Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

Jan 1, 2015 at 5:13 PM Post #4,366 of 23,504
You can get the gold in a smaller cheaper package - probably a good investment for $8.40.  It makes getting the tubes in and out easier as well and if you're a dedicated tube roller may prolong the life of your sockets - whether they're NOVIB risers or the Lyr's.

Thank you!
Jan 1, 2015 at 5:42 PM Post #4,368 of 23,504
So I guess that leaves around $50 for the tubes.
SQ is 'sound quality' - sounds like you'd be a fan of tight deep bass.  I'd recommend the '60s Teslas or the '74 Voskhod gray shields.

ok, now I am at a lost. Where in the world by online may I order these?
Voshkod tubes.
I am an amazon person. google it, bam amazon pops up with the product. Well this isn't happening.
Jan 1, 2015 at 5:52 PM Post #4,369 of 23,504
  ok, now I am at a lost. Where in the world by online may I order these?
Voshkod tubes.
I am an amazon person. google it, bam amazon pops up with the product. Well this isn't happening.

Hit rb2013 up for the Voshkod Rockets. I have a couple pairs from him and love them.
Checking.. ebay. he doesn't have anything up on ebay right now, but send him a PM and see what he has availabile.
Jan 1, 2015 at 7:14 PM Post #4,371 of 23,504
  ok, now I am at a lost. Where in the world by online may I order these?
Voshkod tubes.
I am an amazon person. google it, bam amazon pops up with the product. Well this isn't happening.

You're not going to find NOS (New Old Stock) tubes that way 
  eBay is a good resource, and we can help with opinions of various sellers, just post links here.  Other resources are Brent Jessee Recording, Tubemonger, et al.  For the Teslas, eBay is usually a good source, and this site can help determine the year they were made:
Brent Jessee's 6DJ8 page is very informative and worht reading:  His stock follows text, though I wouldn't think to look there first for Tesla E88CCs (I'd get those over the ECC88s).  Post links you're interested in, if you have questions.  You want the true NOS, preferably from the 1960s, not the modern JJ-made Teslas.  If that sounds like gibberish now, just do some research, and a lot of it will start falling into place.
Jan 2, 2015 at 1:10 AM Post #4,372 of 23,504
By "out of reach," I assume you mean the cost.  The two DeoxIT solutions in the kit are, AFAIK, unique to the kit.  The Gold version was specially developed for high temp applications.  The Gold and the "red" solutions weren't sold separately the last time I checked.  That's why I switched to isopropyl alcohol.  So they make the kit worth it, if you can swing it, and as noted, the Gold will last quite a while, and can be used on other connection points.
But yeah, a good scrubbing with the isopropyl will help a lot.  It's a good starting point, and for many, it may be enough.  If that's the only thing you do, you may want to repeat it more often (not that often), as DeoxIT also protects against oxidation, if I'm not mistaken.

Thanks for the info. I have added the DeoxIT kit to the Amazon wish list and will use the isopropyl on the tubes until the next shipment from Amazon. Cheers
Jan 2, 2015 at 1:20 AM Post #4,373 of 23,504
You can get the gold in a smaller cheaper package - probably a good investment for $8.40.  It makes getting the tubes in and out easier as well and if you're a dedicated tube roller may prolong the life of your sockets - whether they're NOVIB risers or the Lyr's.

