@AppleheadMay Jotunheim 2 uses the same topology that was in Freya S and is in Ragnarok 2 and Jotunheim R. It’s a unique design developed by Jason that is truly differential and requires tight part matching to work. My understanding of engineering isn’t up to the task of explaining this further, unfortunately.
It also has a simplified version of the output stage found in Aegir and Asgard 3, which combats transconductance droop—apparently a common problem with Class AB amps. While the version in Aegir and Asgard achieves perfect linearity, the simplified version in Jotunheim 2 results in a slightly convex curve which, according to Jason, bestows a slightly tubey timbre to the sound. Perfect linearity would have been too inefficient and the amp’s power output would have been limited to 1W.
Jot 2 also outputs more power than the original. I haven’t checked if it measures better but I would imagine it does.