I am coming up on a year of owning the Lyr1. I have listened to 18 pairs of tubes and spent way to much money getting to this point. The good, I am perfectly happy with my top tubes. They have transformed the Lyr with stock 6BQ7A tubes, into a totally engaging, captivating experience. My phones are self modded Fostex T50RP's, voiced to sound like HE-500s. Bifrost Uber w/gen2USB, Lyr. Sources are Dell laptop, Winamp Pro, EAC rips and numerous HD Tracks 96/24 downloads, and a Denon DCD-1015 via "Straightwire" SilverLink. The USB cable also Straightwire USB-Link. RCA's between Bifrost/Lyr, Aural Thrills base model.
My mid-fi rated tubes include: "74" Matsu****a 6DJ8s; "80" EI/Seimens ECC88; Miniwatt PCC88; "66,74,75" 6N1P Rockets; 2008 Genelex Gold Lions E88CC Cryoset; Brimar 6BQ7A; early 70s 6N23P Reflektors, dimple getters; and some 70s RTC/Mullards E188CCs (big disappointment)
After a lot of rolling and critical evaluation my favorite tubes:
Tied for number "1"
1960, 7308, USA Amperex, D-Getters. Best detail and dynamics of any tube in my collection. Overall very neutral sounding for Amperex, but still a little warmth throughout the frequency spectrum. Totally engaging. Perfect instrument timbre. Perfect bass.
1962 Dario Miniwatts, Holland, E188CC's, large "O" getters. When I want that "warm tube sound", these babies deliver!! These tubes have excellent detail and dynamics just not as much as the 7308s. Female vocals, piano, acoustic bass, alto saxes, sound so lush and lovely with these tubes, very seductive mids.
Tied for number "2"
1974,75 Reflektor SWGP Reflektors. I know Bob places the 75s as his HG's, his associated equipment and mine are so different, hard for me to choose between the two years. The 74s, in my mind, have a little better bass, 75s, more 3D, spatial. These tubes are very neutral, dynamic, detailed. Not quite as much as the 7308s above, but more so than the Minis. Reasonably priced when available, very rare in matched pairs, unique because of rarity.
Number "3"
1966 Telefunken E88CC's, Upscale Platinum. These tubes are very neutral also, my first pair of really fine tubes. Airy top end, not as dynamic as the above mentioned tubes, flat frequency response, nice to listen to, not as engaging as the above.
Number "4"
1958 Miniwatt ECC88, D-Getters. Very euphonic tubes, more so than the E188CC Minis above. Not as detailed as above, but still enjoyable, awesome big bass. Unfortunately one died after less than 20 hours, so somewhat limited time there. Beware some European sellers, had a hard time getting a refund, but in the end Paypal came through.
Number "5"
1959 Amperex Bugle Boy ECC88. D-Getter. Bought these to replace the 58 Minis above. Strong NOS test#s, perfect printing. But they just don't sound as good as the Minis. Still lovely tubes, good detail, almost bright, but sound almost congested compared to the best tubes above.
There you have it, I tend to have favorites based on my mood and sources. Hard for me to rank absolutely. Thanks to billerb1, RB2013, Thurston, Oskari, and others along the way. Happy New Year everybody!!!!!!!!