Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

Aug 13, 2020 at 12:40 PM Post #63,140 of 181,917
I like the idea of a new product having an smooth-actioned, precision volume knob & potentiometer. It's the main reason I modified my stock controls on my Vali 2 and Magni 3. I don't understand the appeal of balanced outputs for headphones. I know saying this publicly here might get me some negative (snide-comments) feedback (so please, follow an old Estonian adage... before you reply... take a drink of water... to stop and think). :triportsad:

Thread: may I have users point me to a comparison chart or external information source for these 2 outputs formats (that's not wikipedia). Specifically, for headphones (not 2-channel [preamp + power amp]). Has a group like the AES or ISO compared these 2 outputs (single ended [SE] versus balanced [XLR])?

Why should I switch my listening rigs from SE (Asgard 2, Magni 3, Vali 2, Fulla 2, Valhalla 2) to (true) XLR (Jotunheim, Mjolnir, Ragnarok, Magnius)?
Yes, I was wondering the same. I can understand XLR when using long runs of line level signals, but wondered if it had any benefit for other applications.
Aug 13, 2020 at 12:44 PM Post #63,141 of 181,917
Aug 13, 2020 at 1:08 PM Post #63,144 of 181,917
Rant warning: if you don't want to read a rant, even a short one, skip to the next post.

"You’re operating 1000x lower than what is considered the threshold of perception." Please explain to me how anything be multiplied by one thousand and be smaller? It drives me to distraction how common this is becoming.

Sorry about that, but, "I'm feeling much better now." Bonus points if you know who said that...
It's been at least this common since 1969. Nothing like some data to dispel recency illusions times lower;,c0;.t1;,1000 times higher;,c0
Aug 13, 2020 at 1:37 PM Post #63,146 of 181,917
There is very little (if any) real world advantage unless your equipment is designed around balanced. A single ended output will sound the same as a balanced output, as long as everything else is the same from what I understand. I just like the bigger plug.

on amps like the thx789 the balanced output sounds much better than the SE because it was designed to be used as a balanced amp. The liquid platinum has the same behavior from what I remember. So it’s more a matter of how your equipment is designed than the interface itself.
Maybe balanced-ish would be a better description of the 789?

THX engineer Andrew Mason advises:

“The signal path internally is fully differential throughout (per Putzeys), but is NOT truly balanced in a few sections. We preserve the full signal integrity but we avoid increasing the retail price for no measurable benefit.”
Aug 13, 2020 at 1:50 PM Post #63,147 of 181,917
Wow I don't follow Corvette news as closely as I used to. I had no idea the new C8s were mid engine. Heresy! It almost looks more like a Lambo than an American muscle car.

Nonetheless, it looks awesome and I bet it was an absolute blast to drive that across the country. Hopefully you can find some less-crowded roads than the typical LA freeway to drive it on, Jason.
Aug 13, 2020 at 1:50 PM Post #63,148 of 181,917
I'd been running a SYS-Loki-Vidar SE path, but took the plunge into Balanced with a Freya S (just under the wire, apparently!) and 2nd Vidar. I also upgraded to a Bifrost 2 (from my Modi 2 Uber). So I'm running balanced Bifrost-Freya-Vidars, but also SE Bifrost-Loki-Freya for my ROIOs. Works great! I will be on the lookout for a balanced Loki with 6-8 bands though, when you can get to it!

This is my first post (except for my intro message) and the thread sure is busy, but I went for it anyway. I love to see everyone having so much fun!
Welcome to the forum.
Aug 13, 2020 at 2:00 PM Post #63,150 of 181,917
I thought the color choice was fantastic. I saw a black one the other day. Zzzzzzzz in comparison to that blue.
Mine will be Long Beach Red with the red leather.
Corvette Stingray 2020-10.jpg

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