perhaps add some levity to this current "what is the best tube" frenzy going on. First off, "THERE IS NO BEST TUBE". Anyones "best tube", "holy grail", really is dependent on any individuals exploration of the choices available to them. There are many so called "HOLY GRAIL" tubes. Although RB2013's HG is the 75, Reflektor, SWPG, I have owned that tube, bought from him, and sold back to him. See my recent ratings here. Newbs tend to "pursue", THE BEST, or what they discern is the best! Your headphones, DAC, Amp, tubes, interconnects, all synergize a particular sound. THEN, your EARS and personal likes and dislikes filter that sound into what we hear, like or dislike!!!! Bob has more experience and exotic gear than anyone here can possibly duplicate. His opinions and evals are incredibly researched and important, however, they are still his personal opinions, and unobtainable regarding his gear, that no one else can duplicate, irregardless of Bobs personal preferences.
My advice, Bob has some important and incredibly wonderful tubes, a great value. Are they "the best", certainly for him they are, and for some here on the forum they are. Are they the best for everyone, of course not. Anyone who has explored the full range of what is out there, including Bob, may come to another conclusion. "Joe's Tube Lore", Brent Jesse's site, Upscale Audio, TubeMonger, etc all have detailed descriptions of many of the tubes we discuss here. Explore, enjoy, research!! My opinion, Bobs $100 and less tubes are the best available in that price range!!!    

+1 Yes! So many great tubes - so little time.
It comes down to personal preferences - some love the Amperex D Getter Pinched Waists - for me way to woolly.  Extremely euphonic IMHO.  But fun as well for occasional listening.  I'm a tone guy - so for me the number one attribute is a rich natural tone.  But it must not come with an unnatural tonal balance.  I love detail as well.  It's the retrieval and reproduction of those deep layers of sound that produce, at least in my three systems (one HP and two speaker), a truly amazing sound stage.  It's my belief that the unveiling of these low level ambient clues help the ear/mind project a true 3D holographic effect.  Think point sources projecting in a deep and wide sound field, not staggered card board cut outs.  It's the revealing of the back and side reflected sounds that trick the ear/mind into this effect.
It's what I've been intensely searching for - for over 20 yrs.  These HGs for me were the key that unlocked the door.  That this key could come from a vintage russian space program tube is pretty amazing.
But as Steve says, my system is different from everyone else's.  Back when I started posting about this amazing 'audio discovery' - people were highly skeptical.  No fancy gold pins - no published audio lore and legend.  I was flamed badly!  So these tubes had an uphill climb, most of the folks who had tried them, had only listened to the mediocre '80s or '90s versions.  Or worse mismatched untested pairs.  No one I was aware of had really delved deeply into the better 70's certainly not the best of best.  So this was blazing new trails.  I needed to see if others, in different systems, with different ears and tastes, would have a similar experience as me.  Now almost 2 years later - the overwhelming consensus is Yes!
This is ground breaking audio research.  For 15yrs I've been researching, buying and rolling 6922 type tubes - in lots of gear pre-amps, amps, DACs,etc...  The best of these 6N23P's do things to a degree I've never heard before.  That sweeping 'flow' factor for one, the deep detail retrieval the other, all with a wonderful rich natural tone.
All that said - there are other tubes I really like as well.  The Amperex USN-CEP 6922/7308 white prints (the most neutral of all Amperex's I've heard), the '60s Telefunken E88CC, the Siemens early 60's CCa gray shields.  These are my all time favorites.  I'm revisiting the Philips/Miniwatts/Valvo's and so far it looks like I'll be adding them to the list.
Sorry for the long post - but for those new here and to tubes, I thought it important to bring them up to date.  We live in wonderful times, to have all these great tubes to experience!

and Happy Rolling!
Jan 6, 2015 at 11:09 AM Post #4,480 of 23,504
So your Voshods probably make LCD-2 sound darker (thicker and warmer midrange and bass). What about treble? I have rev.2 of LCD-2, but without Fazer. I am looking for tubes that make the sound of Lyr and LCD-2 a bit brighter and also more spacious/3D and more detailed. (I use stock GE 6BZ7 tubes in my Lyr now).
BTW what year and kind is your Voskhod Rocket 6N23P?