Thanks for the info and link - added this to the wish list as well to have some spare gold for the long run once I order my next shipment. For how much cash we spend on tubes and time listening to the Lyr, a little upkeep investment is a no brainer. I will definitely be maintaining the tubes in the coming few months as described here.
Jan 2, 2015 at 1:32 AM Post #4,374 of 23,504
      I am coming up on a year of owning the Lyr1. I have listened to 18 pairs of tubes and spent way to much money getting to this point. The good, I am perfectly happy with my top tubes. They have transformed the Lyr with stock 6BQ7A tubes, into a totally engaging, captivating experience. My phones are self modded Fostex T50RP's, voiced to sound like HE-500s. Bifrost Uber w/gen2USB, Lyr. Sources are Dell laptop, Winamp Pro, EAC rips and numerous HD Tracks 96/24 downloads, and a Denon DCD-1015 via "Straightwire" SilverLink. The USB cable also Straightwire USB-Link. RCA's between Bifrost/Lyr, Aural Thrills base model. 
      My mid-fi rated tubes include: "74" Matsu****a 6DJ8s; "80" EI/Seimens ECC88; Miniwatt PCC88; "66,74,75" 6N1P Rockets; 2008 Genelex Gold Lions E88CC Cryoset; Brimar 6BQ7A; early 70s 6N23P Reflektors, dimple getters; and some 70s RTC/Mullards E188CCs (big disappointment)
       After a lot of rolling and critical evaluation my favorite tubes:
        Tied for number "1"
1960, 7308, USA Amperex, D-Getters. Best detail and dynamics of any tube in my collection. Overall very neutral sounding for Amperex, but still a little warmth throughout the frequency spectrum. Totally engaging. Perfect instrument timbre. Perfect bass.
1962 Dario Miniwatts, Holland, E188CC's, large "O" getters. When I want that "warm tube sound", these babies deliver!! These tubes have excellent detail and dynamics just not as much as the 7308s. Female vocals, piano, acoustic bass, alto saxes, sound so lush and lovely with these tubes, very seductive mids.
         Tied for number "2"
1974,75 Reflektor SWGP Reflektors. I know Bob places the 75s as his HG's, his associated equipment and mine are so different, hard for me to choose between the two years. The 74s, in my mind, have a little better bass, 75s, more 3D, spatial. These tubes are very neutral, dynamic, detailed. Not quite as much as the 7308s above, but more so than the Minis. Reasonably priced when available, very rare in matched pairs, unique because of rarity.
          Number "3"
1966 Telefunken E88CC's, Upscale Platinum. These tubes are very neutral also, my first pair of really fine tubes. Airy top end, not as dynamic as the above mentioned tubes, flat frequency response, nice to listen to, not as engaging as the above.
          Number "4"
1958 Miniwatt ECC88, D-Getters. Very euphonic tubes, more so than the E188CC Minis above. Not as detailed as above, but still enjoyable, awesome big bass. Unfortunately one died after less than 20 hours, so somewhat limited time there. Beware some European sellers, had a hard time getting a refund, but in the end Paypal came through.
          Number "5"
1959 Amperex Bugle Boy ECC88. D-Getter. Bought these to replace the 58 Minis above. Strong NOS test#s, perfect printing. But they just don't sound as good as the Minis. Still lovely tubes, good detail, almost bright, but sound almost congested compared to the best tubes above.
          There you have it, I tend to have favorites based on my mood and sources. Hard for me to rank absolutely. Thanks to billerb1, RB2013, Thurston, Oskari, and others along the way. Happy New Year everybody!!!!!!!!  

Fantastic review! Many thanks for this as I have been hunting for a top 5 list of Lyr tubes for a few days and this will be a starting list that has been tried and tested. I am in the process of burning in some 70s Voskhods and eagerly waiting for them to open up to experience the full dynamic range of these tubes.
So guys, as it seems that I am now officially sucked in by the vortex of tube rolling, and most of you veterans on this thread roll many tubes at the same time, what is your process for burning in and listening? Do you burn in, 50 to 100 hours, all your new tubes and shelf them with others and do listening with burned in tubes? A good classification system and being organized seems like it will go a long way
satwilson thanks again for the post. 

Jan 2, 2015 at 4:38 AM Post #4,376 of 23,504
A great list, thanks for the valuable information, satwilson. I need to to try some of those great NOS tubes in my lyr 2 sometime. Please have a good new years.
Jan 2, 2015 at 5:06 AM Post #4,377 of 23,504
Nic -out of the hundreds of russian tubes you have you must have a few of these laying around you wouldn't mind parting company with?

No sorry, I have never sold a tube yet, given loads away at the appropriate times but mine are bought for my learning about tubes over the last 25 to 30 years or so, not for me to sell and make money. I found out a long time ago that tubes I thought were rubbish valves were often great performers in different locations / applications / loads / voltages and vica versa so I don't part with any nowdays. Piccy attached of just some of my ECC88 family :)...I always seem to return to NOS western production as the tubes that interest me most however.
(image missing)
Russian tubes mostly on bottom of image :)
Jan 2, 2015 at 5:09 AM Post #4,378 of 23,504
Nic -out of the hundreds of russian tubes you have you must have a few of these laying around you wouldn't mind parting company with?

No sorry, I have never sold a tube yet, given loads away at the appropriate times but mine are bought for my learning about tubes over the last 25 to 30 years or so, not for me to sell and make money. I found out a long time ago that tubes I thought were rubbish valves were often great performers in different locations / applications / loads / voltages and vica versa so I don't part with any nowdays. Piccy attached of just some of my ECC88 family :)...I always seem to return to NOS western production as the tubes that interest me most however.

Russian tubes mostly on bottom of image :)
Jan 2, 2015 at 10:26 AM Post #4,379 of 23,504
Hi guys. I had watched a youtube video. Some guy had put tube extenders between the socket and the tube. For the lyr2, where should I look for the extenders? The guy was speaking of they stick out and also, because they stick out further they stay cooler.
Jan 2, 2015 at 10:42 AM Post #4,380 of 23,504
  Hi guys. I had watched a youtube video. Some guy had put tube extenders between the socket and the tube. For the lyr2, where should I look for the extenders? The guy was speaking of they stick out and also, because they stick out further they stay cooler.

I've had good success with the NOVIB socket savers from tubemonger.  They're a little more expensive then the Ebay one's - but have held up well to a lot of tube rolling.
I have taken thermal readings with my Klein meter -they run about 10 degrees cooler with the risers.
Good Luck!

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