Yes, it's more warmer than siemens but the mids are more forward and aggressive. 
If your looking for a bit brighter and spacious, airy sound, than siemens is the way to go.  
The stock GE is flat and bass heavy to me. 
Jan 6, 2015 at 11:25 AM Post #4,481 of 23,504
Yes, it's more warmer than siemens but the mids are more forward and aggressive. 
If your looking for a bit brighter and spacious, airy sound, than siemens is the way to go.  
The stock GE is flat and bass heavy to me. 

Which siemens would it be?
How do telefunken work with your LCD-2?
Jan 6, 2015 at 11:31 AM Post #4,482 of 23,504
60's E88CC Siemens tubes (silver shields, A6-codes on a small metal plate inside the tube, o-getter and gold pins). 
Telefunken's are more neutral.  Very open and natural sounding.  The Siemens are more airy and open sounding.  The upper mids are more emphasized. The mids are therefore slightly thinner. 
Jan 6, 2015 at 11:43 AM Post #4,483 of 23,504
  Nice. My pops has two milk crates full of vinyl in the basement. From big vinyl to 45's. From steppenwolf to all various. He and I were looking to rip them to digital but not sure which record player to get along with a dazzle by pinnacle. I'd say if ripped in flac at best quality it would take a 6 TB HDD.
What are your suggestions on a record player, digital ripper & a tip for the record player?

Sorry for the side track from tube discussions here:
I filled 2 TB of HDs so far.  At 32 bit/7K sampling each album is about 4-5GB.  I used and still use the EMU-1515M (no longer made), after trying 4 different ADCs it was the best and uses the very good AKM 32bit ADC chips.  Software is Wavelab 6.0 (pretty expensive - they are cheaper, even free).  My table now is the excellent and very cool looking vintage Dual 721 and the amazing (but expensive) Ortofon 2M Black.  My phono pre is a modded Jolida JD9 with Mundorf Silver/Oil caps.
I tried all sampling rates FLAC and WAV files - 24/96 WAV was good, 32/176 WAV best, even better then 32/192K for some reason. Believe it I could notice a difference between FLAC and WAV.  I spent a month trying and directly A/Bing sampled albums to the same live.  32/176 got to 90-95% of the actual LP playing.  Now a warning - some old LPs - in fact many are chewed up pretty bad.  I've always had a very good turntable and cart and have treated my LPs well.  So they sound pretty good.  New vinyl is of course better.  I love Goodwill - I find pristine LPs for a few bucks.  Recently even found some signed Windham Hill Scott Cossu LPs - like new!
Back to regularly scheduled tube program...
Jan 6, 2015 at 12:38 PM Post #4,484 of 23,504
  60's E88CC Siemens tubes (silver shields, A6-codes on a small metal plate inside the tube, o-getter and gold pins). 
Telefunken's are more neutral.  Very open and natural sounding.  The Siemens are more airy and open sounding.  The upper mids are more emphasized. The mids are therefore slightly thinner. 

I wonder how the Siemens compare to one of the most regarded recommendations for Lyr/LCD-2 which is '60 Amperex Orange Globe.
I wonder how the best Voskhods compare to Amperex OG, too.
Anybody had a chance to compare any of them with Lyr/LCD-2?
Jan 6, 2015 at 12:43 PM Post #4,485 of 23,504
My understanding is that the Amerex OG are very warm and mid centric. I don't have any personal experience with them. 
As for the Voskhod, I like everything about it except the bass with my LCD-2.  But I think it would work well with those with HD800 or those who want some bass boost.

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